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This paper offers a justification for viewing the Academy Award nominees for Best Picture as a way of relating to one's neighbor and starting meaningful discussion with them about life.
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      Film StudiesPopular CultureCultureChristian Ethics
This paper explores the London City Mission’s concerted efforts to evangelise the foreigner residing in, or passing through, London in the late nineteenth century. In 1876 the London City Mission Magazine declared that: ‘No principle can... more
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      History Of LondonChristian MissionsChristian Mission
A qualitative study of how the leaders of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus understand the Church' vision Holistic Ministry and how this relates to the diaconal ministry of Norwegian Church and Mission organisations in Ethiopia.
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)Christian MissionDiakonia
This article is an innovative search and research into the inner implications of mission in general and Christian mission in particular and offers promising prospects for arriving at new missiological avenues and frontiers, which is sure... more
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      ChristianityMissiologyDiversityMissiology and Mission Theology
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      Japanese HistoryHistory of the Portuguese EmpireChristian Mission
“Meager” would best characterize the fruit of Protestant and Adventist Christian mission in the Buddhist world. There remain literally hundreds of people groups who have little to no witness of the Gospel of Christ. Worldview differences... more
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      Christian MissionsSeventh-day Adventist historyChristian MissionSeventh Day Adventist dogma methodologies and structure
This talk gives a biographical sketch of the life of the apostle Paul, based on Philippinans 3:4-11, sketching his bi-cultural and tri-lingual background in Tarsus and Jerusalem, his education and scholarly aptitude his spiritual... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyNew TestamentMissiology
Pourquoi l'idée traditionnelle de « la mission » n'est-elle plus en adéquation avec les changements profonds qui se sont produits, ni avec une théologie biblique du témoignage chrétien ? Quels sont les changements qui donnent à réfléchir,... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChristian Mission
Diferentes trabajos del ámbito académico han tratado la función de todos los sacerdocios mencionados en la Biblia. Este trabajo buscó relacionar y encadenar la función de servicio de los diferentes sacerdocios en la Biblia en relación con... more
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      Christian MissionKerygmaApocalipsisThe Book of Revelation
Elias Riggs was a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) in Greece between 1832-1838. This article reviews the early life of Elias Riggs, investigates how he became an American missionary in the... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesGreek History
Tulisan ini menjelaskan pengaruh kebangkitan rohani terhadap perkembangan misi Kristen
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      History of ChristianityChristian TheologyChristian Mission
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    • Christian Mission
Based on extensive studies of archival material and little-known contemporary published sources, this article will explore how and why Danes – famous in certain circles like Maria Jacobsen, virtually unknown like Hansine Marcher and Jenny... more
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      Gender StudiesArmenian StudiesGenocide StudiesChristian Missions
The term 'inculturation' is becoming increasingly fashionable in church, and in particular Roman Catholic, mission circles. The popularity of the term is due to a heightened Christian self-understanding of the necessity of adapting the... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyTheologyAfrican History
Any meaningful discussion of the various understandings of mission and Missiology needs to take cognizance of the important policy document accepted by the World Council of Churches at its 10th Assembly in Busan, South-Korea, in October... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyEcotheology (Environment)EvangelismEcumenism
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    • Christian Mission
This volume presents comprehensive research on how southern European Catholics and the Japanese confronted each other, interacted and mutually experienced religious otherness in early modern times. In their highly variable and asymmetric... more
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      Japanese StudiesEarly Modern HistoryCatholic Missionary HistoryJapanese Buddhism
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      African ReligionsWorld ChristianitiesChristian MissionSystematic and Historical Theology
The future and success of mission work is fundamentally determined by a proper understanding and implementation of an appropriate vision and strategy to the work. The study is an exploration of the historical-missiological account of... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMissionary HistoryHistory of MissionsMission Studies
This grounded theory study examines the motives for relationships between local churches and missionaries: What motivates churches to enter into a relationship with a missionary, to continue this relationship, and to end it? Similarly,... more
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      MissiologyMotivation (Psychology)Missiology and Mission TheologyChristian Missions
This paper explores the historical development of Postmodernist philosophy in the context of how Christians understand and relate to the Postmodern. It particularly explores Michel Foucault's work and argues that it was especially... more
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      PostmodernismChristian PhilosophyModern and Postmodern HistoriographyChristian Mission
By its very nature 'postmodernity' may seem to be essentially of the present and yet, history is vital for Christians seeking to understand the secular, postmodern, post-Christian condition that characterizes European society and culture... more
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      PostmodernismChristian PhilosophySeventh-day Adventist historyChristian Mission
The word “ritual” offends the ears of most Protestant Christians because it is associated with formalistic and works-oriented religion. To be sure, these fears are well founded but this oversimplifies the fact that each human being enjoys... more
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      Christian MissionsChristian MissionSeventh-day adventist theologyTo Assess the Impacts of Christian Missionaries Activities
John Locke was considerably interested and actively involved in the promotion of Protestant Christianity among American Indians and African slaves, yet this fact goes largely unremarked in historical scholarship. The evidence of this... more
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      Political TheoryCritical Race TheoryLockeImperialism
Bagaimana orang Kristen memahami tugas dan panggilannya untuk memberikatakan Injil dalam konteks keragaman agama di Indonesia
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      ReligionChristianityMission StudiesMission
Leadership and governance structures for any organisations involved in God’s mission need to come under review because of the growing influences of the inter-connected globalised world. As Christianity moved farther away from the... more
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      TheologyGovernanceTransformationHistory of Missions
La Communauté apostolique Aïn Karem est issue du diocèse de Paris, capitalisant sur une histoire remontant aux années 1930. Elle pratique des missions d'évangélisation dans des paroisses ou des sanctuaires, qui font face à des... more
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      Christian MissionsHistory of MissionsHistory of Roman Catholicism20th century France
The Christian faith of the Filipino serves as a bonding factor that makes the Filipino society strong, yet, resilient.
