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Доместикация и урбанизация часто отождествляются, так как равно считаются "приспособлением к человеку и созданной им искусственной среде обитания" (т.е. развитием синантропности). Проведённый анализ показывает ошибочность этого... more
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      OrnithologyUrban EcologyPopulation ecologyNatural Selection
Artists pages from Railtrack Songmaps Singapore
by The Migrant Ecologies Project (Zachary Chan,Lucy Davis,  Kee Ya Ting & Zai Tang)
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      Contemporary ArtAnimal StudiesUrban MemoryUrban Birds Ecology
Урбанизация «диких» видов птиц/млекопитающих как доместикация домашних /2014/02/04/urbanizatsiya-dikih-vidov-ptits-mlekopitayushhih-kakdomestikatsiya-domashnih/ Читаю сейчас всякие работы по гормональным изменениям у... more
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      Social PsychologyOrnithologyDiscriminationUrban Ecology
Penelitian kerja praktek yang berjudul “Identifikasi Jenis Burung Pada Kawasan Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Sumatera Selatan Di Taman Wisata Alam Punti Kayu” ini bertujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis... more
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      BiodiversityUrban Birds EcologySouth Sumatra
La guía rápida de identificación bioEdest.001, muestra las principales especies aves urbanas que se pueden observar en el Parque de las Leyendas en tres paginas a todo color.
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      Birds (Ecology)Urban Birds Ecology
Birds have co-inhabited American cities since the colonial era, and as people have noticed and appreciated them, they have taken steps to make cities even more hospitable for them. This dissertation documents the history of birds in... more
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      Urban GeographyAnimal GeographyConservation BiologyEnvironmental History
En este estudio presento datos de longevidad de 13 especies de aves (12 paseriformes y un falconiforme) que habitan en zonas urbanas de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Estas aves son típicas del bioma Desierto Pacífico. La longevidad fue... more
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      Urban EcologyBirds (Ecology)LongevityUrban Parks
NIDIFICACIÓN EXITOSA DE UNA PAREJA DE LECHUCITA VIZCACHERA (Athene cunicularia) EN UNA CUEVA ARTIFICIAL EN LA CIUDAD AUTÓNOMA DE BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA RESUMEN. Este trabajo da cuenta de la nidificación exitosa de una pareja de Lechucita... more
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      Bird (Ornithology)Urban ConservationUrban Birds Ecology
RESUMEN. En este trabajo se presentan nuevos aportes y se recopila la información existente, acerca de la nidificación de aves de presa diurnas (Falconiformes) en estructuras humanas en la Argentina. Al presente, son catorce especies las... more
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      Raptor BiologyBirds (Ecology)RaptorsBirds of prey
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      Urban EcologyUrban Birds EcologySustainable Urban Habitats
1. The formation of large communal roosts is a conspicuous phenomenon associated with a wide range of bird species successfully exploiting urban environments. In many Australian cities, the abundance of the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus... more
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      OrnithologyUrban EcologyBirds (Ecology)Urban Birds Ecology
A study on status and diversity of birds of Ramna Park, Dhaka, Bangladesh was conducted from July 2013 to March 2014. Data were collected through direct field observations where 6 days had been spent in every month in the field. A total... more
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      OrnithologyChecklistUrban Birds Ecology
Summary. Towards the analysis of atypical forms of competition: “Noise” and “interference” as a means of struggle for existence. The article provides analysis of “noise” as a means of competition in the interactions of individuals or... more
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      EthologyPopulation BiologyEcologyUrban Ecology
Con el objetivo de determinar si hubo un cambio en la abundancia de las aves producto del uso de gases lacrimógenos en las inmediaciones del Parque recreacional Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda de la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela, se... more
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      Urban Birds EcologyTear Gas Exposure
A study was conducted on the status and seasonal occurrence of the birds in Dhaka University campus, from July, 2013 to February, 2014. During the study period, 54 species of birds belonging to 10 orders, 27 families and 47 genera were... more
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      OrnithologyChecklistUrban Birds Ecology
In this fast-moving world, where everyone is just running in a mad circle. Birdwatching comes as a gentle breeze of relief. It is a hobby that can really transform your life for good. It would enhance the positive energy within you and... more
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      Quality of lifeBirds (Ecology)NatureWork-Life Balance
This article explores a stylized version of "natural" birdsong as an element of the soundscape of a historical city, late-nineteenth-century St. Petersburg. From 1880 to 1900, canaries were brought to the city in great numbers from... more
