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1 answer

How to get connected wallet address in node.js server side

I couldn't find a way to obtain accounts the user connected in my website in my node.js web server. This is what I've tried const express = require('express'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const web3 ...
Chock's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use web3.js in node.js web server

I am wondering how to use web3.js in my node.js web server in the correct way. I have a button in the homepage where allows users to connect to their wallet, and it is done in my front end. After ...
Chock's user avatar
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How to prepare a transaction from the server and sign it in the front-end?

Is there a way to prepare a transaction from the server, then wait for the user to sign the transaction from the frontend with Metamask, before running other functions from the server (e.g., update a ...
rkhan's user avatar
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How do I listen to Contract Events in my Express App?

I have a Smart Contract rps. I want my express app to be able to listen to its events. My express app: require("dotenv").config(); const express = require("express"); const app = ...
antoniopgs's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why do blockchain networks like Ethereum utilize JSON RPC calls and not REST APIs or graphQL?

I'm sorry. This might be a silly question but I am very much new to backends and networking protocols. I can write decent smart contracts but I don't know much about the backend. So... I wanted to ...
Asmita Dhungana's user avatar
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my dapp works perfect on local but when i upload to server the address returns null using web3

I have a project which I've been working on and so far it works perfectly on local. But when I uploaded the project to the server it is unable to get address using web3. const network = await web3....
Sundeep Kumar's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

should I use server side rendering(Next.js) for a dapp?

Recently I have been studying a lot about dapps and now working on a little complex one. So what I wanted to ask is which is better for a dapp ? SSR or CSR ? I have read in a couple of places that we ...
Ankit Brahmbhatt's user avatar
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ping / pong pattern for infura websocket [closed]

Infura websockets disconnect after an hour of in-activity so they suggest you ping / pong the connection at an interval less then an hour. My problem is I'm new to server-side programming and don't ...
savard's user avatar
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2 answers

How to deploy a smart contract in a server?

I have developed a smart contract and compiled it with solc and bin and abi fils have been generated. Now, I want to deploy this contract using web3js in a linux server. How can I do it?
Questioner's user avatar
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Can I relay signed transactions from device to server to Ethereum?

I am trying to generate transactions from a device that will have a copy of my private key, send that over to my node server, which will then just send that over to ethereum. Are transactions just ...
bigpotato's user avatar
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How to use contracts deployed by embark on the server side of a meteor app?

I have created my example using embark meteor_demo and then changed my configuration on embark.yml to output the contract on the server folder instead of the client. From that point i started getting ...
kroe's user avatar
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