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How do i fix the issue of Invalid Bytecode, code: invalid argument when deploying?

I am building a dapp on Ethereum using hardhat and next.js() which utilises scaffold-eth-2. When I try to deploy my contracts I get the error processing, invalid bytecode bytecode: value, code=...
Aadil Ahmad's user avatar
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Glacier API: "Only the owner can operate insertOne()" error when creating NFTs

To effectively bring your query to a community, it's essential to be clear and concise while providing enough technical context. Here's how you can frame your question: Subject/Title: "Error: '...
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
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Fix for warning "Failed to generate cache key for[api-key]"?

I'm using the alchemy-sdk with Next.js 14, and I get a warning message "Failed to generate cache key for[api-key]". The api-key is a simple alchemy api ...
David Deprost's user avatar
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MetaMask eth_requestAccounts not retrieving wallet address after signing in

I’m integrating MetaMask into my Next.js app with wagmi, and I’m encountering an issue where after connecting to MetaMask, the wallet address isn’t retrieved immediately. The app asks for signing via ...
David's user avatar
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setOpenCreatePost Function Not Triggered Despite Click Event Logging "Textarea clicked"

I'm currently facing an issue in my Next.js application where the setOpenCreatePost function does not seem to be triggered when clicking on a . Although the console correctly logs "Textarea ...
Harsha Kumar's user avatar
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React-moralis doesnt seem to work with NextJs14 , any alternatives?

The react-moralis package doesnt seem to be working with Nextjs14, there are several issues raised in the react-moralis github repo about this , but i think the package is not managed by the community ...
Harigovind M G's user avatar
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Problem with connecting my metamask to my dapp frontend

When I click on connect wallet button, my metamask wallet is opening and asking for permission to connect the wallet. However, even after I connect it, the application isn't showing that there is no ...
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
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Wagmi useWriteContract doesnt work all the time

For all the functions i've written to contract using useWriteContract in Wagmi, it reverts atleast 2 times before i refresh and it starts working. For example this function here, This is the solidity ...
Tarun Rao's user avatar
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Address Mismatch in Ethereum Signature Verification with Safe via WalletConnect

I'm facing an issue with Ethereum signature verification. When I sign a message using Safe through WalletConnect, the verified address does not match the signed wallet address. This problem occurs ...
MJ.'s user avatar
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Module not found: Package path ./connectors/walletConnect

I am quite new to wagmi and viem, and wanted to start with a frontend that has a simple connect button. Here is my config file: import { createWeb3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react"; ...
Abhijit Saha's user avatar
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farcaster frame development issue

I'm building farcaster frame app with frog. Issue is when I paste on warpcast, button1 doesn't recognize params after 8453 like attached capture even though button2 ...
Steve's user avatar
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Building dApp To Allow Users to Customize and Deploy Tokens

I have been stuck for quite awhile and cant get past it. I've found some gits of old projects with similar concepts, but none have the features platforms like some I've seen lately, such as: [...
DevJimmy's user avatar
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Why doesn't some "favicon.ico" files work? [closed]

I have written a few NextJS projects and they worked fine. But recently I have encountered a strange issue. Usually after I replace favicon.ico under /src/app directory, the icon will be updated to ...
HouseHusband's user avatar
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How to send transactions on mobile in a Next.js app using Rainbowkit

I have a nextjs app installed with rainbowkit and connecting/sending tx's works fine on desktop. However, on mobile I'm able to connect through metamask but fail when sending a transaction. Any ideas ...
Ibra's user avatar
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send the request to take(transfer) the bid price without any confirmation from the bidder when the seller accept the bid offer

When an NFT seller attempts to sell their NFT using the "sell to the highest bid" option on OpenSea, and a bidder tries to place a bid, the price value set by the bidder will not be ...
unni krishnan's user avatar
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EthereumProvider from @walletconnect/ethereum-provider not seeing my Infura project

I'm having trouble with getting EthereumProvider to connect via the Infura API key. I use it in my connection logic like this: const provider = await EthereumProvider.init({ ...
Oleh Yatskiv's user avatar
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Need help with Session Management for Decentralized Nextjs app using wagmi Library

Please find github gist to the source code. where i have implemented Wallet connection using WagmiProvider. I dont want to repeat adding WagmiProvider to all the pages in my application, instead i ...
gtrharish's user avatar
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How to use useReadContract in callback wagmi?

Hello I doing project web3 and i use wagmi. When i get listTokenUrl, after i want call each item to read tokenUri, but have error "Error: React Hook "useContractRead" may be executed ...
Anh Tuấn Lê's user avatar
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How to turn-off NextJS hot module replacement warnings

I'm just starting out with the Next.js framework, and I can't find any information on how to turn off the repetitive warnings caused by hot reloading a modified page: This may have been caused by live ...
Lucky Degen's user avatar
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How do I remove Gas limit on Solidity Code

I am new at Solidity and Blockchain. I Have written this solidity code to send all NFTs in wallet. contract MultiERC721Transfer { // Mapping to keep track of approved contracts mapping(address ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Wagmi write contract

I have this code here import React from 'react'; import { usePrepareContractWrite, useContractWrite } from 'wagmi'; import lottoABI from './lottoABI.json'; import { parseEther } from 'viem'; // ...
Joe Code's user avatar
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Solidity query works in dev environment but not in production build (nextJS)

I am calling a function that queries the token balance of a user. The query works on a dev environment but not in production build. I am using metamask and ethers to interact with my contract on the ...
Ciirno's user avatar
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Fleek CLI Error: "No api key found" despite FLEEK_API_KEY being set in .env file

I am currently working on hosting a Next.js app for an NFT marketplace on IPFS using Fleek. I've followed the steps to install the Fleek CLI using npm i -g @fleekhq/cli, built the app with npm run ...
Web3Phoenix's user avatar
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Call revert exception error

I am getting this error when I try to access a string from a dynamic array call revert exception; VM Exception while processing transaction: reverted with panic code 50 [ See:
Recep Çankaya's user avatar
2 votes
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Wagmi "useAccount" connector is undefined after refreshing page using next.js

I am using WAGMI and the Rainbowkit connector for my Dapp. After deploying it on production, I have encountered a strange problem. Sometimes, after refreshing the page or opening it in a new tab, the &...
Nightcrawler's user avatar
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I have the following error when i coding my portfolio dex: Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: destroy is not a function

***Hey guys! im coding a dex with foundry and nextjs using web3 library. In my swap page i have the following error:Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: destroy is not a function. *** Here is my code: ...
Alan DEV's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

Hello Everyone Here is my next js code actually I try to fetch the event data from smart contract but when I mapping the data this error is occur TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
Yasir Saeed's user avatar
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Type error in wagmi's usePrepareContractWrite for value

I have next app with typescript and using wagmi ( package to work with smart contracts. I am trying to prepare contract write using usePrepareContractWrite and need ...
user122142's user avatar
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Invalid BigNumber error when converting number fetched from NextRouter

I'm fetching a listing number for an item listed on a marketplace contract and then formatting it to ethers BigNumber. I'm getting error: invalid BigNumber value (argument="value", value=...
Miles Donald's user avatar
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Error: network does not support ENS (operation=“ENS”, network=“maticmum”, code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=providers/5.5.3 Network doesnot support

Hello I wrote a smart contract for crowd funding Actually I have two contracts One is create a campaign for donate funds and second is created campigns for crowd-funding and store all the campaigns ...
Yasir Saeed's user avatar
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Can you setup a Chainlink function where the end user pays the LINK gas fee?

I was watching this video Chainlink functions look incredible. I have a Next.js app that I plan on integrating a Chainlink function. This Chainlink function will take the ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'args')

I get this error Unhandled Runtime Error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'args') whenever I want to create an nft on my decentralised application and it only appears after I ...
Eyad Ahmed's user avatar
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Programmatically verification of a smart contract on a Nextjs component

I have come across a situation in my project ( Hardhat, Nextjs, TailwindCSS ) where I need to verify my smart contracts right after their deployment. Clearly, we have a mother smart contract that ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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How to use the connected wallet in getNftsForOwner for Alchemy SDK function?

I'm using a combination of Thirdweb and Alchemy SDK to fetch all nfts in a connected wallet. Every example I've come across for Alchemy's getNftsForOwner function has the wallet address placed in the ...
Miles Donald's user avatar
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Unexpected return of a function

I have a function on my contract that return true if the address on one list is equal to the msg.sender. The function works fine on remix but when I call it utilizing javascript with next.js and web3....
Hash1's user avatar
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Using Next.js and React for a DApp [closed]

This is a more general question, but I've been trying to learn how to build DApps using Ethereum, and have noticed that most tutorials are using Next.js and React.js. What is the advantage of using ...
src2012's user avatar
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How can a (gnosis) safe app manage sensitive data and a session?

We built an app based on Rainbowkit and Next.js. It authenticates users using rainbowkit-siwe-next-auth. Next-auth uses several cookies to keep track of the session, and set them during sign-in. ...
malteish's user avatar
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Error when i call web3 api to sell and buy my ERC20 tokens in ReactJs

I have a ERC20 token and I have created a smart Contract to buy and sell my tokens. I have also created a front end to buy and sell my tokens. Now I want to create an API to sell and buy my tokens. ...
gauthami vijay's user avatar
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How to pass web3 client from server to client in next.js?

I spent all day (meh, not a record (but I'm not finished yet lol)) trying to pass the web3 instance to the client side of my app. Why would I use it on the server side? Well, to keep my wallet ...
Eugene1111's user avatar
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Can't load data from smartcontract using react-moralis useWeb3Contract() hook and useEffect() hook

I have a contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.17; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; import "./Voting.sol"; contract VotingEngine is ...
HideME's user avatar
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Two wagmi's usePrepareContractWrite( ) in a single React functional component

There are two different functions in my smart contract which I want to connect to two separate buttons on my user interface. The component is function-based. So according to wagmi's documentation, I ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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JsonRpcEngine: Response has no error or result for request

I have an NFT marketplace project deployed on Vercel. I am having issue when minting the token. I upload them to Pinata without issue, the only thing when I call const tx = contract?.mintToken( ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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Error: invalid BigNumber value (argument="value", value=null, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.7.0)

Within my front end part, I am using Wagmi's usePrepareContractWrite and useContractWrite hooks to execute a function of my smart contract. The function demands a uint argument. Therefore my '...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar