The Book of Revelation
Recent papers in The Book of Revelation
Bulletin for Biblical Research 21 (2011): 278–279
2014 年暑期主日學講座 基督徒與政治 講員:黃厚基 日期:二零一四年七月六日 從新約看政教 說在香港浸信教會暑假聖經講座前頭 [9:50]七一遊行方過,二零一七前,香港的政治氣候依然存在各種變數。社 會、 人心、 政局,彷彿充滿著危機。 今年主日學暑期聖經講座的主題是: 「基督徒與 政治」 。 我們旨不在回應層出不窮的問題,而是藉著聖經之神學來建立較廣闊的神 學與信仰視野。我們將從聖經,包括新約和舊約,以至當代處境作出各九篇的報... more
The Revelation of John implies and proclaims moral judgments, which is frequently overlooked. This subject has been studied recently, but we do not possess a satisfying synthesis. In the Revelation we can find some metaethical... more
The Revelation to John comprises Seven Sections of 'Sevens' set in a chiasm and framed by both Prologue and Epilogue. It is likely that the seven-branched lampstand, the menorah, is the symbol that has influence the rhetor's choice of... more
Although the importance and background of most of the key characters in the cosmic conflict introduced in Rev 12 may have been discussed at length, the student of Rev 12 is confronted with the need to ascertain the referent and identify... more
Review of Biblical Literature (2012)
The various interpretations of the number 666 which in the Book of Revelation identifies the Beast that rises from the sea.
It has been long recognized that chap 13 of the book of Revelation is a thinly veiled polemic—using language from Daniel 7—against the Roman Imperial cult 1 The two beasts presented in this chapter represent respectively the Roman... more
Laws, Rules, regulations or something more personal. Something more intimate? After four hundred years of residence which the Septuagint records as about 150 years (more or less) of slavery in Egypt, Yahweh began to prepare the Hebrews to... more
The beasts from Revelation 13 are an extension of the beasts in Daniel 7. Any interpretation of Revelation 13 should be done in relationship with Daniel 7. The beast from the sea in Revelation 13 is the fourth beast from the sea of Daniel... more
Word Biblical Commentary
"Laodicea at Bethel" is a sermon delivered as part of the Dear Church Series at Bethel University, St. Paul, on Friday, the 19th of February, 2021.
This book is for Christians who love God and love the Bible, and who want to understand exactly what the Bible teaches about the ultimate fate of the unrepentant. It’s also for non-Christians and former Christians who feel that they could... more
John’s Apocalypse is well known for possessing a difficult structure. Although most modern editions of the Apocalypse follow the medieval model for outline, a narrative reading of the text alongside ancient narrative expectations suggests... more
In this article we will examine Old Testament and New Testament prophecies predicting the concurrence of the rapture with the second advent of Christ. The goal will be to achieve a time sequence understanding of the resurrection of the... more
Revelation is the book of end time things, but in the inauguration of its chapters, Apostle John mentioned about seven churches. There is no doubt that Apostle John wrote this one book for seven churches and he included the messages for... more
Seminary course syllabus on understanding Jewish apocalyptic literature and the book of Revelation
Is the "Woodstock generation" and its doings a factor in comprehending prophecy? Before one writes that off as but another flake view, consider that the word "sorceries" (Greek, pharmakeia) and its cognates are spoken of four times in the... more
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
Un recueil d'études d'exégèse et de théologie biblique sur l'Apocalypse de saint Jean. Studies of exegesis and biblical theology on the Book of Revelation. Estudios de exegesis y de teología bíblica sobre el Apocalipsis. Ce livre est... more
The Book of Revelation is often read with a certain view of eschatology (study of end times or last things) in mind, e.g. certain views of the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the Millennium. In this paper, I will look at passages in... more
A.A. Leenhouts eindelijk begrepen, dankzij Arie J. Keijzer
Overeenkomsten en verschillen van hun boodschap met die van Messiaans Joodse auteurs
Overeenkomsten en verschillen van hun boodschap met die van Messiaans Joodse auteurs
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
A compilation of timelines pertaining to Papal Rome and corresponding to Dan 7:25; 12:5–7, 11–12 (cf. Rev 11:2; 13:5). The chart employs the historicist interpretation method, i.e. the day-year principle. Note: "2026" cannot be relied... more
Diferentes trabajos del ámbito académico han tratado la función de todos los sacerdocios mencionados en la Biblia. Este trabajo buscó relacionar y encadenar la función de servicio de los diferentes sacerdocios en la Biblia en relación con... more
In logion 36 of the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says, "Do not worry from dawn to dusk, or from dusk to dawn, about what you shall wear" (cf. Matthew 6:25-30). In the following logion the disciples ask Jesus, "When will you appear to us, and... more
TTTH 0742 TEOLOGÍA SISTEMÁTICA II POR RAFAEL BAMPI DE OLIVEIRA VINTO, COCHABAMBA MAYO 2012 INTRODUCCIÓN En el descorrer de la historia Dios siempre tuvo un pueblo, representante suyo, que de diversas maneras fue incumbido de dar a conocer... more
"Esta propuesta de estudio de las bienaventuranzas en el libro de Apocalipsis, tiene la intención declarada del autor de llenar un espacio no tratado plenamente en los estudios bíblicos. Por lo tanto, busca adentrar al lector en un... more
Abstract: when confronted with the problem of number 666 (Rev. 13:18), most modern interpreters opt for either the gematric or symbolical explanation. This article expounds on the internal difficulties, errors and successes of these... more
“The Relationship between the Two Beasts of Revelation 13:1-10 and Revelation chapter 17: Some Implications” – The author explores the relationship between Revelation 13 and 17 trying to determine the possible identification between the... more
Relate the setting and church history of each city to the settings of the universal conflict between good and evil; Relate Jesus’ titles in the letters to His role in the battles and in victory; Relate Jesus’ commendations in the letters... more
O anúncio da queda de Babilônia pelos profetas Isaías e Jeremias são parte de um grupo de profecias que formaram o quadro escatológico que moldou a esperança de Israel para a era messiânica. Essa profecia (Is 21:9; Jr 51:8) é retomada em... more
This is a study regarding traits that are found in clinical psychopaths and the same traits as found displayed by the ancient author known as 'Flavius Josephus'. This paper presents the need to make such information a necessary part of... more
Analysis of the colors of the four horses in Revelation 6, as understood in the first century not the twenty-first, plus an astronomical study of the stellar evidence, all on the basis of the original Aramaic text of Revelation, enables... more
Nell'Apocalisse chi è il personaggio a cui si allude con il numero 666? Chi sono i 144.000 segnati e chi sono i due testimoni? Perchè lo scontro ultimativo fra il Bene e il Male si svolgerà proprio ad Harmaghedon? Qual è, in definitiva,... more
The Day of Atonement was a day of rest, penitence, and purification for Israelites of loyal character. On this day, sins and impurities that had accumulated throughout the year were removed from the tabernacle by the application of... more
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the Christian response to violence envisioned by the book of Revelation. My thesis is that the book of Revelation functions as a prophetic call to Christian believers to respond to violence not... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more