I'm testing on Sepolia a basic NFT contract where images and json is hosted on a centralized server. The fact is that I still don't see my NFT images in Metamask. Is this because a testnet doesn't display them?


  • Is it ok to point the baseuri to the server root (ip-address) if the json files are in the server root?
  • Should the baseuri be https://xx.xx.xx.xx/json if the json files are in the json folder?

My folder structure is:

├── 1.json
├── 2.json
├── ...

        └── images/
          ├── 1.png
          ├── 2.png
          ├── ...

Before that my json files were in a separate json folder but while testing I moved them afterwards.

A json file looks like this:

"name": "Test Collection",
    "description": "The Test Collection",
    "image": "https://xx.xx.xx.xx/images/4.png" ,
    "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "color",
          "value": "red"

In the contract, baseuri is: string public baseURI = "https://xx.xx.xx.xx/";

This is the token contract: 0xF2eAB12E5220cA3042CFcf037CdD8B9fFa0B0824

Hope I'm not too confusing here :) Thank you;



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