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Questions tagged [server-side]

The term "server-side" refers to the portion of an application run on a server. The counterpart of "server-side" is "client-side", meaning the part of an application running locally on the user's own machine, such as in a Web browser.

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2 answers

How to manage sending transactions for a wallet used for a server?

When the users wants to withdraw their funds from the contract (on Arbitrun), the backend of my app does that for them to verify from the database that they can. I recently got "Nonce too low&...
Daniel's user avatar
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Baseuri structure

I'm testing on Sepolia a basic NFT contract where images and json is hosted on a centralized server. The fact is that I still don't see my NFT images in Metamask. Is this because a testnet doesn't ...
Bart DV's user avatar
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1 answer

Go-Ethereum/core-geth: Consensus engine interface, on changing coinbase via Prepare method

I assumed the coinbase could be altered from Prepare, so that transaction fees could be paid out to a custom coinbase. But, it seems like worker.go simply ignores the header.Coinbase after calling ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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Disk database cleanup during reorg, where in Go-Ethereum (or other node codebase) does that happen?

I'm curious about how the discarded "oldchain" during reorg also has its data cleaned up from the disk drive database. I'm unable to see anything about that in the reorg method in core/...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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Possible to use CallContract during validation (on block not yet included in blockchain)?

I'm building a consensus engine. Already built a prototype of it, and now interested in improving it (mostly simplifying the implementation so it fits better with existing Ethereum codebase with least ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use a Server to run OnlyOwner functions?

I'm working on a game PoC and I've got questions about player rewards good practices. Sure I understand that those functions cannot be public and onlyOwner-restricted, but how does it work actually ? ...
Building Dwarf's user avatar
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Fastest Server Setup to reach blockchain?

Is there an ideal place to set up my server to reach the blockchain faster? Not sure the best place and what factors to consider.
Tien's user avatar
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2 answers

Can you setup a Chainlink function where the end user pays the LINK gas fee?

I was watching this video Chainlink functions look incredible. I have a Next.js app that I plan on integrating a Chainlink function. This Chainlink function will take the ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Goerli + ethers.js 6.3 + API key --> unsupported network and 403 server errors

My code transfers coins from a bunch of wallets to the main one. Previously, with ethers 5.7x it used to work well. However, it doesn't any longer. I used to have this: const provider = ethers....
Kyell's user avatar
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1 answer

How to connect a local hardhat contract with the new version of moralis stream?

The server option has been removed from moralis which was easier to work with. But now it has a stream option. I have already set up the mongodb database, local server etc.. To create a new stream ...
Aniket Kumar Paul's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best way to listen to contract events and trigger a lambda function

I have a database that is updated when lambda functions through the gateway API are triggered. However from my front end when the user is sending a function there is no way to get the event of that ...
blockbyblock's user avatar
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How to store private key on a VPS in a secure manner?

I have a service which will interract with my smart contract which will include money transfer. For this reason, a private key of the owner or deployer of a smart contract will have to be store on a ...
Kum's user avatar
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Open Source projects that serve wallets as APIs

I need to handle different wallets and payments on Ethereum from different internal services, so ideally instead of adding built-in capabilities to handle wallets and transfers on each service, I want ...
Mariano Ruiz's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get connected wallet address in node.js server side

I couldn't find a way to obtain accounts the user connected in my website in my node.js web server. This is what I've tried const express = require('express'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const web3 ...
Chock's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use web3.js in node.js web server

I am wondering how to use web3.js in my node.js web server in the correct way. I have a button in the homepage where allows users to connect to their wallet, and it is done in my front end. After ...
Chock's user avatar
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0 answers

How to prepare a transaction from the server and sign it in the front-end?

Is there a way to prepare a transaction from the server, then wait for the user to sign the transaction from the frontend with Metamask, before running other functions from the server (e.g., update a ...
rkhan's user avatar
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Websocket returning "unexpected server response: 200"

Using ethers.js with node, I was able to connect and communicate with websockets until recently. My code did work but now I only get Unexpected server response: 200 as response when trying to ...
kitaro's user avatar
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1 answer

How to change the default browser to another browser in the lite server, when I working with truffle?

