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Best way to listen to contract events and trigger a lambda function

I have a database that is updated when lambda functions through the gateway API are triggered. However from my front end when the user is sending a function there is no way to get the event of that ...
blockbyblock's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I listen to Contract Events in my Express App?

I have a Smart Contract rps. I want my express app to be able to listen to its events. My express app: require("dotenv").config(); const express = require("express"); const app = ...
antoniopgs's user avatar
1 vote
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Event listening on a VPS server with limited ressources

I need to listen to events on the Ethereum blockchain on a small vps server with limited ressources (1 vcore, 10go SSD, 2go of RAM). Is it possible to do so without running a full Ethereum node ? What ...
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