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This document outlines requirements for both F-10 and 7-10 German under the Australian Curriculum. It provides the information in a side-by-side and more easily digestible format.
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageAustralian CurriculumThe Australian Curriculum
Keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar dalam bahasa asing dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya adalah faktor pengajar/guru dan pembelajar/siswa. Selama ini usaha menuju perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran lebih banyak dilakukan oleh... more
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      Foreign language teaching and learningTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
This PowerPoint gives explicit instructions, marking criteria, vocabulary help and resources for the Eurovision task, aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German).
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesMusic and Song in Language Teaching
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      German StudiesDeutsch als FremdspracheTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesGerman as a Foreign Language
Kommunikationszielen und -formen in einem beruflichen, akademischen und/oder ausbildungsbedingten Umfeld benutzt werden, das irgendwie mit Wirtschaft zu tun hat." Eine solche Definition ist nicht nur extrem vage, sondern steht vor allem... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageCase StudiesBusiness German
While the production of lexical abbreviations in German is nothing new, there has probably been no other time quite like today in which all the possibilities of this process of word formation have been used. Knowledge of different types... more
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      Academic WritingGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheTEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GERMAN, ENGLISH
I thank my colleagues at King Saud University, especially Albert Waldmann, for their support.
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche Sprache
From a historical perspective, the disabled are considered at the bottom level of social hierarchy. This can be deduced from the occurring proverbs in Turkish, English and German but also from proverbs available in the rest of the world.... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTeaching Turkish As A Foreign Language
Wenn im folgenden von einer Sprache der Werbung die Rede sein soil, dann ist hierunter zunächst ,,Wirtschaftswerbung" mit einem Fokus auf Produktangebote zu verstehen (eine Übersicht zu den verschiedenen Werbeformen bietet Weuthen 1988:... more
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      German StudiesAdvertising LanguageTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesGerman as a Foreign Language
En la enseñanza de una segunda o tercera lengua extranjera para futuros traductores/ intérpretes se parte de la base de que debiera tenerse en cuenta, desde el principio, la especificidad de este grupo de destino. Debieran tratarse... more
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      Foreign language teaching and learningTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
Nach einer Darstellung des fremdsprachlichen Schreibprozesses werden verschiedene Techniken zur Überprüfung und Überarbeitung der Schreibproduktion in den Bereichen Sprache, Inhalt und Textaufbau erläutert und mit Beispielen illustriert.
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      German langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesDaF-UnterrichtDaF-Didaktik
This German-Course has been issued in 2007 (Brussels Education Center). The author is a native speaker. The reading-comprehension & discussion exercises can still be used. The listening-comprehension exercises refer to audio-files some... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheGerman as a Second Languge, Corpus Linguisticss, Language for Special Purposes
Anche in paesi che nella ricezione di film stranieri tradizionalmente preferiscono il doppiaggio, come Italia e Germania, negli ultimi anni si nota un crescente interesse per la trasmissione di film in lingua originale con sottotitoli... more
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      SubtitlingItalian-German cultural relationshipTranslation didacticsTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
I thank my colleagues at King Saud University, especially Albert Waldmann, for their support.
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      German StudiesLanguage AcquisitionVocabularyGerman Language
Cuando en 1994 se pusieron en marcha los nuevos Planes de Estudio en algunas universidades españolas no se contaba con los problemas metodológicos y, de forma más general, didácticos que algunas de estas reformas de carácter eminentemente... more
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      CognitionRelevance TheoryTeaching of Foreign LanguagesMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsTransitivityTransitivity AnalysisTense aspect modality
Изучая "язык Европы": французский среди других языков в образовании в России 18 века». Во вступлении к тематическому номеру об изучении иностранных языков в России 18 века уточняются цели, которые преследуют авторы публикуемых статей,... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesFrench StudiesDidactics
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      German StudiesDeutsch als FremdspracheInterkulturelle GermanistikTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
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      German StudiesDeutsch als FremdspracheGerman as a Foreign Languages, Translation StudiesTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
Die Deutsche nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese publikation in der Deutschen nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      German StudiesIntercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationGerman Cinema
Die Mehrheit der DaF-Lernenden weltweit lernt Deutsch nach English (DnE), typischerweise als zweite oder weitere Fremdsprache, Lernende mit englischer Muttersprache auch als erste Fremdsprache. Während die nahe Verwandtschaft des... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
This document breaks down the new Australian Curriculum for 'Languages - German' for Years 7 and 8. It outlines specific achievement standards and language to be covered in an easy to read format for both F-10 and 7-10.
