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6 votes
3 answers

Why do blockchain networks like Ethereum utilize JSON RPC calls and not REST APIs or graphQL?

I'm sorry. This might be a silly question but I am very much new to backends and networking protocols. I can write decent smart contracts but I don't know much about the backend. So... I wanted to ...
Asmita Dhungana's user avatar
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1 answer

DApp on Node2 accessing smart contract deployed by Node1

Node 1(Desktop) deployed a contract on private blockchain. From node2(Laptop),I want to interact with the contract. But I failed at 'web3.version.getNetwork(err, netId)' function.This function throws ...
Pt.AR's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How can non-javascript applications communicate with Ethereum nodes?

Web3 implements the Ethereum JSON-RPC spec and seems to be the preferred method for communicating between a javascript applications and the Ethereum node. However there are situations where you might ...
JackWinters's user avatar
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