The Apocalypse of John
Recent papers in The Apocalypse of John
Une étude exégétique des lettres aux Églises de l'Apocalypse de Jean (Ap 1-3).
An exegetical study of the letters to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation (Ap 1-3).
An exegetical study of the letters to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation (Ap 1-3).
Revelation opens with a declaration of location: the author, imprisoned on the island of Patmos (1:9), receives elaborate visions for the church. Whereas this experience of imprisonment as a generative background for these visions has... more
INDICE GENERALE I passi iniziali Attualità, complessità e creatività 1. Con gli studiosi della Bibbia contro i «profeti di sventura» 2. Il “bilinguismo” dell’Apocalisse Primo sentiero L’alfabeto dei simboli: astri, numeri e colori... more
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Biblical Theology Bulletin 41 (2011): 99–100
Eight endorsements for Reading Revelation After Supersessionism written by Elaine Pagels (Princeton University), Paul Trebilco (U of Otago), Richard Ascough (Queens University), Anders Runesson (U of Oslo), Greg Carey (Lancaster... more
Bulletin for Biblical Research 21 (2011): 278–279
This course is designed to give an overview for answering the many common questions most people have about the Book of Revelation and addressing the many misconceptions so that homilies can properly integrate its material. While allowing... more
APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE AND RELATED WORKS -(Ethiopic Apocalypse of) 1- Enoch (Second Century B.C.-First Century A.D.) -(Slavonic Apocalypse of) -2Enoch (Late First Century A.D.) -(Hebrew Apocalypse of) -3Enoch (Fifth to Sixth... more
This paper explores the recent documentary, aired on the American Heroes Network, showing polychromatization of black-and-white World War One military footage. The film's apocalyptic character and effect on current popular culture trends... more
Harry John Johnson’s 4 months spent largely in Lycia in 1843-44 seem to have provided the source for the landscapes in his apocalyptic paintings exhibited in London in 1859 entitled: ‘Hierapolis, Asia Minor. “I will make it a possession... more
Caminhando, da Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, UMESP ( Volume XX, número 2, p. 145-150. ISSN: 2176-3828.
The Revelation to John comprises Seven Sections of 'Sevens' set in a chiasm and framed by both Prologue and Epilogue. It is likely that the seven-branched lampstand, the menorah, is the symbol that has influence the rhetor's choice of... more
Review of Biblical Literature (2012)
Les sept églises auxquelles s'adresse Jean de Patmos au début de l'Apocalypse étaient situées en Asie mineure, région de culture grecque, aujourd'hui à l'ouest de la Turquie. Il y avait dans cette région une importante population juive... more
It has been long recognized that chap 13 of the book of Revelation is a thinly veiled polemic—using language from Daniel 7—against the Roman Imperial cult 1 The two beasts presented in this chapter represent respectively the Roman... more
Resenha acadêmica. MACHADO, Jonas. O Misticismo Apocalíptico do Apóstolo Paulo: um Novo Olhar nas Cartas aos Coríntios na Perspectiva da Experiência Religiosa. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-85-349-3089-5.
Ann aliening an den Begriff der Offenbarmngj ausgehend von Derridas dekonstruktiver Lektiire der Apokalypse des Johannes
An undergraduate level introduction to apocalyptic literature.
While at first glance it may seem that the biblical books of Revelation and Leviticus have little in common, a closer analysis reveals numerous surprising parallels.
tifiers' for their suffering and true worship, on account of which they can expect comfort and ultimately reward. The 'slanderers'/ 'blasphemers'/ 'cursers' he condemns for their idolatry and claims they make against God, for which they... more
Political inquiry dominates discourse surrounding the book of Revelation, yet as Ryan Leif Hansen demonstrates, the discussion is far from exhausted. Silence and Praise engages the imperial investigation by offering cosmology as the... more
Resenha de OSBORNE, Grant R. Apocalipse: comentário exegético. São Paulo: Vida Nova, 2014. 999p. ISBN 978-85-275-0562-8. Publicado em Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (Online), v. 13, p. 1709-1712, 2015.
the Gnostic Christian monks of AD 70-170 wrote a number of books concerned with the revelation of this or that person or idea featured within the book of Revelations. There even appears to be corresponding themes of each chapter of the... more
"Laodicea at Bethel" is a sermon delivered as part of the Dear Church Series at Bethel University, St. Paul, on Friday, the 19th of February, 2021.
Given the iconographic and thematic similarity of the tympanum of Moradillo de Sedano with those of Santa María y San Nicolás de Tudela, Santo Domingo de Soria, San Miguel de Estella y con el convento de La Concepción de Berlanga de... more
The prevailing understanding of the Babylonian harlot in Revelation identifies her as Rome. This study presents her as first-century Jerusalem. Revelation appears to be presenting God's divorce decree against Israel for rejecting and... more
John’s Apocalypse is well known for possessing a difficult structure. Although most modern editions of the Apocalypse follow the medieval model for outline, a narrative reading of the text alongside ancient narrative expectations suggests... more
"The medium is the message." It all depends on the choice of medium. The medium shapes content and message and gives the reader a first key to interpretation. According to its medial self-image, the Apocalypse of John presents itself as a... more
God is holy because He is morally pure and free from defilement and sin. This raises the question as to why the book of Revelation would describe human beings and places with the same attribute of holiness which is used to describe God.... more
Nobody has come up with a convincing explanation of who the Nicolaitans are by looking only at the Greek text. A glance at the Aramaic, however, and it becomes clear who they are. The same is true of the Synagogue of Satan, the Throne of... more
Il presente studio pone a confronto la configurazione dell’«agnello», così come si delinea nel Quarto Vangelo (cf. Gv 1,29 e 1,36) e nell’Apocalisse (in occasione della sua solenne comparsa in scena, nel quinto capitolo), mettendo in... more
RESUMEN: "La gran tribulación de Apocalipsis 7:13, 14" — Este breve artículo expone el concepto de " gran tribulación " en el libro de Apocalipsis. Empieza con un análisis contextual del texto y luego se centra en conocer quiénes son las... more
Étude sur la manière dont l'Apocalypse de Jean se rapporte à l'Ancien Testament.
A study on the use of the Old Testament in the Apocalypse of John.
A study on the use of the Old Testament in the Apocalypse of John.