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      German LanguageAustralian CurriculumThe Australian CurriculumTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
Several Malaysian tertiary institutions offer preparatory A-Level courses to enable students to pursue their degree in Germany. Studying in a foreign country requires not only excellent academic records, the knowledge of the respective... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesHuman Resource Development
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      German StudiesLanguage AcquisitionGerman LanguageDeutsch als Fremdsprache
En este trabajo describimos e intentamos explicar un fenómeno observado en nuestras clases de traducción: cómo en las traducciones estudiantiles al español de secuencias narrativas alemanas, un mismo predicado, cuyo núcleo está conjugado... more
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      Spanish StudiesTranslation StudiesGerman (Translation Studies)Spanish as a Foreign Language
A document that compares the F-10 and 7-10 Sequences for German side-by-side for Years and 8 in the current version of the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German). It allows teachers to see a breakdown of each thread from the official... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageMiddle High German language and literatureAustralian Curriculum
This paper aims to discuss the way in which song translation can be used as an effective way of language/translation teaching, focusing in particular on German as a Foreign Language in higher education at the university level. Starting... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching TranslationTranslation and MusicTranslation
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageTEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GERMAN, ENGLISH
Co-authors: Natalie Eppelsheimer, Charlotte Melin
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      Environmental EducationTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageEcocriticismEnvironmental Humanities
Most educators are aware that some students utilize web-based machine translators for foreign language assignments, however, little research has been done to determine how and why students utilize these programs, or what the implications... more
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      Machine TranslationForeign Language WritingSecond Language PedagogyForeign Language Pedagogy
This document outlines how the Eurovision unit aligns to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German) and on what Achievement Standards students could be assessed.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesThe Australian CurriculumGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
Integrating eLearning into your classroom can be a fun and rewarding experience, however it is not simply a matter of putting your material online or giving students a task and saying 'get to it'. Online tools need to match your learning... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesTeaching LanguagesTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesElearning
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      German StudiesVocabularyGerman LanguageVocabulary Acquisition
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche Sprache
ÖZ Bu çalışmada yabancı dil olarak Almanca öğrenen Türklerin ilgeç isteyen fiilleri kullanma davranışlarının incelenmesi, ana dili ve yabancı dilin farklı özelliklerinin öğrencilerde ne tür kullanım sorunlarına yol açtığının deneysel... more
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      Contrastive LinguisticsTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
download the PowerPoint presentation and cut the slides and use as a memory cards.
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      German StudiesTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesTeaching German As a Foreign Language
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageListening Comprehension (Psychology of Language)Deutsch als Fremdsprache
I thank my colleagues at King Saud University, especially Albert Waldmann, for their support.
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche Sprache
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageDeutsch als FremdspracheDeutsche Sprache
Angebot: 1. Interkultureller DaF-Unterricht für Migrantinnen & Asylbewerberinnen mit geringen Vorkenntnissen (DaF: Deutsch als Fremdsprache) 2. Interkultureller Alphabetisierungskurs für Migrantinnen und Asylbewerberinnen Kursleiterin:... more
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      German LanguageDiversity ManagementCultural DiversityInterkulturelle Germanistik
"Steps towards a (writing) pedagoy of multilingualism" concerns itself with the chances and challenges that face students writing academic papers in L2. What benefits can a multilingual approach offer and how can the resources of... more
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      Academic WritingSecond Language WritingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesGerman as a Foreign Language
In diesem Beitrag sollen die bedeutungsunterscheidenden Mittel erläutert werden, die fremdsprachigen Textproduzenten bei der Suche des geeigneten Äquivalents Hilfe leisten. Darüber hinaus werden die Menge und Qualität der im... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesPedagogical LexicographyBilingual LexicographyTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies