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Questions tagged [configuration]

Configuration is the process of specifying the settings used for a system or application

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How are network changes propagated across ethereum network?

quick knowledge question: if ethereum decides to change some parameters of the network, such as; SECONDS_PER_SLOT SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE how will these be propagated to the ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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How to reduce validator activation time (on a testnet)?

I have a testnet that is running quite well Even withdrawals are activated (it is running on Ethereum Capella update) Now, the issue is, a new validator takes nearly 8 hours to be activated (e.g if i ...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
3 votes
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Generate consensus layer configuration for private post-merge Ethereum network

I want to deploy a private post-merge Ethereum network (i.e. a network that merges right from the genesis). For the execution layer, I created a genesis.json file with the appropriate parameters and I ...
Bastien Faivre's user avatar
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I want to install hardhat but after installing I want to run it by npx hardhat , its not running

PS C:\Users\HP-PC\OneDrive\Desktop\NFT demo> npx hardhat WARNING: You are using a version of Node.js that is not supported, and it may work incorrectly, or not work at all. See
ADITYA PANDEY's user avatar
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How can I get the IPFS key for using the Aragon OSx SDK?

I'm trying to set up the configParams for the SDK and don't know where to find the IPFS key. Do I need a different key depending on the network I'm in?
juliette_chevalier's user avatar
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Geth Chain Config. Is it possible to get the node ChainConfig (Constantinople: blocknumber, ...) from geth console?

Is it possible to get the node ChainConfig (with hardforks blocks numbers activation like Constantinople: blocknumber ...) from the geth console? Is geth using only ChainConfig from genesis.json or is ...
Kevin Wad's user avatar
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ParserError: Source "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories

I'm trying to compile a "FundMe.sol" contract: the issue is that when I try to compile it I keep getting the following Compiler Error: Brownie v1.19.2 - Python development framework for ...
waterlilyjack's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Hardhat: Detect script is running on forked network

I want to detect in my JS script that the code is running against a forked network, and therefore run conditional code based on this. In hardhat.config.js I have added to networks: networks: { ...
pho_pho's user avatar
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Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: * Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - Expected a value of t

I get this error when i try to run my script on the rinkeby network: Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - ...
michy David's user avatar
8 votes
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hardhat remappings option in configs

I know that solc can take remappings but I'm trying to force hardhat to take in my remappings.txt file each time it is compile. I've looked for a while and can't seem to find anything about that on ...
karma badger's user avatar
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2 answers

error deploying with hardhat- config issue

I'm having error in my config file: Error HH8: There's one or more errors in your config file: * Invalid value undefined for HardhatConfig.networks.rinkeby.url - Expected a value of type string. * ...
OmerS's user avatar
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I am getting a Source error when importing @Chainlink. My project will compile. How can I avoid this error, or should I just ignore it?

I do not know what the issue is as I am on version 0.6.6 Solidity both in my compiler and in my code, and I am using all of the same versions of the packages that Patrick used. I find it even more ...
Gray Blanchard's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to read hardhat config inside a script at runtime and console.log certain attributes?

I want to add some nice output in my hardhat scripts for showing what my configurations are during a test run. I run the script locally while changing configuration variables and I want the console ...
thatguyintech's user avatar
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Programmatically configure hardhat network

I'm trying to programmatically configure the hardhat network (instead of specifying it in hardhat.config and using --network nname) before deploying a smart contract. So, something like this: import { ...
Shanzid Shaiham's user avatar
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Why hardcoding wallet addresses into the code of contract considered bad?

Why hardcoding wallet addresses into the code of contract considered bad? And what is the workaround for that? I've not found any information in the Internet.
arumichi's user avatar
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How to change the default browser to another browser in the lite server, when I working with truffle?

