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At some point between the writing of 1 and 2 Corinthians, there has been a significant falling out between Paul and some in the Corinthian Christian community. As a result, Paul leaves Corinth with the intention of returning to deal with... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersExile LiteratureNew Testament StudiesPauline Epistles
This book discusses the foundations of biblical interpretation among enslaved Africans in America and free Africana people's as an introduction to significant twentieth and twenty-first century developments among formally trained black... more
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      African American biblical hermeneuticsNew Testament StudiesWomanist Biblical Interpretation
A Story about something reminding of traumatization in Late Antqiuity.
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      GnosticismPsychologyNew TestamentTrauma Studies
Scholars have commonly located the source of Paul’s analogy for the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:39–49 in the enumerated creatures of Genesis 1. Some interpreters have suggested Sir 43:1–10 lies behind the reference to the variegated... more
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      New TestamentPauline LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismSecond Temple Judaism
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      New TestamentOrigins of ChristianityEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureNew Testament and Christian Origins
Author: Kirsten Laurel Guidero Publisher: CBE International Evangelicalism can find a foothold in renewed practices of reading Scripture. This article first illustrates the larger problems haunting evangelical patterns of reading... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentBiblical StudiesGender Equality
This volume is a collection of ten essays on the Bible. It reflects the range of biblical reading I have enjoyed doing over the first third of my thirty-year career as student and teacher of the Bible. Having lived in a multifaith,... more
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      RhetoricChinese StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesBible
Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryHistorical ArchaeologyNew Testament
The essay concentrates on the Martyrdom of Polycarp, a script largely believed to contain the earliest extant occurrences of a Christian technical martyrdom vocabulary. On the one hand, we will lay bare the distinctively urban character... more
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      Guy DebordEarly ChristianityUrban StudiesSpatiality (Cultural geography)
This paper argues that the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) can profitably be understood as a second Deuteronomy. The author makes his case through the development of strong conceptual links between these texts such as presentation and... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBiblical Theology
A wide-ranging, academically oriented list of over sixty forthcoming publications on the Pastoral Epistles (as of April 2022) including essays, monographs, and commentaries. This list helps students of the Pastorals to see current trends... more
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      New TestamentBibliographyPauline LiteratureNew Testament and Christian Origins
In the book we argue that 2 Cor 10, although presenting strong characteristics of polemical discourse, actually sets in motion a self-praise speech with a pedagogical, not defensive purpose. The chapter in question serves as a... more
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      RhetoricTheologyNew TestamentEarly Christianity
The following video presentations were designed for the online study program at South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. They are similar in format to a class that has been taught by the same professor at Trinity International... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament Studies
This book debunks the myth that the cross was never used as a visual symbol in pre-Constantinian Christianity, bringing together the relevant material evidence demonstrating Christian use of the cross prior to Constantine. The artifacts... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentEarly ChristianityOrigins of Christianity
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianitySynoptic GospelsSecond Temple Judaism
This is the academic journal of Bridges Christian College. The following articles are in this edition: THE IDENTITY OF THE “LITTLE ONES” AND “LEAST OF THESE” IN MATTHEW: AN EVALUATION OF μικρῶν AND ἐλαχίστων IN MATTHEW 10, 18, AND... more
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      New TestamentSynoptic GospelsBiblical TheologyPentecostal Theology
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
This essay offers insight into Luke's concept of God by analysing three sections in which God is explicitly a topic of discussion. These sections are Stephen's apology (Acts 7:2-53), the account of Paul's and Barnabas' mission in Lystra... more
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      Doctrine of GodLuke-ActsNew Testament TheologyNew Testament Studies
Reading verses like Matthew 28:18-20 was previously seen as that “missionary” statement – for those who felt called to foreign missions – as it was always used to promote and propagate missionaries and their work overseas. Yet, it was... more
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      Biblical ExegesisNew Testament StudiesEpistle of James
When leadership is right in any nation, peace and tranquillity always attends the people, and such a society easily obtains unprecedented growth and development. This paper investigates a possible nexus in leadership between the context... more
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      LeadershipComparative Religious StudiesNew Testament StudiesOld Testament Studies
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      PapyrologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament Studies
N. T. Wright’s Paul and the Faithfulness of God is the culmination of his long, influential, and often controversial career – a landmark study of the history and thought of the Apostle Paul, which attempts to make fresh suggestions in a... more
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      ReligionChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
in «Annali di Storia dell’Esegesi», 34/1 (2017), pp. 71-88
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureNew Testament and Christian Origins
This paper presents a text-oriented survey of some ongoing experimentation in translating the Bible poetically in the Chichewa language of Malawi and Zambia. An initial overview features a summary of ten important stylistic... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesBible TranslationGospels
In this book, Sabine R. Huebner explores the world of the protagonists of the New Testament and the early Christians using the rich papyrological evidence from Roman Egypt. This gives us unparalleled insights into the everyday lives of... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryNew TestamentEarly Christianity
This study seeks to determine the meaning of Luke 16:19-31. The question of whether this passage teaches intermediate state of the disembodied soul after death has been a theological conundrum. In Lucan context, both thematic and... more
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      New TestamentNew testament exegesisNew Testament Studies
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      New TestamentSpiritualityPsychology of ReligionHermeneutics
What did it mean to be a Christian in the Roman Empire? In one of the inaugural titles of Oxford's new Essentials in Biblical Studies series, Harry O. Maier considers the multilayered social contexts that shaped the authors and audiences... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Church
The sample rough draft of Hebrew Matthew chapters 1 and 2 attempts to compare the Hebrew Matthew MSS available today with more being discovered. The format chosen is English with Hebrew variants listed within the Hebrew MSS as noted.... more
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      Synoptic GospelsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNew Testament Textual CriticismNew Testament Theology
Please feel free to copy, and to distribute as it might meet the purpose of helping yourself and others get to understand the purpose, person, and authority of Jesus' life and His teaching according to the Gospel of John. Anyone who is... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentGospelsBible
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      ChristianityTheologyBiblical StudiesSelf Control
The major part of the Book of Revelation represents eschatology given within a liturgical framework. To miss or neglect this feature is to lose grasp of its true meaning, which is more than its eschatological message taken in isolation.
