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How to connect a local hardhat contract with the new version of moralis stream?

The server option has been removed from moralis which was easier to work with. But now it has a stream option. I have already set up the mongodb database, local server etc.. To create a new stream ...
Aniket Kumar Paul's user avatar
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How to change the default browser to another browser in the lite server, when I working with truffle?

I am a beginner in etherium blockchain-related development. I am trying to develop a simple app using truffle, ganache and metamask. I want to change my default browser to chrome when I run the lite ...
Dilshan Madhuranga's user avatar
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how to get eth_signTypedDataV4 signature in

I am currently using on a backend, I want to generate eth_signTypedDataV4 signature with, I am using Infura as a provider. which web3 method is available or any other library, when it ...
leycun's user avatar
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How can a server except a signed tx and pay the gas?

I have a contract where users can buy "credits". With that credit, users can post a message to a server (a route set up in ExpressJS). I have the buying of credits working. But my question ...
GN.'s user avatar
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Initiate transaction from server to smart contract

In my case, i have an API written in PHP which periodically checks the database. If certain condition was met, i need to send an alert message from the API to an account/node in the Ethereum ...
Sienz Pz's user avatar