I am a beginner in etherium blockchain-related development. I am trying to develop a simple app using truffle, ganache and metamask. I want to change my default browser to chrome when I run the lite ...
Dilshan Madhuranga's user avatar
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Brownie AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Hey all I'm learning solidity and I'm following a guide on how to make a lottery smart contract. At the beginning of the project I'm trying to compile after making a brownie-config.yaml I am met with: ...
user85123's user avatar
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Hardhat config not working

I have defined from gas price gas limit in the config file but it picking up the default one not what I have defined.
Shubham Singh's user avatar
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computer configuration for connecting eth 50 or more nodes

I'd like to rent a server to run eth client ,but I am not sure what the computer configuration should be?In my local pc ,I can only connect less than 10 nodes and failed in sync.If I want to connect ...
DaJin Wei's user avatar
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Explain the relation between geth --miner.gaslimit and etherscan Gas Limit

Geth command-line options I am looking at geth command-line options for miners, specifically: --miner.gastarget value --miner.gaslimit value The default value for both is 8000000 on Ethereum ...
Undead8's user avatar
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ERC-721 price control

ERC-721 n00b here, Problem: I want to control the price of the cost of minting my token. I want the first 1-100 tokens to cost x and 101-200 tokens to cost y and so on. My understanding is that ERC-...
mkk700's user avatar
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What is the default cache value of Geth?

According to the help page of Geth, --cache value defines Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (default = 4096 mainnet full node, 128 light mode) (default: 1024) I don't quite get it, is ...
msa's user avatar
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MetaMask - Quorum - Network - Custom RPC - Could not fetch chain ID. Is your RPC URL correct?

Instructions from scratch genesis.json Directly from the tutorial: "chainId": 10, #!/...
Mars Robertson's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I configure a browser to resolve ENS names from a testnet?

I want to preview a major revision of my Dwebsite before I update the IPFS CID to which the mainnet ENS name resolves; this requires locally resolvable names so hyperlinks and resource references work ...
cqcallaw's user avatar
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Run Geth with a configuration file

I've created a config.toml for Ropsten (NetworkId =3) that looks like this: But when I run geth --config /home/path-to-config From the cli I get: (Note ChainID:1, ...
greengo's user avatar
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How to check my geth current configuration?

I have a geth node. I wanted to chagne txpool.lifetime to "24h0m0s". So I made the configuration file using --txpool.lifetime="24h0m0s" That file has the configuation like below. [Eth.TxPool] ...
user59993's user avatar
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working with .env file (dotenv) [closed]

I created an env file as named '.env' for kept the project keys. But I could not see in folder this file. how do i update this file later on Mac? how do I update this file if I want to add anything ...
sollover's user avatar
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Updating chainspec without resetting (a private Parity blockchain)

I'm running a private Parity blockchain, currently in test mode. There is always a possibility that we'll have to change some initial parameters when the blockchain is live. For example, we might want ...
ulu's user avatar
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What is the --force-sealing option in the parity for

Can someone please explain what the --force-sealing option is for? From the description I don't understand exactly what it's doing. I want to understand why it must be set if I want to get a pending ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Retrieve CHAIN_ID of the executing chain from a Solidity contract

Is there a way to directly be able to retrieve CHAIN_ID information about the executing chain from a smart contract? I know that for any chain that has EIP-155 implemented, CHAIN_IDs are retrievable ...
Shiri's user avatar
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IPFS Config on windows 10

I'm trying to execute these commands on windows 10 ./ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]' ./ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods "[\"PUT\",...
bbusdriver's user avatar
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Invalid type: sequence, expected a string for key 'rpc.cors'

Trying to run parity using the configuration file node.toml file $ parity --config /data/parity/node.toml Loading config file from /data/parity/node.toml You might have supplied invalid parameters in ...
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
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.toml stream did not contain valid UTF-8

While trying to configure parity using the toml file (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language), I stumbled on this error - $ parity --config /data/parity/node.toml Loading config file from /data/parity/node....
Chaitanya Bapat's user avatar
2 votes
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How to extract private keys from Ethereum Wallet? [duplicate]

How to extract private key of an account from Ethereum Wallet on Linux? Please specify the exact filesystem locations. I need private keys both for the main network and for the Ropsten test network.
porton's user avatar
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Run geth in the --testnet mode using only the toml config file

I am using Geth configuration files (*.toml) to manage configurations of my private network nodes. The command geth --config=config/<config-name>.toml is used to run nodes on each stack (dev, ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
2 votes
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What do Ethhash and CliqueConfig refer to in the genesis config?

