Giorgio Agamben
Recent papers in Giorgio Agamben
Una recensione al volume di Olivier Razac, Storia politica del filo spinato. Genealogia di un dispositivo di potere, [Ombre Corte, Verona 2017]
“‘The Underlying Gesture’. Towards the Notion of Gesture in Jean d’Udine and Sergei Eisenstein”. In: Rossella Catanese, Francesca Scotto Lavina, Valentina Valente (eds.), From Sensation to Synaesthesia in Film and New Media. Cambridge... more
The following is an interview conducted for Octopus: A Visual Studies Journal with Jennifer A. González, author of Subject to Display: Reframing Race in Contemporary Installation Art (The MIT Press, 2008).
Tesi di laurea triennale in filosofia in cui, attraverso la lettura dei testi di A. Kojève, si cerca di rendere chiavi di lettura perfettamente idonee alla comprensione del mondo in cui viviamo quei concetti-cardine del pensiero del... more
In the introduction to the volume, the editors explain the overarching aim of the volume and contextualize the main themes of its chapters. Even if the notions of biopolitics and biopower have played a crucial role in philosophy, the... more
In this article I attempt to outline Walter Benjamin's peculiar notion of "myth" through a reading of his essay on Goethe's "Elective Affinities" and referring to Jean-Luc Nancy's idea of an "interruption of myth" (developed in his book... more
Programa de trabajo del seminario "Cuerpo y Archivo" (UBA, Programa Doctoral: 2016 / UNTREF, Maestría en Estudios y Políticas del Género y Doctorado en Teoría Comparada de las Artes: 2017)
schede di lettura PSICHE Anno I, n. 1, marzo 2014 schede di lettura Federica Buongiorno, dottore di ricerca in Filosofia, borsista di ricerca presso l'Istituto italiano per gli studi storici di Napoli, redattrice di varie riviste di... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
Als e-book: Im Zentrum der Paulus-Lektüren von Badiou, Agamben, Zizek und Santner steht die Frage nach dem politischen und philosophischen Erbe der Briefe des Apostels. Dieses Erbe betrifft... more
Перевод эссе Джорджо Агамбена, написанного им специально для сборника «Шкатулка с сигнатурами: язык и поэзия у Джорджо Агамбена» ("Lo scrigno delle segnature: lingua e poesia in Giorgio Agamben", 2019)
"Il virus dell'Occidente. Universalismo astratto e sovranismo particolarista di fronte allo stato d'eccezione", Mimesis, Milano 2020. In questo libro parlo male di: Foucault, Heidegger, Agamben, Cacciari, Di Cesare, Wu Ming, Zizek,... more
RESUMO: O pensamento de Agamben provou-se extremamente atual e pungente, uma vez que o estado de exceção e o homo sacer, ser matável, coexistem nas chamadas democracias liberais. Apesar da natureza legal dos direitos humanos nos Tratados... more
이재원, 「저항 전략으로서의 세속화」, 『동국대학원신문』, 제145호, 2007년 11월 5일자; Giorgio Agamben, Profanazioni (Roma: Nottetempo, 2005)에 관한 서평.