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The past several decades has seen the trend of Christianity moving southward. Apart from few exceptions, the South is comparably weaker than their Northern counterpart with regard to socio-economic and technological development. This is... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission Studies
Ця книга присвячена релігійній та національній історії центральної частини Мараморощини – селища Дубового і його околиць – від часів пізнього Середньовіччя й аж до наших днів. Автор детально розглядає процес становлення церковної унії на... more
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      ReligionEastern European StudiesHistory of ReligionGreek-Catholic Churches
This grounded theory study examines the motives for relationships between local churches and missionaries: What motivates churches to enter into a relationship with a missionary, to continue this relationship, and to end it? Similarly,... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission Studies
This essay is a few years old, originally published only as a Facebook note, but circulated somewhat among Shaman as possible online. That is if we are able substantiate a belief pattern within which anybody of a Westerner's mindset, can... more
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      ChristianityShamanismChristian MissionsAnthropology of Shamanism
What is the essence of the Gospel? Which aspects of the church's ministry are contingent? The story of the Anglican Church in Ghana offers an opportunity to reflect upon these questions. While the history of this colonial church is... more
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      SPCKChristian MissionAnglicanism
Soul and spirit. One of the problems translating Christian terminology into Mongolian. In: Body, soul and spirits. Treatises about the transcendent 8.
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      ChristianityBuddhismPhilosophy of MindTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
This book partakes of the post-colonial reassessment of the nineteenth century, where agency is seen to lie, not just with the colonizing centre, but also with the colonized periphery. Here, missionaries from a peripheral part of Europe -... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesScandinaviaIndiaChristian Mission
This article marks the thirty-sixth year of including statistical information on World Christianity and mission in the International Bulletin of Mission Research. We report on some of the major findings of the new World Christian... more
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      StatisticsChristian MissionsQuantitative ResearchGlobal South
The ethical evaluation of religious giving involves multiple metrics of theological references, everyday ethics, ritual correctness, and materialist self-interest. Understanding how these categories are constantly re-made and experienced... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophySoutheast Asian StudiesBuddhist Studies
A 2010 Case Study of "Partners in Mission", a consortium of Romanian missionary organisations.
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      Christian MissionsChristian MissionMissionsChurch and mission in Central and Eastern Europe
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      Portuguese Discoveries and ExpansionSino-Western relationsJesuitsChristian Mission
Sir Norman Anderson (1908–1994) was a leading British Evangelical missionary of the Church of England and respected scholar of Islamic law but is little known today. With this book, Todd M. Thompson, who wrote Anderson’s entry for the... more
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      HistoryBritish HistoryMissiology and Mission TheologyBritish Imperial & Commonwelath History - 19th & 20th century
This paper offers a reading of the final form of the book of Daniel and shows how the kingdom of God is present and growing even in times of domination by worldly powers. It also shows how the followers of God can expect to find... more
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      New TestamentHebrew BibleMissiology and Mission TheologyEschatology and Apocalypticism
The first part of the first chapter of my MPhil thesis 'Mission-With in Inner-South Manchester' completed in 2013, together with the Abstract and full list of contents.
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      TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionUrban Mission
In this section, I propose a paradigm for ministering to those with an animistic worldview seen throughout the Majority World. Here, I propose that we need to have ministries that include power encounters, truth encounters and love... more
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      ChristianityAfrican StudiesLatin American StudiesSocial Anthropology
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      ChinaChristian MissionAsiaNestorianism
Leadership and governance structures for any organisations involved in God's mission need to come under review because of the growing influences of the interconnected globalised world. As Christianity moved farther away from the... more
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      TheologyGovernanceMissional LeadershipChristian Mission
Az alábbiakban a fiatalok sorsát és érzékenységét olyan elemzés tár-gyává szeretném tenni, amely az egyház jövőjére vonatkozik. A hit iránti érdektelenség korának jellegét ugyanis leginkább a tiszta és még tapasztalattal alig rendelkező... more
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      Christian MissionCatholic Church
Six keys to recovering radically prophetic Christian faith today: 1) understanding the earth, 2) uncompromising biblical monotheism, 3) robust Trinitarian faith, 4) defining salvation in fully biblical way, 5) present hope of the kingdom... more
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      ChristianityMissiology and Mission TheologyEcclesiologyChristian Theology
Religions of Asia in Medieval European Travel Accounts The article analyses the usage of the term “religion” or its other equivalents in medieval European travel accounts of Asian countries and strives to identify its main... more
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    • Christian Mission
The term 'inculturation' is becoming increasingly fashionable in church, and in particular Roman Catholic, mission circles. The popularity of the term is due to a heightened Christian self-understanding of the necessity of... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyTheologyAfrican History
This article interprets Paul’s summary of the gospel in 2 Cor 5:21 as saying that Christ died so that believers might be transformed into God’s righteousness (not only deemed as righteous by God). The article explains the powerfully... more
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      Social JusticeEcclesiologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersChristian Mission