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In 2014, at the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine and Russia‘s aggression against this neighboring country, Lithuania became concerned about the strengthening of its military capabilities, augmenting the National Defense System (NDS)... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Defence and Peace EconomicsNATOWar Studies
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      Russian StudiesAmerican StudiesTerrorismNATO
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    • strategii NATO
New qualitative research into the history of Lithuanian paramilitarism, covering military organisations which operated in addition to (or as a substitute for) the regular armed forces, and also ideological, military and cultural training... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Prezenta lucrare are două obective: pe de o parte o analiză a noii Strategii Maritime a Alianței și pe de altă parte un studiu de caz al Operației Actve Endeavor. Elaboratorul prezentei lucrări consideră că a face o analiză a noii... more
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      strategii NATOoperatii NATO
Forze armate dotate di mezzi, sistemi d’arma, capacità operative e livelli d’addestramento adeguati, prontamente impiegabili in ambito NATO nei termini richiesti, per lunghi periodi e al di fuori delle normali aree stanziali. Un... more
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      Italian StudiesNATO's New Strategic ConceptSiciliaScienze per la Pace
ın kuzey-doğusunda bulunmaktadır. Evros (Meriç) ile Nestos (Karasu) nehirleri arasında kalan 8.578 kilometre karelik bir alanı kapsamaktadır. Kuzeyi dağlık, güneyi ovalıktır. Batı Trakya doğudan Türkiye, kuzeyden Bulgaristan, batıdan... more
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      Modern GreeceTurkey And EuropeTurkish Foreign PolicyCentral Asia
The Afghanistan: Lessons from Australia’s Whole-of-Government Mission Report, commissioned by the Department of Defence, in coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Federal Police, outlines the... more
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    •   55  
      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
Una delle più micidiali fonti cancerogene e di altre nocività diffuse sul territorio d'Italia (come di altri paesi) è proprio l'apparato militare (basi, depositi, dispositivi ecc.). Da sempre nocivo e devastante, dopo la seconda guerra... more
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      NATOAmbienteSiciliaStati Uniti
In this study, the evolution of the NATO-EU relationship from the Cold War years to present day is examined and this relationship is comprehensively analysed politically, economically and militarily. This analysis consists fundamentally... more
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      NATOCold WarCold War (History) (History)Post Cold War Era
The scope of this abstract is to pursue and increase the quality levels of the military instrument to enhance the effectiveness, operational capabilities and overall employability by providing a timely information representation and a... more
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      Scientific VisualizationPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesCommunicationSocial Policy
1 Jednocześnie nie jest tak, że tożsamość jest czymś na tyle zmiennym, że aż chimerycznym. Edmund Husserl określał to pojęcie jako "świadomość trwania" -mimo zmian zachodzących w otoczeniu oraz ewolucji samego podmiotu, przez cały okres... more
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NATO's consistent and transformative identity made it sustainable for a period of seventy years. During this time interval, NATO had to cope with various threats which tested its durability. Throughout its historical voyage NATO has... more
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    •   6  
      International SecurityInternational Security StudiesNATO's Strategic ConceptNATO's New Strategic Concept
Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have different hopes for the Atlantic Alliance.
