Recent papers in Birds
Whether predators can limit their prey has been a topic of scientific debate for decades. Traditionally it was believed that predators take only wounded, sick, old or otherwise low-quality individuals, and thus have little impact on prey... more
Posthumanism, now in the mainstream of the humanities and humanistic social sciences, poses a challenge to ethnomusicology, a discipline inherently focused on the human and social aspects of music. Drawing from a survey of birds in the... more
Das Buch ist die erste monografische Abhandlung zu Vogelbildern als Untergattung der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Es nähert sich dem Thema interdisziplinär mit einem ungewohnten methodischen Ansatz, der die erzählerische... more
Birds featured in many aspects of medieval people's lives, not least in their poetry. But despite their familiar presence in literary culture, it is still often assumed that these representations have little to do with the real natural... more
In his Wars (De Bellis), Procopius shares an extraordinary tale about Emperor Honorius, who allegedly heard about the plunder of Rome from his poultry keeper. First, Honorius misunderstood the report because he also had a huge rooster... more
Organochlorine chemical residues and elemental contaminants were measured in northern pike (Esox lucius), longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), and burbot (Lota lota) from 10 sites in the Yukon River Basin (YRB) during 2002.... more
Background Infections of wild birds with highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) subtype H5N1 virus were reported for the first time in the European Union in 2006. ... Objectives To capture epidemiological information on H5N1 HPAI in wild... more
This mini-review focuses on sexual differentiation of the reproductive organs and the brain in birds and the effects of endocrine modulators on these processes. Sex determination in birds is genetically controlled, but the genetic events... more
Necropsy findings from natural deaths in free living and captive stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta) were examined over a 3 yr period (November 1991-94) to establish whether disease was an important factor in translocation failures and... more
Migratory seabirds have been linked to localized "hotspots" of contamination in remote Arctic lakes. One of these lakes is Lake Ellasjøen on Bjørnøya in the Barents Sea.
Introduction: Guidelines recommend storing tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) refrigerated. However, especially in developing countries, maintaining the product refrigerated under field conditions can be difficult, limiting its... more
Re-establishing connectivity between protected areas isolated by habitat clearing is a key conservation goal in the humid tropics. In northeastern Costa Rica, payments for environmental services (PES) and a government ban on deforestation... more
The rete testis in the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus), Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), guinea-fowl (Numida meleagris galeata) and drake (Anas platyrhynchos) was studied histologically and with both the scanning and... more
The present study contrasts available biological data and results of morphofunctional analyses of the bill and hyoid apparatus in motmots. It shows that these omnivorous birds, which take relatively large food items, possess osteomuscular... more
Using gross dissections and computed tomography we studied the lungs of juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Our findings indicate that both the external and internal morphology of the lungs is strikingly similar to... more
This study identified knowledge and concerns about avian influenza among secondary school students in Taif, Saudi Arabia. A stratified random sample of 514 students from 6 secondary schools was given a self-administered multiple-choice... more
La migration comme condition humaine Marseille et Gênes sont des villes de migration, d'émigration et d'immigration, de véritables carrefours de la Méditerranée. Ce sont des ports par lesquels sont passés des millions de gens et qui ont... more
CITATIONS 28 READS 38 4 authors, including:
Traditional sensitivity and elasticity analyses of matrix population models have been used to inform management decisions, but they ignore the economic costs of manipulating vital rates. For example, the growth rate of a population is... more
During the period from July 2002 to June 2003, infectious bursal disease (IBD) was suspected in 101 commercial flocks of broiler chickens on the basis of clinical and post mortem findings in some districts of the Haryana state, India.... more
P rotein sequences from bone-derived collagen as old as 68 million years have been detected by using mass spectrometry (1, 2). A BLAST search of the resulting peptide sequences found the highest similarities between the collagen peptides... more
First record(s) of this species for Africa - Part 1
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This project was undertaken to find ways of reducing mortalities and economic losses due to velogenic Newcastle disease (VND) in areas where the disease is enzootic. Four groups of cockerels of 44 birds each were used for this experiment.... more
Levels of parasitism and the dynamics of helminth systems is subject to the impact of environmental conditions such that we may expect long term increases in temperature will increase the force of infection and the parasite's basic... more
A multitude of endocrine mechanisms are involved in coping with challenges. Front-line hormones to overcome stressful situations are glucocorticoids (GCs) and catecholamines (CAs). These hormones are usually determined in plasma samples... more
some specific features: very long transcription units, deregulated termination, and transcription of non-coding satellite repeats. Here, based on the modern view on a role of RNA interference machinery in regulation of genome expression,... more
173 fecal specimens from captive Capercaillies and 92 fecal specimens from free-living Capercaillies were examined bacteriologically. With all specimens the bacteriological examination was limited to the aerobic bacteria which can be... more
Monitoring illegal wildlife trade and how the modus operandi of traders changes over time is of vital importance to mitigate the negative effects this trade can have on wild populations. We focused on the trade of birds of prey in... more
h i g h l i g h t s " The neurotoxins BMAA and DAB are deposited in Lesser Flamingo feathers. " Using deuterated BMAA, good recoveries were obtained after SPE. " DAB was found to occur at concentrations up to 8.5 lg g À1 in feathers. "... more
Large flood events were part of the historical disturbance regime within the lower basin of most large river systems around the world. Large flood events are now rare in the lower basins of most large river systems due to flood control... more
Studies in Europe have reported negative effects of acid deposition on forest birds, and research in North America has identified links between forest bird abundance and rates of acid deposition. We examined the bird community in an... more
Cloacae of male Nothura maculosa (spotted tinamous) were dissected and studied with routine histological and histochemical techniques, In the cloaca of this species the following cranio-caudally oriented regions can be recognized: the... more
Background: Birds are one of the most highly successful and diverse groups of vertebrates, having evolved a number of distinct characteristics, including feathers and wings, a sturdy lightweight skeleton and unique respiratory and... more
Invasive rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, R. exulans) have large impacts on island habitats through both direct and indirect effects on plants. Rats affect vegetation by extirpating burrowing seabirds through consumption of eggs,... more
The effects produced by emissions from coal-fired power plants, including mainly SO2, NO X and particulates, on natural populations and caged specimens of birds and small mammals were studied. The field-captured species used to evaluate... more