Resurrection Beliefs in Christianity
Recent papers in Resurrection Beliefs in Christianity
des personnes très proches de Jésus ont douté de sa résurrection (pour un moment ou pour plus longtemps). Nous en avons la trace dans plusieurs textes du Nouveau Testament.
In logical terms and philosophical concept of causality, the effect is not possible without something causing it to happen unless for some phenomenal and/or supernatural cases. In other words, if there is no real death then there would... more
In this article we will examine Old Testament and New Testament prophecies predicting the concurrence of the rapture with the second advent of Christ. The goal will be to achieve a time sequence understanding of the resurrection of the... more
Ethiopian Christianity constitutes an exceptional case for the analysis of beliefs related to the resurrection of the dead among Christians. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is closely linked to Second Temple Judaism, as well as to early... more
In this work, J. D. Atkins employs a combination of reception-history analysis and redaction criticism to challenge modern theories that Luke 24 and John 20 are apologetic responses to incipient docetism. He subjects second-century... more
Nella risposta alla domanda che alcuni sadducei, in presenza anche di farisei, gli avevano posto in ordine alla vita dopo la morte fisica, Gesù facendo riferimento a quanto dicono le Scritture chiarisce ad un tempo : - cosa sia la... more
Earlier this year Discovery Channel aired the programme "The Lost Tomb Of Jesus" directed by James Cameron and largely based on some investigation made by the Israeli-born, Canadian-based film maker Simcha Jacobovici. In conjunction with... more
Christopher Buck, “Sapiential Theosis: A New Reading of Ephrem the Syrian’s Hymns on Paradise.” Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society 9.2 (1995): 80–125. ABSTRACT A fresh reading of the Hymns on Paradise (HdP) discloses how... more
PREVIEW ONLY - READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: This article is a rebuttal to Robert G. Cavin and Carlos A. Colombetti's article, "Assessing the Resurrection Hypothesis: Problems with Craig's... more
Recently the walking, talking cross in the Gospel of Peter has been interpreted as a popular belief or a common apocalyptic motif, irrelevant for understanding the gospel’s christology. I argue that the animated cross should be understood... more
In a previous essay, I argued that the Eastern Church fathers hold in common the view that all creatures, including “immaterial” spirits, are hylomorphic, or matter-form composites, and I went on to defend this position. In this essay, I... more
Muerte, duelo y nueva vida en el cuarto evangelio aborda los relatos de la resucitación de Lázaro y la unción en Betania (Jn 11,1-12,11) desde una perspectiva muy particular: las consecuencias sociales de la muerte en el mundo antiguo y... more
Ecco TUTTO ciò che i Vangeli dicono su Gesù Cristo risuscitato.
Paul enigmatically describes humanity’s universal sinfulness in Rom. 3.23 as a lack of ‘the glory of God’. Interpreters have tried to situate the lack of this glory in various contexts: ancient honour discourse, ancient Jewish Adam... more
Cos’è la fede secondo Gesù Cristo? Di conseguenza, cosa dovrebbe essere la fede per i cristiani? Ecco dai Vangeli TUTTI i casi in cui Gesù ha usato la parola “fede”.
The goal of the paper is to discuss the christian belief on bodily resurrection questioning about the problem of identity before and after death.
What happens when we die is a subject that has many answers. Even among those of the Christian faith the theories of life after death's form abound. The biblical record is clear on the subject. The afterlife is a two part experience. At... more
Il libro di Giobbe ci dà almeno quattro ottime ragioni per confidare nel ritorno alla vita dei nostri cari che ora sono morti.
The discussion/debate on Romans 6 has always centered on the meaning of our death to sin, but commentators have forgotten that this was only half of what Paul said because he said that we were raised with him. In this chapter, which is... more
Nella "Depositio martyrum" (354) si ricorda il 14 ottobre come il "dies natalis" di papa Callisto I, ucciso molto probabilmente – secondo vari studiosi – in un tumulto popolare a Trastevere. Il testo latino dell’orazione colletta della... more
В своем трактате о религии Кант утверждал, что христианский догмат о воскресении во плоти якобы не может быть частью моральной религии разума, поскольку в буквальном его понимании предполагает несовместимый с нею психологический... more
In the Pauline discussion regarding the nature of the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:35-49, he employs the metaphor of the sowing of the natural (or earthly) body and the raising of the spiritual (or heavenly) body. Both kinds of bodies... more
Croire que Jésus est ressuscité n'est pas chose facile. Même dans le cas où cela a bel et bien eu lieu, il n'est pas facile pour tous d'y croire, d'y croire vraiment. Pourquoi ? C'est ce que ce texte se propose d'élucider. Pour ce faire,... more
Believing Jesus is resurrected isn't easy. Even if it did happen, it's not easy for everyone to believe, to truly believe it. Why is that ? That is the problem I hope to elucidate in this essay. To do so, I used three different approaches... more
Muchos ateos y religiosos que no son cristianos (budistas, hinduistas, musulmanes, shintoistas, etc.) les molesta que los cristianos se jacten de ser las únicas personas que Dios aceptará en el cielo y digan que las demás irán al infierno... more
From the very beginning of our youth (and even to this very day), we have been taught the belief of going to heaven after death for being a good person who believes in God, as opposed to going to Hell for being an unbelieving bad... more