I am a beginner in etherium blockchain-related development. I am trying to develop a simple app using truffle, ganache and metamask. I want to change my default browser to chrome when I run the lite ...
Dilshan Madhuranga's user avatar
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how to get eth_signTypedDataV4 signature in

I am currently using on a backend, I want to generate eth_signTypedDataV4 signature with, I am using Infura as a provider. which web3 method is available or any other library, when it ...
leycun's user avatar
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How do I listen to Contract Events in my Express App?

I have a Smart Contract rps. I want my express app to be able to listen to its events. My express app: require("dotenv").config(); const express = require("express"); const app = ...
antoniopgs's user avatar
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How to tell if an NFT jpg is stored on a legitimate IPFS domain?

usually URLs of NFTs point to well-known IPFS servers like and some gateway that bridges from the web to IPFS, but what about cases where an NFT is pointed towards something like https://f8n-...
user610620's user avatar
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If crypto art is stored off-chain, how does the collector have any control over their NFT's contents if the server where it is saved shuts down?

CryptoKitties essentially sells crypto art NFTs to collectors on the Ethereum blockchain. However, the pictures of the cryptokitties are stored on the company's server, since the NFT merely represents ...
user610620's user avatar
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Can Ethereum be used to tokenize bandwidth?

Decentralizing internet bandwidth usage, by allowing blockchain users to act as server nodes using their desktop computers and be paid for it, would fix the problem of running massive server rooms ...
user610620's user avatar
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How to make sure that GET call is coming from Oracle and not some other entity?

EDIT: I need to edit the question since people did not understand what is it that I want to accomplish. Please consider this scenario: User uses a DAPP and initiates some smart-contract function, ...
Damir Olejar's user avatar
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How can a server except a signed tx and pay the gas?

I have a contract where users can buy "credits". With that credit, users can post a message to a server (a route set up in ExpressJS). I have the buying of credits working. But my question ...
GN.'s user avatar
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Is there any service that sends messages to smart contracts in a pre-determined future time?

Is there any service that sends messages to smart contracts in a pre-determined future time? Need also to re-send the message if the gas was low and it is stalled too long.
porton's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do blockchain networks like Ethereum utilize JSON RPC calls and not REST APIs or graphQL?

I'm sorry. This might be a silly question but I am very much new to backends and networking protocols. I can write decent smart contracts but I don't know much about the backend. So... I wanted to ...
Asmita Dhungana's user avatar
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my dapp works perfect on local but when i upload to server the address returns null using web3

I have a project which I've been working on and so far it works perfectly on local. But when I uploaded the project to the server it is unable to get address using web3. const network = await web3....
Sundeep Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How Can I Sign A Transaction Server-Side?

I have a server-side Node.js app that sends a transaction to an Ethereum smart contract like so: const transaction = await contract.methods .method_name([params]).send({ from: [...
mobiman's user avatar
  • 129
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Calls to RPC sometimes gets Error: Connection refused or URL couldn't be resolved

I have a backend server that constantly gets logs and parses data from my client node (Clique non-sealer). I restrict the number of calls from my backend server -> client node to 25 at a time. Is ...
The Nomad's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

should I use server side rendering(Next.js) for a dapp?

Recently I have been studying a lot about dapps and now working on a little complex one. So what I wanted to ask is which is better for a dapp ? SSR or CSR ? I have read in a couple of places that we ...
Ankit Brahmbhatt's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Best options to host an ethereum react dapp to a custom domain

I'm looking for best options to host an ethereum dapp created using react and drizzle, with the following requirements: It needs to be hosted in a custom domain (.com / .net / OR .io ) that I have ...
Kombo's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install infura to a server runing ubuntu 16.04

Im setting up an exchange and came to the installation of ethereum using this document The 'geth' command ...
Ogba Victor's user avatar
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Initiate transaction from server to smart contract

In my case, i have an API written in PHP which periodically checks the database. If certain condition was met, i need to send an alert message from the API to an account/node in the Ethereum ...
Sienz Pz's user avatar
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DApp on Node2 accessing smart contract deployed by Node1

Node 1(Desktop) deployed a contract on private blockchain. From node2(Laptop),I want to interact with the contract. But I failed at 'web3.version.getNetwork(err, netId)' function.This function throws ...
Pt.AR's user avatar
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Server for end production dAPP?

