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Los atentados del 11 de septiembre abren la puerta a la sociedad del riesgo. Una sensación de amenaza que es aprovechada para justificar el encumbramiento de la Seguridad en detrimento de libertades y derechos. A este clima político y... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesTerrorismAmerican Culture
S’il est un phénomène incontestable de la première décennie du XXIe siècle, c’est bien celui de la massification de la diffusion en temps réel d’images apocalyptiques. Or, il se pourrait que l’esprit ne sorte pas indemne d’une telle... more
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      CinemaSeries TVGenresApocalypse
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Religion
Abstract Zombies have exploded their fictional boundaries in what is essentially a return to their supposed beginning in social reality. These horror icons have changed through their various manifestations in film, fiction and media,... more
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      Critical TheoryTerrorismPopular CultureQueer Theory
When I first began hearing ghost stories at ETSU, I realized something: the undead are bridges. The undead – those ephemeral beings in their multiple variations – are bridges between the seen and the invisible, the known and the unknown,... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesFolklore
[You can download a Sample of the book in Palgrave website:] This book examines the role of emotions in contemporary TV series. Over the past 20 years, TV fiction... more
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      EmotionTelevision StudiesMourningFeminist Media Studies
The introduction from my second book, Books of the Dead: Reading the Zombie in Contemporary Literature, which lays out some of the book's argument and its structure. Published 2018 with University Press of Mississippi.
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      GenreContemporary LiteratureColson WhiteheadZombies
El presente texto se ocupa del estudio sobre el fenómeno transmedia como estrategia de comunicación propia de la cultura de convergencia, el cual comprende un conjunto de relaciones intertextuales de órdenes no sólo semiótico- narrativos,... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingTransmedia StorytellingThe Walking Dead
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 25.2-3 (2014): 295-313. In the West, property and the “human” are knotted. If posthumanism is about decentering the human, it would of necessity involve untying that knot. Reading George A.... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsZombie FilmsZombiesThe Walking Dead
This article offers a new version of the evolving subjectivity of The Walking Dead. It argues that the series presents an alternative to a fleshless posthumanism which imagines a mind free of corporeal encumbrances. Reading the walkers of... more
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      Television StudiesPosthumanismGothic StudiesConsciousness
La presente investigación gira en torno al impacto del Post 11S en las ficciones enmarcadas en la Tercera Edad Dorada de la televisión estadounidense, con especial atención al caso de Perdidos (Lost, ABC, 2004-2010). El estudio tiene dos... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial SciencesTelevision StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Dieses Heft möchte einen Überblick über aktuelle Ansätze der Serien- und Serialitätsforschung geben sowie didaktische Ansatzpunkte und Zugänge für den Deutschunterricht aufzeigen. Im Fokus steht zum einen die Frage, welche historischen... more
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      The Walking DeadLEGOSerialitätDeutschunterricht
Zombie Parsifal: Undead Walkers and Post-apocalyptic Stagings melissa kagen bangor university
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      Walking (Art)Richard WagnerThe Walking DeadParsifal
In this essay, I focus my attention on the survivors of the zombie apocalypse, rather than the sociocultural implications of the zombies themselves. It is the life-and-death choices of the survivors and what these characters specifically... more
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      Horror FilmBlack feminismBlack Women's StudiesHorror
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesItalian Studies
Just as books and films about traumatic events have become part of Western popular culture, so the theme of trauma and its accompanying tropes have been seeping into video games over the last two decades. In spite of the discernible... more
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      Game studiesVideo GamesTrauma StudiesVideo Game Theory
A growing literature is emerging on the connection between Popular Culture and International Relations. Within the first camp, Zombies have experienced in the past decade a sort of renaissance, as witnessed by the burgeoning rise of... more
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      War StudiesZombiesThe Walking Dead
From: Small Screen Revelations
Apocalypse in Contemporary Television
Edited by James Aston, John Walliss. Sheffield Phoenix press. 2013.
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      Television StudiesHorror FilmEschatology and ApocalypticismThe Walking Dead
Las teleseries actuales tienen una incidencia en la sociedad que las consume que no tienen otras ficciones audiovisuales de menor duración y éxito. Este artículo utiliza la teoría de los imaginarios sociales para hacer emerger el modo en... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyMedia StudiesSocial Imaginaries
La televisión es una de las instituciones socializadoras fundamentales. Sus producciones, impregnadas de elementos contextuales, toman parte activa en la construcción simbólica de la realidad a través de sus informaciones y ficciones.... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesTelevision StudiesFeminism
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    • The Walking Dead
This paper describes the assembling of a taxonomy of 'zombie space', consisting of categories of fictional urban space drawn from zombie films and other expressions of a living dead 'mythos', and presents a provisional set of these... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
This study explores accounts of the revenant, the walking dead in medieval Britain through the concept of a failure in the ritual process that surrounded death. This concept is used to explore the rituals leading to,... more
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      HistoryFolkloreMedieval HistoryDeath
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      IconographyPoliticsPostmodernismSeries TV
The 37th volume of The Humanities and Technology Review.
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      TechnologyTelevision StudiesInformation Communication TechnologyGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
This article presents a deep analysis of the Zombie revival (lead by HBO’s The Walking Dead) of those last years. Starting from the Catholic’s “expecto resurrectionem mortuorum” and through the categories of modern political philosophy,... more
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      Thomas HobbesZombiesThe Walking DeadZombie
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      Zombie FilmsZombiesRepresentation of the EnemyThe Walking Dead
Just as books and films about traumatic events have become part of Western popular culture, so the theme of trauma and its accompanying tropes have been seeping into video games over the last two decades. In spite of the discernible... more
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      Game studiesEmpathy (Psychology)Video GamesTrauma Studies
A model can be useful when engaging secondary students in team-building by appreciating differing skills and identifying their own strengths. In this example, a model was provided that students to indulge in the transgression of popular... more
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      PsychologyIntelligenceEducational PsychologyMultiple Intelligences
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      Giorgio AgambenMichel FoucaultAuthoritarianismZombies
Rooted in sociocultural theory, this paper utilizes a conceptual framework derived from Alexander, Schallert, and Reynolds' four topographical dimensions of learning; who of learning, what of learning, where of learning, and when of... more
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      Teaching and LearningMedia StudiesPopular CultureSociocultural Theory
Toda distopía es susceptible de ser analizada desde el punto de vista de la Historia. Se puede analizar cómo se pasa de la sociedad "actual" a la sociedad distópica. En todos los casos tiene lugar un suceso traumático -ya sea un... more
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      SociologyDystopian LiteratureGeorge OrwellDystopias
This article uses Pedro Valencia's play Con Z de zombie (2013) to theorize the Mexican drug war through the lens of the zombie apocalypse. As the play's title shows, Valencia asserts a connection between zombies and drug traffickers;... more
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      Giorgio AgambenRoberto EspositoBertolt BrechtNarcocultura
Nell’ultimo decennio i morti viventi hanno invaso le tavole dei fumetti, le pagine di libri e riviste, e, gli schermi, cinematografici, televisivi, ma anche dei monitor, degli smartphone e dei tablet. Nessun terreno mediale è rimasto... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMedia SociologySociology of Culture
Las series de televisión norteamericanas viven un momento de esplendor gracias a la apuesta por la calidad y por su capacidad innovadora. Pero ¿llegan esos aires de cambio a la representación de las relaciones de poder en el seno... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesFeminism
The purpose of the article is to show how video games can make their players feel, think, and reflect on their own actions and choices. Due to its participatory nature, a video game narrative evokes a personalised emotional response in... more
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      Game TheoryEthicsPhilosophy of AgencyGame studies
The Walking Dead ha traspasado el ámbito del cómic y la serie televisiva para convertirse en un verdadero universo transmedia. Intercreatividad y viralización han expandido y modificado este universo, potenciando el contenido generado por... more
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      User-Generated ContentTransmedial StorytellingFandomAmerican Tv Shows
El artículo discute las series The Walking Dead y Les revenants, especialmente el tratamiento de las cuestiones familiares y políticas vinculadas con los muertos.
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      Political PhilosophyTelevision StudiesSeries TVZombie Films
Cette contribution se propose de procéder à une étude de cas d'une vidéo recombinante (found footage), Alain Soral sauve Glenn et Tara dans The Walking Dead, postée sur YouTube en mars 2016. Nous montrerons qu'il s'agit, à partir d'images... more
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      Political SociologyVisual SociologyWeb 2.0Popular Music
As transmedia franchises increasingly populate our cultural environment, many questions arise about the effect of the different media involved in the depiction of storyworlds. Through the analysis of different examples, with special... more
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      Video GamesTransmedial StorytellingTransmediaThe Walking Dead
Les séries télévisées, phénomène culturel et social incontournable des quinze dernières années, accordent à l’Histoire une place de premier plan. Mettant en scène des guerriers vikings du IXe siècle aussi bien que des narcotrafiquants des... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman EmpireRepublican RomeSeries TV
Abstract The present article applies post-phenomenological communitarian theory to the 2010 AMT TV series The Walking Dead , with occasional references to the original comic book written by Robert Kirkman (2003-ongoing) and the two... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyGothic StudiesÉmmanuel LévinasMaurice Blanchot
Contemporary TV series are having a great success and influence in our postmodern societies. The zombie phenomenon is getting everyday bigger audiences as well. Perhaps, this is the reason why the number of TV series about zombies is also... more
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      AnthropologyJacques DerridaSocial ImaginariesThe Walking Dead
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      Game studiesComics StudiesTransmedial StorytellingMedia Convergence
Taking a look at two contemporary TV series, The Walking Dead and Survivors, this article argues that the recent revival of post-apocalyptic fiction relies on the appropriation of empty and fragmented spaces, which function as subtle... more
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      Ideology and Discourse AnalysisGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariSpatial TurnUrban Spaces
In this paper I have attempted to illustrate how we can see "IR theory" in action in everyday popular culture. By taking some key arguments from Alexander Wendt's "Anarchy is What States Make of It" to the realm of a zombie apocalypse,... more
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      International Relations TheoryPopular CultureSocial Constructionism/ ConstructivismAlexander Wendt's Social Theory
This paper is based on “Haraway’s Curiosity and Derrida’s Shame, the Radical Alterity of Cats,” plenary panel, SUNY Buffalo’s Comparative Literature Department’s Graduate Conference, “animal.machine.sovereign,” Buffalo, NY; April 2011. I... more
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      Popular CulturePop CultureScience FictionJacques Derrida
Las tesis de Ulrich Beck cobran más vida que nunca tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2011. Pues, tras ellos, se abre la puerta a ese discurso que encumbra la Seguridad por encima de Derechos y Libertades basándose en el... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia StudiesTelevision Studies
This is the second volume of the History of Tv series, that goes from 2000 to today. It deals with both Italian and American Tv series (it has also a chapter on series in UK). It arrives to today: the explosion of Netflix, the Tv series... more
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      ScreenwritingItalian CinemaThe Walking DeadTV Series
My side of a dialogue with David Bentley Hart on Christian Universalism and Hell.  Hart's reply is here:
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