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Questions tagged [openethereum]

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Possible to use CallContract during validation (on block not yet included in blockchain)?

I'm building a consensus engine. Already built a prototype of it, and now interested in improving it (mostly simplifying the implementation so it fits better with existing Ethereum codebase with least ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
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Account Balances Not Updating When Interacting with Smart Contract on Private OpenEthereum Network

Context: I have set up a private Ethereum network using OpenEthereum, configured with four nodes: a validator node, two non-validator nodes, and an RPC node. This setup is part of a project for a ...
Martin's user avatar
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How does an Ethereum PoS node software resolve social consensus?

As a new user, when I join the Ethereum network and want to know what the consensus chain is, I have to rely on social consensus, right — like for example I get two completely different states and ...
Ini's user avatar
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Does geth or parity in development chain mode support methods like hardhat_setSorageAt or is there a way to manipulate EOA?

I wan’t to create more sustainable test network for my develop project. Hardhat node gets slowed down with the time and even crashes. I am wondering is there a modified geth rpc client supporting some ...
Hristo Todorov's user avatar
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Node Permissioning over Governance Smart Contract has problems in OpenEthereum Chain

I work at a supply chain solution that uses a Private, Permissioned, Open Ethereum Chain. Everything is configured over Smart Contracts (Permissioning / Validators / Allowed Nodes). These have an ...
Markus Knecht's user avatar
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What is the name of a Smart Contract?

I'm new to Ethereum technology and I'm trying to find the definition for the name of a Smart Contract but I can't find anything useful. What is really the meaning of the name of the Smart Contract? Is ...
svalls's user avatar
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how to generate recovery ID used in v of the signature

hope you guys are doing well. I found the same question asked by someone else, which was quite hard to understand but in this case, I'm using an unknown device to sign I know it's using secp256k1, and ...
NIMA Shahahmadian's user avatar
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Getting execution bytecode from trace_addresses

Given the following call graph: A CALLs B CALLs G CALLs C CALLs G Is it possible to get the full bytecode that was executed by the evm as a single string, given the bytecode of the ...
Biela Diela's user avatar
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How do sites like etherscan and polygonscan get data from nodes?

Sites such as Etherscan and Polygonscan read and show the balance of native tokens of many addresses and the balance of internal contract tokens (ex ERC20). Do these sites get all address data from ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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What do I need to consider to choose Ethereum Client?

I'm trying to create a node and realized there are several open sources for Ethereum client such as Geth, OpenEthereum, Erigon and Nethremind. I would like to know... Which one is the most used and ...
SOKURI_CODE's user avatar
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What is DTOs in Ethereum?

I saw this in Basically, there is an article whose title is DTO and then there is no explanation whatsoever what s DTO What is it? What can ...
user4951's user avatar
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Is it possible for an address to be both controlled by a smart contract and a key?

The address a contract lives at is calculated based on constructor arguments (plus some other stuff) and keys can be generated randomly. Has there ever been a collusion? How does the protocol handle ...
0xcaff's user avatar
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Get logs for a transaction without actually sending the transaction

I'm trying to simulate a transaction without actually sending the transaction. The trace_call method (on Alchemy) returns 3 types of traces - vmTrace, trace, stateDiff. The trace object returns all ...
pbsh's user avatar
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Ethereum block time assessment

Solana docs say: In Proof of Work consensus, these block times need to be very large (~10 minutes) to minimize the odds of multiple validators producing a new valid block at the same time. There's no ...
Nika Kurashvili's user avatar
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Parsing event logs from VMTrace in trace_call

There are 3 return values in trace_call. State Diff and Trace seem pretty straight forward. However, VMTRace's output contains 2 values - code and ops. Code looks something like this "...
pbsh's user avatar
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How to recover private key from 2017 Parity wallet (non-standard BIP-39) recovery phrase?

