Foreign language teaching and learning
Recent papers in Foreign language teaching and learning
This present article seeks to provide a mixed methodological model for the development and implementation of a Teaching Module for Spanish as a Foreign Language in the face to face environment. The primary objective is to portray how... more
While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented... more
Multifunctional TV studio assisted language learning is based on an empirical study that examined students' perceptions of how they develop their language-specific skills. TV contests, documentaries, educational and cognitive TV programs,... more
This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and... more
Although a number of studies have investigated study abroad or telecollaboration separately, none to date has included both methods with the aim of differentiating their impacts on the development of intercultural communicative competence... more
The research project carried out in one primary school in Scotland was guided by an intention to discover and provide up-to-date data on what literacy teachers knew about critical literacy and whether this knowledge was promoted,... more
Over the last decade, the community of inquiry framework has proved successful for online learning experiences in diverse disciplines, although studies in the teaching of English as a foreign language arena are still scarce. In this vein,... more
This volume is composed of 24 papers originally presented as talks at the VIII National Conference of the Italian Association of University Language Centres (Associazione Italiana dei Centri Linguistici Universitari: AICLU), held at the... more
This· study discusses roles and responsibilities in team-teaching by English native-speaking ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) and JTLs (Japanese Teachers of Language) in English classes at Japanese secondary schools. Mombukagakusho... more
"Praxis Grammatica : Showing the true and authentic use of declensions and conjugations, nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition of a knowledge of the essential grammatical components of meaning. There are also attached a... more
Keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar dalam bahasa asing dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, diantaranya adalah faktor pengajar/guru dan pembelajar/siswa. Selama ini usaha menuju perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran lebih banyak dilakukan oleh... more
Günümüzde, ülkeler arasındaki siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkilerin artmasıyla birlikte yabancı dil toplumumuz için önemli bir ihtiyaç haline dönüşmüştür. Bu sebeple yabancı dil bilen nitelikli insanlar yetiştirmek büyük bir önem arz... more
The aim of this study is to present the results of analyses of Ph.D. dissertations defended abroad and in the Czech Republic in the years 2006–2012 in the field of foreign language didactics. Building on a body of previous work,... more
The purpose of this study is to find out the predictive degree of university students’ levels of need for cognition and metacognition on their academic achievement. A total of 253 university students formed the study group. To collect the... more
Bio note: John Rogers (PhD, University College London) is currently a lecturer and English language program coordinator at Qatar University. His research to date has focused on the development and measurement of implicit and explicit... more
NihonGO NOW! is a beginning-level courseware package that takes a performed-culture approach to learning Japanese. This innovative approach balances the need for an intellectual understanding of structural elements with multiple... more
The theories behind conceptions of digital literacies are the focus of this chapter, along with discussion of comparisons-focused pedagogical frameworks that address their development in the L2 classroom. As explained in the introduction... more
Slides for a presentation on gamification for our research group seminars. The presentation introduce the concept of gamification and my own research project. (It might be a bit dry without the actual talking around the slides..)... more
Few will argue that Teaching English through English (TETE) is an approach that many practitioners have a definite opinion on. Some praise it as the best way to conduct ESL/EFL classes; others criticize it as being inappropriate and... more
A previous quantitative and qualitative study carried out by the author demonstrated that many of the personality traits that facilitate cultural adaptation or adjustment (the ability to function at a high level in cross-cultural... more
This article explores the role of posture in the language learning process, and concludes that it is sometimes critical for learning success. Principles of learning and moving are outlined. The history of physical movement in study is... more
With the increase in globalization, the study of English has become common in Saudi Arabia, but students’ experiences of foreign language anxiety (FLA) have been underexamined. Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries are culturally... more
In this era of globalization, people cross country boarders for various purposes some for education, business, work, tourism, or for living. In meeting such purposes, people have to use language for communication; this has necessitated... more
Repenser le figement: enjeux et perspectives dans l’enseignement du figement. Entre apprentissage, didacticité et langues de spécialité: sous ce titre, nous visons à mettre en perspective plusieurs aspects de la didactique de la... more
With the widespread and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in our daily lives, technology provides numerous opportunities and challenges for language teachers and learners. The popularity of learning a foreign... more
This article dwells on the opposing alignments that can be found in the literature on the Linguistic Interdependence (LIH) and Linguistic Threshold (LTH) hypotheses, in the field of second language acquisition and foreign language... more
This paper provides a brief outline of some of the major changes in English language education (ELE) in Japan and then focuses on contemporary developments. The author identifies key problems with Japan's ELE system and provides some... more
La presentazione rappresenta una carrellata di attività sulla didattica plurilingue, in particolare sul translanguaging e sulle competenze di literacy e biliteracy anche sulla base della teoria CUP (Common Underlying Proficiency) di Jim... more