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      Liturgical StudiesBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyBible
This is an annotated bibliography on important intertextual works. After this bibliography is given, an extensive general bibliography is also included. For interpreters, especially biblical interpreters intending to work on the subject... more
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      IntertextualityInner-Biblical ExegesisNew Testament StudiesThe Use of the Old Testament in the New
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesPrayerNew Testament and Christian Origins
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      New TestamentHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsBiblical Studies
The books of 1 and 2 Samuel offer a three-fold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the Pentateuch, the claim found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and known to the Jews as “the Shema,” a verse that declares the God of Israel is one,... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentHistorical Theology
This Survey Chart was created for Dr. Andreas Köstenberger and the biblical backgrounds Ph.D. seminar at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for Second Temple Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. This chart surveys the key literature,... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament TheologyEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
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      ChristianityJewish StudiesNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
sous la dir. de Ch.-B. Amphoux. — La critique textuelle est l'étude des documents à partir desquels on établit le texte d'une œuvre transmise par des manuscrits. Le Nouveau Testament nous est parvenu à travers de nombreux manuscrits entre... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament Textual CriticismBiblical Literature and Hermeneutics (esp. New Testament)New testament exegesis
Although Paul is sometimes depicted as anti-rational, he actually assumes in his letters that human reason, with the aid of the Spirit, can achieve genuine religious knowledge. The specific kind of reason which Paul assumes will be... more
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNarrative EthicsNew Testament StudiesEpistle to the Galatians
I presented my paper, "THE REDISCOVERY OF CODEX BEZAE CANTABRIGIENSIS AND ITS SUBSEQUENT EFFECT ON THE RECEPTION OF LUKE 16:19-31" in room Central 214 of the Pontifical Gregorian University on Friday, July 05. My lecture was part of the... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentTextual CriticismAudience and Reception Studies
It is hard to make statements like the previous one because we are oriented to think ALL JEWS loved the Lord and served Him faithfully. Oh, how I wish it had been true, but this series of lessons will show that the number of believers in... more
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      TheologyOld Testament TheologyBaptist TheologyDispensationalism 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book is the first of many to come with the help of the Lord's power and guidance. This book is the by-product of a recent paper that I submitted while earning my master's degree in... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesThe Letter to the HebrewsEvidence
Exegetical commentary on the third epistle by John
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      New TestamentJohannine LiteratureEcclesiologyBiblical Exegesis
The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the... more
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      New TestamentQur'anic StudiesGospelsSynoptic Gospels
This is the revised final draft of one of the two lead papers presented at the SNTS pre-conference on The Johannine Question. It covers the last half-century of Johannine paradigms, critiques Pierson Parker's 21 objections to the son of... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryAncient History
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesJohannine LiteratureBiblical Theology
This is a corrected draft that serves seminary students in the craft of translation. The handbook interacts with textual criticism, discourse analysis, semantics, syntax, and rhetoric.
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      New Testament1 JohnNew Testament StudiesNew Testament Greek Grammar
PART 1: The hope of the faithful, and the grave from which we are dug. The traditional (patristic and early Reformation) doctrine of heaven and hell. PART 2: The “Larger Hope” and lesser grave taught in the 1894 Revised Version. The... more
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      English ReformationReformation TheologyBiblical StudiesBible Translation
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      Visual StudiesNarrative MethodsJews in Italian RenaissanceIconografy of Last Supper