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      Hebrew BibleAramaicSeptuagintBook of Daniel
Michael Segal, “Interpreting History in Qumran Texts,” in M. Kister, M. Segal, and R. Clements (eds.), The Religious Worldviews Reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium of the Orion Center... more
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      HistoryHebrew BibleTargumDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
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      The Book of DanielBook of Isaiah
Nazzareno Marconi-David Micheletti-Alessio Fifi, L'uomo dei desideri. Daniele il profeta che parla ai giovani, Porziuncola, Assisi 2019. Il testo di David Micheletti - già docente di “Lingua e Pensiero Ebraico” presso L’Università di... more
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      Biblical StudiesThe Book of DanielBiblical ExegesisFilosofía
This article explores the various ways in which Daniel 2 reconfigures Genesis 41. Though many scholars have noted similarities between these two texts, such observations have not generated significant advances in our understanding of... more
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyBiblical StudiesSecond Temple Judaism
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      Urban StudiesThe Book of Daniel
In Amanda W. Benckhuysen’s invaluable work, she introduces women interpreters’ forgotten voices. Benckhuysen unveils the women’s forgotten counter readings of biblical texts that, as traditionally interpreted, had negatively affected... more
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      History of Biblical InterpretationWisdom LiteratureThe Book of DanielQumran, Dead Sea Scrolls, Second Temple Judaism
4Q390 is a document akin to but not identical with Apocryphon of Jeremiah C. It presents the exilic and postexilic era of history of Israel as a period of 70 x 7 = 70 + 7 x 49 + 70 + 7 years of forced theocracy. 4Q390 may partially... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesMessianismBook of Daniel
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      The Book of DanielSeventh-day adventist theologyBible Prophecy
Chapter 3 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective.  To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to or email me.
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld TestamentBook of Daniel
The beasts from Revelation 13 are an extension of the beasts in Daniel 7. Any interpretation of Revelation 13 should be done in relationship with Daniel 7. The beast from the sea in Revelation 13 is the fourth beast from the sea of Daniel... more
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      RevelationBook of DanielBibleThe Book of Daniel
The aim of this study is to single out possible intertextual connections between the Song of Hannah in the Targums to the Prophets and the Aramaic section of the Book of Daniel. As such, the study highlights significant linguistic... more
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      TargumBook of DanielThe Book of DanielAramaic and Targum
This thesis will be an original contribution to Old Testament studies, for although commentators have written extensively on the book of Daniel, few books, if any, have been published on this focused topic of his prayers. This thesis will... more
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      PrayerThe Book of DanielContemplative PrayerJewish Prayer
THE ORIGIN OF EVIL question and answer bible study lesson is the updated version in our new series of online bible study lessons, which we have entitled "The Man that Time Forgot". Eleventh Hour Hope prays that this will inspire "hope" in... more
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      ChristianityBibleThe Book of DanielBook of Revelation
This article presents a new structural analysis of the Daniel narratives in Chapters 1–6. This structure is based on a new reading of the Daniel narratives from a perspective that emphasizes the tension between earthly and divine rule.... more
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    • The Book of Daniel
Review of Daniel, by Ernest Lucas. Andrews University Seminary Studies 42 (2004): 434–440.
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      Book of DanielThe Book of Daniel
This pericope serves as the prologue to the last and longest of the apocalyptic narratives recorded by Daniel. Daniel 10-12 should be read as a single unit with a prologue (10:1-11:2a), a revelation (11:2b-12:4), and an epilogue... more
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      Apocalyptic EschatologyThe Book of DanielJewish apocalyptic literature
This is a presentation I gave in October, 2018. There is a man on Nebuchadnezzar's Prism named Ea-Dayyan. By comparing 6 identifiable characteristics between him and the Daniel of Bible, I conclude that Ea-Dayyan is the Daniel of the... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish HistoryBiblical ArchaeologyBook of Daniel
The first part of the article demonstrates the case for the existence of a distinct concept of Time in apocalyptic literature and in the writings of the Yahad. The second part addresses the force of the ‘here and now’ in these two... more
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      ApocalypticismDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)HermeneuticsEschatology and Apocalypticism
The Old Testament is a fierce battleground for atheists and Christian apologists, with each side accusing the other of taking challenging and troubling passages out of context. In this handbook, Joshua Bowen not only provides the... more
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      AtheismHebrew BibleSlaveryThe Book of Daniel
The image that appears to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream, in which a colossal statue made from different metals is struck to the ground by a stone (Dan 2), creates an affinity between this story and that of David and Goliath (1 Sam 17). These... more
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    • The Book of Daniel
Martin Pröbstle, review of John J. Collins and Peter W. Flint, eds., The Book of Daniel: Volume 2: Composition and Reception, Review of Biblical Literature [] (2003).
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      Book of DanielThe Book of Daniel
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    • The Book of Daniel
El Juicio Investigador es la doctrina que solo la Iglesia Adventista del
Séptimo Día cree. Varios han argumentado que esta doctrina contradice al evangelio; sin embargo, en realidad lo enriquece.