Bonne analyse des enjeux de la recherche-création, bien recherchée-Pour pousser l'analyse plus loin, il faut porter plus d'attention sur les spécificités processuelles de la science et des arts (D/G développent une telle tentative dans... more
S’il est vrai, comme plusieurs études on essayé de le montrer, que la production narrative (romanesque et filmique) du postmoderne italien est caractérisée par un retour à l’impegno, même d’une manière différente par rapport au concept d’... more
A incompreensão encontrada no meio acadêmico pelos recentes artigos de Agamben relacionados com a pandemia do vírus covid-19 demonstra a urgente necessidade de recontextualização e releitura de um autor basilar para a compreensão do mundo... more
Introdução Em Filosofia o problema metodológico é inerente a qual-quer estudo porque o método configura o âmago do pen-samento filosófico. Desta forma, justifica-se a importância de uma análise metodológica da obra de Agamben, como, por... more
The Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa once wrote that ‘the village is larger than the city’ because you can see ‘more of the world from there’ than you can from anywhere else. In this small world, the familiar and intermittent sounds of... more
Dit paper zal eerst de bevindingen van Emmanuel Levinas uiteen zetten, zodat de dualistische grondstructuur van het subject aangetoond wordt. Vervolgens zal kort de theoretische verdieping van Giorgi Agamben op deze bevindingen aan bod... more
The origins of modern photojournalism in Germany, during the yeas 1925-1933, is the central object of this dissertation. Checking popular illustrated magazines, such as Berlliner Illustrirte Zeitung, and their contemporary critics, one... more
The status of learning styles theory in educational studies is uncertain as we inhabit the liminal phase between the theory's death as proclaimed by educational psychologists who avow to have disproven it and whatever afterlife will... more
Borders of nation-states have become the natural barriers that constrain and organize the movements of people. These borders have entry and exit points such as airports, seaports, and border crossings. Besides being an essential element... more
El siguiente ensayo explora la noción de exilio como categoría filosófica considerando su relación con los términos extranjero, abandono y hospitalidad. Su autora considera el exilio como un concepto clave para comprender tanto la vida... more
Lager und limitiert dessen räumliche Entwicklung (z Auswicklung). Bei Ratzel wird der relative Aspekt der geographischen L. (die,L. an sich') als Beschreibung eines Ortes im Vergleich zu anderen Orten deutlich hervorgehoben. Folglich ist... more
The paper aims to grasp the COVID-19 pandemic as a socio-political catastrophe in the Benjaminian sense. As argued in the article, the scope and nature of the COVID-19 crisis eludes us due to our closeness to its inner core. What is... more
In what ways is music implicated in the politics of belonging? How is the proper at stake in listening? What role does the ear play in forming a sense of community? Music and Belonging argues that music, at the level of style and form,... more
Après une multiplication des écarts à la procédure constitutionnelle durant les deux conflits mondiaux, la Suisse a vu sa population se mobiliser et recourir à un instrument de dé-mocratie directe pour réclamer la sortie de cet état... more
Subjekti eneseloome võimusuhetes: Agambeni, Badiou' ja Foucault' subjektsuseteooriad semiootilisest vaatepunktist 1 Ott Puumeister Liberaaldemokraatlikus kontekstis nähakse indiviidi enamasti autonoomse agendina, kel on vabadus valida,... more
This article aims to discuss how Bartleby, Herman Melville's literary character from the homonymous story, Bartleby, The Scrivener re-emerged in the Occupy Movement in Wall Street. It intends to argue that Melville's story has been... more
South Korea is home to one of the most vibrant film industries in the world today, producing movies for a strong domestic market that are also drawing the attention of audiences worldwide. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of... more
This essay analyzes Zorns Lemma (1962–1970), a film made by American artist Hollis Frampton (1936–1984). Noting Frampton’s use of Robert Grosseteste’s thirteenth-century treatise De luce [‘On Light’] as a key aspect of the film’s... more
Dentro del espectro de la biopolítica, Giorgio Agamben ha cobrado notoriedad por sus planteamientos. En el texto, analizamos el carácter separatorio de la máquina jurídico-política, tal como ésta es analizada en El poder soberano y la... more
Obwohl Hannah Arendt die Sozialwissenschaften ihrer Zeit geringschätzte, kann ihr Denken sozialund gesellschaftstheoretisch fruchtbar gemacht werden, sofern man nicht allein auf Arendts trennscharfe Unterscheidungen (zum Beispiel von... more
A Giorgio Caproni ensaista, resenhista, jornalista é dedicado este volume, que reúne 41 prosas críticas selecionadas entre as mais de 2000 páginas da edição italiana das Prose critiche (1934-1989): uma seleção temática, utílissima para... more
Worldwide, the use of digital communication networks has been a key strategy in activist events involving demonstrations. Its use was evident in the media’s repeated publication of pictures taken on demonstrators’ mobile phones during... more