I don't see any real documentaiton on what these are or to what they refer. Here is the structure in the config file: // Various consensus engines Ethash *EthashConfig `json:"ethash,omitempty"` ...
AlwaysQuestioning's user avatar
10 votes
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geth: config file documentation

I'm trying to use geth --config <filename> to start geth. My config file contains: rpcport = 8555 networkid = 3 I get: Fatal: /home/ravi/.ethereum/config-test, line 1: field 'rpcport' is not ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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What is the use case of Parity's passive sync mode?

The Parity Ethereum client has four sync modes, two of which are active and passive. Active makes perfect sense to me, Parity continuously syncs the chain. However passive says "parity syncs initially,...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
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How does one run a Geth node with a configuration file?

Parity has had a command line option for running a node using configuration parameters sourced from a configuration file. I was wondering as to how one does similar with a Geth node?
Thomas Clowes's user avatar
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2 answers

EthereumJ connect to private node

I need to connect to private ethereum node with using ethereumj without ethereum.conf file. I need configure connect from code using Spring Framework.
Igor  Bukin's user avatar
5 votes
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Parity configuration for rinkeby testnet

Can someone provide me an genesis block configuration json for Parity client here is my setup described: I've installed the client (version: Parity/v1.6.8-beta-c396229-20170608/x86_64-linux-gnu/...
Kristaps's user avatar
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Can I add inline comments in peers.txt?

My peers.txt file for my private parity network looks like this. enode://[email protected]:30303 enode://[email protected]:30303 enode://[email protected]:30303 ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Setting up demo ethereum PoA

I'm new to ethereum/parity and trying to follow this PoA setup demo as part of a larger project. I've done it locally on my laptop, accessing resources via localhost. Now I'm trying to set up two ...
xaxa's user avatar
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Different use of .yaml and .toml file

I started learning Eris chain and in the deploying section, they use .yaml file and for making the chain definition file they use .toml file. I searched the internet and what I found was they both are ...
11t's user avatar
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Pyethapp port forwarding and configuration help?

I'm trying to setup an ethereum node on my raspberry pi using pyethapp as the client. I was wondering if allowing port forwarded inbound connections would help to make my node more useful to the ...
Carlo Revelli's user avatar
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How to configure go-ethereum? (Config File)

I setup an exchange with ethereum, I have installed ethereum as documented here. But I can't find config file of the go-ethereum client, in bitcoin core it's ./bitcoin/bitcoin.conf Because i wanted ...
robi's user avatar
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Authentication of Ethereum Node on a private block chain

Problem: In a private block chain network, how does setting up a new node authenticate itself into the network. Is there anything which prevents one node from getting to the network and download data ...
Rakesh Ramachandran's user avatar
6 votes
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how to connect ethereumj with private node

I want to create a private blockchain network using EthereumJ and connect it to a project implementing EthereumJ. I tried modifying ethereumj.conf file but thats not working. How to do it?
Abhishek Ranjan's user avatar
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How do I configure a home.parity address for my parity node browser?

How can I configure my linux system to point any .parity address to my parity web application running on localhost port 8080? For the best experience it is recommended to use subdomains-based ...
q9f's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I configure Mist to use a non-default IPC path?

When using Mist, it always uses the default IPC path to my OS (In this case of OSX this is /Users/me/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc). Is there a way to configure or specify a non-default IPC path for Mist? ...
J-B's user avatar
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