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      Urban Birds EcologyHistory of St. PetersburgBirds In Urban Areacanaries
Predator avoidance and reduced vigilance are main reasons attributed to flocking among birds. Flocking also improves the feeding efficiency of the members of the group. If these assumptions are true then in a habitat completely devoid of... more
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    • Urban Birds Ecology
The aim of this study was to conduct a study of the bird assemblage present in the Arboretum Experimental Station (IBE-UCV), consisting of a 2 ha patch of montane semideciduous forest located in Caracas city. The area was sampled twice a... more
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      OrnithologyNeotropical ornithologyUrban Birds EcologyOrnitología Neotropical
Фридман В.С., Ерёмкин Г.С., Захарова Н.Ю., Процесс антропогенной фрагментации коренных сообществ в староосвоенных регионах Европы и Европейской России во многом определяет обеднение фауны, увеличивает уязвимость популяций отдельных видов... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyPopulation DynamicsPopulation Ecology (Biology)
Когда в руках у тебя молоток, любая проблема кажется гвоздём. Так произошло с концепцией доместикации Д.К. Беляева (1983). Сегодня её прилагают ко всем более-менее сходным случаям. Непригодность её приложения к урбанизации "диких" видов... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEthologyOrnithologySocial Research Methods and Methodology
This paper reports on the educational program "Something's flying around us" that took place in the Zoological Museum of the University of Patras, based on constructivism, under the citizen science project "Ornithopolis". The aim of the... more
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      Environmental awarenessUrban Birds EcologyZoological Museum
La urbanización es probablemente la fuerza de extinción más importante de este siglo. En los últimos años el desarrollo urbano sostenible se considera una estrategia que puede contribuir de manera fundamental con la sostenibilidad del... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban EcologyContingent valuationUrban Birds Ecology
A methodology that proved successful for expulsion of Rupornis magnirostris in the facilities of the National Educational Unit Hector Castillo Reyes, because of attacks to the passersby in the area, including children. It mainly based on... more
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      Environmental Conflicts ResolutionWildlife ManagementUrban Birds Ecology
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      Urban EcologyAviation SafetyUrban Birds Ecology
The Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant Atalotriccus pilaris is a small tyrant flycatcher, characterized by greatly shortened and narrow outer four primaries. Many aspects of its biology and ecology remain poorly known. The general aim of this study... more
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      ZoologyNeotropical ornithologyUrban Birds Ecology
Notes about the feeding behavior in a reproductive couple of the Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris observed in an urban area of Caracas, Venezuela.– The Roadside Hawk is a common bird of prey in Central and South America. Its general... more
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      Animal ScienceOrnithologyAnimal BehaviorVenezuela
The bird species Fluvicola nengeta (Tyrannidae) and Motacilla alba (Motacilidae) are widely known as lavandeiras and are directly associated with mythological traditions in Europe and South America. F. nengeta is considered a sacred... more
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      Human EcologyPopular/Folk CatholicismEthnobiologyComparative mythology
Check-list of the birds of the Rupinaro creek. In an area corresponding to the course of the Rupinaro creek (GE), the surrounding hills and other adjacent areas, over four years, from June 2010 to June 2014, the bird community has been... more
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      OrnithologyEcologyBird (Ornithology)Ecology of Populations and Bird Communities
Se realizo una evaluacion de las aves silvestres del Lima Golf Club de San Isidro, por el lapso de un anio, de Agosto de 1998 hasta Agosto de 1999. El objetivo fue estudiar el comportamiento temporal y espacial de la diversidad de aves... more
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      Urban EcologyAvesUrban Birds EcologyEcología urbana
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      Social behavior in animalsEcologyAnimals in CultureBirds
The depletion of natural habitat, driven by human activities, and changes in climatic conditions are the most pronounced threat to biodiversity, resulting in massive range contractions and extinction of species (Pimm et al. 2014; He et... more
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      Climate ChangeBirdsThreatened species and ecosystemsHabitat, Ecology and Human Aspect for the Conservation of birds
In this essay, I work to understand a particular place in Provence, France. The unlikely source of inspiration is a busy motorway exit near the sprawling shopping center of Avignon Nord. The essay may challenge preconceptions about how... more
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      Place AttachmentSense of PlaceBirds (Ecology)Experiences of Place and Space
Breeding activity of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) occurred between March and August; up to four successful clutches per pair were found in each breeding season. Timing of breeding activities and breeding patterns were compared... more
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      Birds (Ecology)BirdsUrban Birds EcologyHouse Sparrow
Observation of an unusual population of white-plumaged doves in Osmaniye suggests that these birds are conspecific with the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis, Linnaeus, 1766) population in the town. The white-morph is not found... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyOrnithology
We evaluated damage to commercial crops caused by the monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus, in the Baix Llobregat agricultural area (1,024 ha) bordering the city of Barcelona, Spain. Average crop loss was 0.4% for tomatoes, 28% for corn, 9%... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyWildlife BiologyPest Management
Recently, there have been several reports from different parts of the World on the declining populations of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). In order to assess the population of this species in the National Capital Territory of... more
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      Environmental EducationEcosystem ServicesUrban Biodiversity ConservationUrban Planning
Informo sobre records de longevidad en cuatro especies de aves passeriformes en un parque urbano de la ciudad de Lima. Dichas especies fueron: Volatinia jacarina, Pyrocephalus rubinus, Coereba flaveola, y Zonotrichia capensis. Individuos... more
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      LongevityUrban Birds EcologyEcología urbanaParques Urbanos
With changing urbanization pattern and architectural style, the house sparrow is rapidly losing its nesting ground leading to a drastic decline in its population. We studied the sparrow nest site selection to make recommendations to the... more
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      Nest Site SelectionUrban Birds EcologyHouse SparrowPasser domesticus
Se reporta la presencia de la especie Tadorna tadorna, por primera vez en el Perú en el humedal costero de Santa Rosa (Chancay, Lima). Esta especie no se encuentra actualmente en el listado de aves del Perú. El 10 de marzo del 2018 se... more
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      WetlandsBirds (Ecology)HumedalesUrban Birds Ecology
Excavations during November 2013 in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa, yielded more than 1550 specimens of a new hominin, Homo naledi. Four bird bones were collected from the surface of the Dinaledi Chamber during the first phase of the... more
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      Human EvolutionZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyTaphonomy
Increasing urbanization has led to natural ecosystems being constantly replaced by an urban landscape, a process that is very noticeable in El Salvador, due to its small territorial extension (21.041 km²) and high population density (291... more
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    • Urban Birds Ecology
In order to describe the different foraging strategies in common tyranids from urban habitats in Caracas (Venezuela), behavioral observations were conducted in Tropical Kingbird, Social Flycatcher, Rusty-margined Flycatcher, Great... more
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      OrnithologyAnimal BehaviorNeotropical ornithologyUrban Birds Ecology
We conducted bird surveys in Hermosillo, Sonora using distance sampling to characterize detection functions at point-transects for native and non-native urban birds in a desert environment. From March to August 2013 we sampled 240 plots... more
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      GeographyUrban WildlifeSonoran DesertUrban Birds Ecology
THE OPEN ACCESS TEXT IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE FROM MY PERSONAL WEBSITE >>> just click on "1 File" above to find the link :) Ravens (Corvus corax) and red kites (Milvus milvus) were commonly seen in London in the early modern period.... more
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      History Of LondonEarly Modern BritainEarly Modern LondonRaptors
Показана контрпродуктивность использование доместикации (дестабилизирующего отбора по Д.К.Беляеву) для понимания урбанизации «диких» видов птиц и млекопитающих, поскольку основано на ложной аналогии. Отчасти сходный результат в том и... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsCognitive PsychologyOrnithology
In this essay, I continue my examination of plant and animal encounters in place. In a previous essay, I showed how my experiences of the lake at my workplace shifted from year to year (Wood 2022). I explained how, now alert to the... more
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      Birds (Ecology)Experiences of Place and SpacePhenomenology of Space and PlacePhenomenology of Nature
En la entrega anterior iniciamos una entrevista con una pareja enamorada de las aves: Penélope Cora Alba y Tyto Furnarius Pusilla. Ellos nos adelantaron algunos detalles relacionados al Global Big Day (GBD) 2018, la competencia que se nos... more
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      Birds (Ecology)BirdwatchingBirdsongBirds of prey
Resumen Se implementó el Método de Valoración Contingente para evaluar la preferencia y valoración económica adjudicada por individuos res1dentes en la ciudad de Valencia, a dos propuestas concretas de diseño del futuro Jardín Botánico de... more
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      Urban PlanningContingent valuationBirdsPlanificación Urbana