I have a 12-word recovery phrase for a 2017 era Parity wallet that I'd like to get access to. I know its public key and I know the recovery phrase the wallet software provided me with upon setup. But ...
John's user avatar
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Connecting to Polygon network with OpenEthereum

Have anyone already managed to connect OpenEthereum node to Polygon (mainnet or Mumbai testnet)? I seems to be technically possible. I need some kind of genesis.json file for these networks along with ...
Александр Фролов's user avatar
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eth_getTransactionReceipt with null block hash

I am getting receipts with null for blockHash and blockNumber. That means I am somehow getting a receipt before the block is mined. Is this an expected result? If so, what is the use of it?
lash's user avatar
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How to install a node to get a balance of addresses?

We need to install the ETH client in order to receive balances of different addresses using GetBalance ( Please tell me, do we need ...
Optimus's user avatar
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multiple debug_traceCall

Is there a way to call for multiple debug_traceCall with a Geth client in one RPC? In other words - what is the equivalent of OpenEthereum's trace_callMany in Geth?
GaryB's user avatar
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Is there a way to analyze the contract trancsaction trace result like Etherscan?

This question is a continuation of the question below..! How to decode when the input of tracsaction consists of multiple contracts? In the question above, node information is needed to trace the ...
Minwoo's user avatar
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How to get all pending transactions

I want to use my open-ethereum node to get all the pending transactions. How can I do it? The eth_getBlockByNumber API returns only about a hundred and according to Etherscan there are 150,000 pending ...
Epic's user avatar
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openethereum - high gase, transactions get culled / too many trasnaction in queue

We have the following openethereum service (docker-compose) version: '2.3' services: ethereum: # using v2.6.2-beta as it's stable # paritytech/parity-ethereum/issues/10371 image:...
Oleg Belousov's user avatar
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What is an EVM externality?

While reading the OpenEthereum codebase, I encountered this type: /// Externalities interface for EVMs pub trait Ext { /// Returns the storage value for a given key if reversion happens on the ...
jmcph4's user avatar
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What's the bottleneck for openethereum slow sync speed?

I'm trying to sync a full node with --trace on, on some fast hardware, and I still get slow sync speeds (Syncing #5409141 0x5994…6a98 16.60 blk/s 1527.2 tx/s 91.8 Mgas/s). It's hovering between 10-15 ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to parse trace output using ABI & web3?

I am pulling a trace from a Parity node using the JSONRPC API. It looks like this: print(trace) { 'action': { 'callType': 'staticcall', 'from': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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Getting accounts involved in internal transactions

I'm analyzing interactions between accounts in Ethereum. I started by external transactions (sent from accounts), but wanted to extend the analysis to external ones (resulting from smart contract ...
harnen's user avatar
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How to find out if an individual trace succeeded or not

I understand that I can find if a transaction succeeded or not via the receipt status field. I'd like to do the same for individual traces, since a root tx can succeed, but child calls can fail. My ...
lollercoaster's user avatar
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What are best practices for monitoring the OpenEthereum (Parity) logging?

Monitoring of the logging output of the Ethereum clients is essential for stable blockchain operation. Do you have recommendations, experiences and/or lessons learned concerning the logging of ...
Markus Sprunck's user avatar
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OpenEthereum Freezer (move ancient data to HDD)?

Go Ethereum 1.9 has a nice feature to move ancient data "to the freezer". Does OpenEthereum provide the same feature?
Dr. Gianluigi Zane Zanettini's user avatar
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Linux, Parity, Ethereum and EthMiner

I just started playing with Ethereum mining on a Linux box. I lost a considerable amount of time installing Parity ( on the machine. Then I created an account using W3, ...
Razvan Mihaiu's user avatar
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Recovering of Parity 1.7.8 wallet - integrating to Open Ethereum

I last used Parity in 2018 - having a wallet with different coins. As I did a Windows Inplace-Upgrade I saved my C: drive and hoped at that time, that this should be enough to backup my account and ...
Dnz's user avatar
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Openethereum node syncing at 0.2blk/s despite decent server specs

I am running an Open Ethereum (ex Parity) node on a quad-core 8GB Ram 500GB ssd ubuntu 20.04 vps. These are my disk's write and read speeds. I can't understand why my node can download blocks at a ...
Riccardo Perego's user avatar
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Is geth / parity an on-chain or off-chain node?