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      Information SecurityArmenian StudiesInternational SecurityNATO
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      International RelationsNATOSecurity StudiesStrategic Alliances
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      NATOSecurityNATO's New Strategic ConceptEU-NATO
None of these six scenarios is reassuring. The first option, preservation of the current grey zone, is by far the most likely. It remains unclear, however, whether mere cooperation, adaptation and association, within this scenario, can... more
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      Eastern European StudiesInternational RelationsInternational SecurityNATO
Acest volum își propune să umple acest gol de cunoaștere și să ofere un instrument de dezbateri și analize, care să ducă la optimizarea activității instituțiilor de securitate națională. Volumul este util atât cercetătorilor români... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Security StudiesStrategic PlanningStudii De Securitate
Az elmúlt kevesebb mint egy évtized alatt jelentősen romlott Európa biztonsági környezete. Ez a multipolarizálódó világrendben az Európát érő keleti és déli kihívások felerősödésében és hatásaiban öltött testet. Keleti kihívásként a... more
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      NATONationalismNATO-Russian RelationsNATO, Middle East, Strategy
The major goal of the article is to present political and economic effects of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan for neighboring Pakistan. In vital political interest of Islamabad is to have as friendly government in Kabul as it is... more
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      Indian studiesSouth Asian StudiesNATOAfghanistan
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGlobalizationForeign Policy Analysis
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
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      NATOOrtadoğuAvrupa Birliği Türkiyestrategii NATO

Yönetici Özeti | 1
Zirve Bildirisi | 4
NATO-Ukrayna Birleşik Komisyonu Bildirisi | 9
Afganistan Bildirisi | 11
Atlantik Ötesi Bağ Üzerine Galler Bildirisi | 12
Sonuç ve Değerlendirme | 13
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      NATOTransatlantic relationsAfghanistanUkraine
Ни один из этих шести сценариев не обнадеживает. Первый, сохранение «серой зоны», сегодня кажется наиболее вероятным. Но он, возможно, с учетом известного прошлого опыта, в конечном счете – тупиковый. Остается неясным, может ли даже более... more
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      Eastern European StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
This report is about how NATO might adapt to a shifting strategic environment. The strategic environment that is currently unfolding seems likely to be characterized by complexity and increased diversity in both power and principle. The... more
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      NATOAmerican Foreign PolicyNATO's New Strategic ConceptInternational Order
The East European region has always created a space of interaction between the great powers of the Eastern and Western Europe of the different epochs in European history. Not just a contact and an interaction region between Europe, Asia... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanian HistorySecuritySecurity Studies
De-a lungul istoriei, zona de est a Europei a creat întotdeauna un spațiu de interacțiune între marile puteri din est si vest, între Europa, Asia și Orientul Mijlociu (Africa), fiind un pivot al mediului de securitate european, cel mai... more
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      NATOHistory of OradeaSecuritateProbleme De Securitate Europene
Montenegro’s recent accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) sent an important political message to Russia’s post-Soviet neighbors: NATO’s door remains open to new members no matter the security environment. This signal... more
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      Eastern European StudiesStrategy (Military Science)NATOStrategic Studies
Помимо продолжения сегодняшнего состояния невключенности в значимые международные структуры безопасности, у Украины есть пять альтернативных сценариев: «финляндизация», вступление в ЕС, присоединение к НАТО, отдельный договор с США,... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisInternational SecurityNATOUkrainian Studies
يسعي المقال إلي تحليل الكيفية التي أدارت بها مصر العلاقة مع الحلف الأطلسي‮ "‬الناتو‮"‬،‮ ‬في ضوء تزايد دوره في الفترة التالية علي الربيع العربي‮. ‬ويتطرق إلي التحديات التي واجهتها مصر،‮ ‬وكيفية‮ "‬تحييد‮" ‬تأثير التحولات التي حدثت بعد... more
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      Middle East StudiesNATOMiddle East PoliticsEgyptian politics and foreign policy
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      Sociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsNATOAmerican Foreign Policy
NATO’s consistent and transformative identity made it sustainable for a period of seventy years. During this time interval, NATO had to cope with various threats which tested its durability. During its historical voyage NATO has managed... more
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      International RelationsNATOTurkish Foreign PolicyNATO's New Strategic Concept
The 2018 NATO Summ t was held n Brussels (Belg um) on 11th and 12th of July 2018. Two art cles of the Brussels Summ t Declarat on were d rectly concerned w th Turkey.
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      Russian StudiesNATOKurdish StudiesRussian Foreign Policy
Armenia—Russia’s closest ally in the South Caucasus—appears intent on revitalizing its partnership with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This agenda turned explicit on February 27–28, when Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan... more
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      International RelationsArmenian StudiesInternational SecurityNATO
The East European region has always created a space of interaction between the great powers of the Eastern and Western Europe of the different epochs in European history. Not just a contact and an interaction region between Europe, Asia... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanian HistoryGeopoliticsSecurity
This report is about how NATO might adapt to a shifting strategic environment. The strategic environment that is currently unfolding seems likely to be characterized by complexity and increased diversity in both power and principle. The... more
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      NATOPolitical ScienceAmerican Foreign PolicyInternational Order
Modern Diplomacy podcast, all rights reserved.
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      European HistoryMilitary HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
On June 18-20, 2015, NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly held the 89th Rose-Roth seminar in Armenia’s capital Yerevan. It mainly covered the current status of the Armenia-NATO partnership, security issues and challenges that recently emerged in... more
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      Eastern European StudiesArmenian StudiesInternational SecurityNATO