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      The Book of DanielApocalipsis
El santuario es la doctrina básica para entender toda la Escritura y el plan de salvación. El santuario es la escuela donde entendemos el evangelio.
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      The Book of DanielTeologia Sistemática
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    • The Book of Daniel
The capture of Babylon by a coalition of forces under the leadership of Cyrus the Great is written about, as a prophecy, in the biblical books of Isaiah and Jeremiah. In these books, priority in the conquest is not given to Persia, as... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeology of Ancient IsraelHebrew BibleOld Testament Prophecy
Abstract: There is a man named Innin-šar-usur in the archives of Erech that dates to the time of Nebuchadnezzar and Nabonidus. The “INNIN” part of his name is The goddess of Uruk, who was known by many names in the Neo-Babylonian... more
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      Book of DanielThe Book of DanielNeo-Babylonian periodNeo Babylonian Empire
The fourth chapter of the book of Daniel recounts a story of a Babylonian king who has a frightening dream, which only a Jewish exile is able to interpret for him. In his dream, and in the subsequent narrative, he is transformed into an... more
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastThe Book of Daniel
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesHebrew BibleRare Books and Manuscripts
This is a talk which shows the East India House Inscription can be used to verify Daniel 1:1-2, and also help date when the Book of Daniel was written. Daniel says Nebuchadnezzar put the articles of the temple in Jerusalem into the... more
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      Biblical ArchaeologyAlexander the GreatBook of DanielBabylon
The volume contains seven original studies, each of which focuses on a different chapter or central passage in Daniel and offers a new interpretation or reading of the passage in question. The studies span the Danielic tales and... more
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      Hebrew BibleAramaicOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
Contrary to strained Roman argument, the only reason the vision and the subsequent interpretation are mostly about Greece (15 verses out of 27) is that the little horn must come out of one of its Greek kingdoms.
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismApocalyptic EschatologyBiblical TheologyBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Reformation StudiesCalvinHistory of Biblical InterpretationJohn Calvin
Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy.
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      BibleThe Book of DanielBook of RevelationCommentary
Summary: In the present note, I outline some reasons why I find attempts to view/interpret the book of Daniel as a 2nd cent. composition unsatisfactory. Key words: Daniel, Maccabean, date, composition, critical, evangelical. Date:... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld TestamentJewish - Christian Relations
A compilation of timelines pertaining to Papal Rome and corresponding to Dan 7:25; 12:5–7, 11–12 (cf. Rev 11:2; 13:5). The chart employs the historicist interpretation method, i.e. the day-year principle. Note: "2026" cannot be relied... more
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      New TestamentOld Testament ProphecyPapacy (Medieval Church History)Book of Daniel
Las profecías de tiempo son determinantes en la comprensión bíblica y adventista de Daniel y Apocalipsis.
En las últimas décadas, tal comprensión ha sido desafiada (erudición: Desmond Ford; hermandad: Hugo Gambetta).
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      The Book of DanielApocalipsisProfecias Bíblicas
There is evidence within the text of the book of Daniel (at Dan 10.12-13) that the key to the seventy weeks prophesy of Dan 9.24-27 is 1 week = 6 years. Using only data Daniel could have known in 536BCE, and this key, Daniel's hidden... more
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      The Book of DanielDaniel's Seventy Weeks
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      Old Testament ProphecyProphetsBook of DanielProphetic religions
This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided no alterations are made and the original author(s) and... more
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
The present paper is an excerpt from my commentary on Daniel. My view of 9.24-27 is broadly Dispensational. Compared to other Dispensational treatments of the text, it has four key distinctives: (1.) It identifies the slightly... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBiblical StudiesProphetsInterpretation
Artigo do Dr. Jacques Doukhan. Nesta exegese, discutem-se problemas relacionados às 70 semanas de Daniel 9:24-27 à luz de seu contexto maior em Daniel 9, bem como em todo o livro. O autor aborda a estrutura literária do v. 24 e dos vs.... more
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      The Book of DanielTeologiaExegese
Chapter 7 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective.  To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to or email me.
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew LanguageHebrew BibleAramaic
La presente investigación hace un estudio de la frase “los entendidos” en Daniel 12: 3 y 10, armonizando su interpretación, vínculos e implicancias teológicas frente a todo el marco del capítulo 12, la visión que la contiene y en... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyBook of DanielThe Book of DanielBook of Revelation
By John J. Collins, Forms of the Old Testament Literature, vol. XX, 1984 -- This book is the fourth in a series of twenty-four volumes planned for publication throughout the nineteen-eighties. The series eventually will present a... more
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      Old Testament ProphecyProphetsBook of DanielThe Book of Daniel
Daniel chapter 11 gives characteristics of the world leaders mostly during the Greek empire, and transitions to the Roman empire, as two rival powers: the king of the north, and the king of the south. The last king of the north is... more
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      George W Bush adminstrationThe Book of DanielBarack ObamaVladimir Putin