I'm talking for end-production purposes and I'm interested what server specification and which hosting services dAPP developers use. Considering my scenario, I made a decentralized application in ...
Iulian's user avatar
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ping / pong pattern for infura websocket [closed]

Infura websockets disconnect after an hour of in-activity so they suggest you ping / pong the connection at an interval less then an hour. My problem is I'm new to server-side programming and don't ...
savard's user avatar
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How to prepare VPS enviroment for instalation and running of Ambrosus node?

I would like to run Ambrosus development node. On Ambrosus github there are sume instructions, but I do not know how to prepare enviroment, what version of Ubuntu I should use and what tools should I ...
Roman's user avatar
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Deploy contract from browser but ensure details saved to server

I'm very new to blockchain/Ethereum development and would like to allow users to directly deploy contracts from a site using MetaMask, however, I want to make sure that I can keep a record of contract ...
SuperCodeBrah's user avatar
2 votes
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How to generate Ethereum wallets & keys on serverside with JS?

Anybody knows, how can ether wallets be generated on serverside (node.js). It's needed for service, to create a new wallets for new customers. Maybe something like bitcoinJS-lib but for ethereum? But ...
Oysho Boy's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to sign a transaction in Rust

Given a private key, I would like to sign a transaction offline, so it can be sent to a node or Infura without unlocking an account first. I can find many examples in javascript using ethereumjs-tx ...
emkman's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deploy a smart contract in a server?

I have developed a smart contract and compiled it with solc and bin and abi fils have been generated. Now, I want to deploy this contract using web3js in a linux server. How can I do it?
Questioner's user avatar
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How to design a provably fair dyanamic between a central server and smart contract

I'm looking for a good design pattern that involves a central server but (hopefully) leverages the blockchain for provable fairness. Let's say I intend to build a system that generates math problems, ...
etherGuest77's user avatar
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For production dApps, what kind of sync should be done on server node?

I plan to use web3 server side using NodeJs with geth. For production usage, should I do a full sync or fast sync is enough? Also, how much space do I need to store the blockchain data for each of ...
eth.block's user avatar
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Parity Full History Node

I'm trying to setup personal full node in archive mode (whole history) on server with this parameters: Intel i3 3.4GHz 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz 2TB HDD 100 Mbps / 128 I was expecting issues with HDD speed (...
yety's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Best possible way to launch the ethereum mainnet node on AWS

I have multiple applications running on my local system. I want to make them live, I need ethereum main net node of my own. I launch the ethereum node on AWS server using supervisory mode but it doesn'...
Satyam Agrawal's user avatar
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Does cellphone 4G tethering wifi cause the Ledger 'transaction rejected by server' error?

I have just tried once again to make an ETH transaction using the default suggestion of 45 Gwei, which seems much too high. Yet it was rejected by the server, and the Ledger support has only emailed ...
Internet User's user avatar
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Can I relay signed transactions from device to server to Ethereum?

I am trying to generate transactions from a device that will have a copy of my private key, send that over to my node server, which will then just send that over to ethereum. Are transactions just ...
bigpotato's user avatar
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Geth Node as Web3 Provider: Impact of Multiple Client Connections

Related to this question (restricting access to Geth node), if I have a remote geth node and several clients connecting to it as a web3 provider const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('...
carlolm's user avatar
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4 votes
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Restricted Access / Authentication for a Remote Geth Node

I have setup remote geth nodes that are constantly running as web3 providers to support my DApp. What is the best way to restrict access to make sure that only authorized clients (my server) are ...
carlolm's user avatar
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