I am drawing the architecture of a dapp but I cannot understand if the node (geth / parity) is in the on-chain or in the off-chain part.
Mario Roma's user avatar
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How to test if a transaction create a specific event using the trace api?

I need to frontrun a transaction on a specific contract only if does a specific thing which is fired as an event once included in a block. So how to get the event based on current contract state of an ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Open Ethereum Syncing

How do I know if openethereum syncing is done and what should I do next? This is what my current state looks like
GuzikovShow's user avatar
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How much mining before I achieve a coin? [closed]

How much mining before I achieve a coin? How long before I achieve one coin
H. Seale's user avatar
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Eth 2 staking - Required mainet recent blocks

How many recent ethereum 1 mainet blocks does ethereum 2 staking clients need? I am syncing eth 1 mainet with OpenEthereum (Parity) and saw that I could change the --warp-barrier to 11500000 which is ...
Hoyt's user avatar
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Is it possible to visit Openethereum JSON-RPC from external internet ( not from LAN )?

as far as I know, it's very easy to send JSON-RPC request to a ETH node running with openethereum from LAN, I want to know, what can I do to make this ETH node public, and allow people who is from ...
Siwei's user avatar
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Extracting blockchain state at a specific block number to interact with deployed contracts

I want to extract main net state at a specific block number using geth or parity. Then using the extracted state I want to interact with contracts deployed during that time using ethers js. Can ...
Mustafa Khan's user avatar
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Understanding eth_estimateGas with regards to gas price, and current mempool

Does anyone have a detailed understanding of how eth_estimateGas works with regards to gasPrice and the current mempool state? I have historically seen some really odd behavior when using ...
LampShade's user avatar
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Gas cost of multiple small transactions vs one large one

On the main ethereum network would the gas cost be the same to post several small transactions or one large transaction if the overall data size is the exact same?
user3316323's user avatar
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Importing Parity/OpenEthereum private keys to Geth: got zero balance

I have to migrate to Geth from Parity/OpenEthereum as the latter completely stopped syncing for me. First of all I tried to copy one of my private keys exported with parity_exportAccount() - which ...
vdudouyt's user avatar
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Is there any way to do dry run a smart contract on Ethereum Mainnet?

For testing my codes without side effects (e.g., consuming gas, etc.) on the development environment, I'm finding a way to execute a smart contract that interacts with other contracts deployed on ...
Melvin A. Tirado's user avatar
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What is the expected daily egress traffic from full Testnet node

I have a full testnet node running on GCP with Parity. After about a week of having it fully synced, the egress traffic from the server spiked substantially and started sending out 250GB per day to ...
leo_cape's user avatar
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Using a full archival node like Parity or Geth, how to query which is the last transaction which changed the value of a particular storage address

I tried various third party services like Infura, and there support all told me that this was unsupported and that I would have to run my own Parity full archival node for this. But even if I would ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Is it possible to get info via JSON RPC about --no-ancient-blocks flag for an openethereum node?

It's possible to run an openethereum node with --no-ancient-blocks flag. How can I check that a node was started with this flag via JSON RPC call?
Max Block's user avatar
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Does --no-ancient-blocks affect on trace_call for the pending block?

Please explain how --no-ancient-blocks flag works for openethereum. I've checked that with this flag I won't be able to make requests eth_getBlockByNumber for ancient blocks. But what about ...
Max Block's user avatar
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How can I tell if the node I am using is exposing the Parity trace methods?

What is the best way to tell if the node I am using is exposing the Parity trace methods? One way I know if is to call a contract on Kovan and look for a revert reason that says to expose the trace ...
Shane Fontaine's user avatar
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Why admin.addPeer() command did not add parity client for private chain with Docker?

I would like to set up private chain which both geth and parity clients running on the same network. here is a sample repository with docker-compose file: ...
user76333's user avatar
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