Teaching Translation
Recent papers in Teaching Translation
There are a number of arguments that support the idea of translating non-fiction to be a “double challenge”, considering the time invested in research, getting all the facts, historical names and quotations right in two languages, and... more
Skrócony zapis panelu dyskusyjnego z udziałem Dominiki Cieśli-Szymańskiej, Rafała Lisowskiego i Adama Pluszki oraz Krzysztofa Fordońskiego w roli moderatora. Dyskusja odbyła się 17 marca 2016 roku na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW... more
Tenemos el placer de invitarles a participar en el Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación de Discursos Especializados: Aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas a la accesibilidad. Congreso virtual del 3 al 4 de diciembre de... more
In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Philologica. Vol. 9, No. 3. 117–134.
Theory and methodology applied when translating collocations from a systemic-functional perspective in typically content-driven language learning contexts
Video-presentation available at: https://youtu.be/4v7lL7Z-9Lw
Video-presentation available at: https://youtu.be/4v7lL7Z-9Lw
An interview with Professor James Dickins in which he reflects on his teaching practices in translation classes and how his practices have changed over time. Dickins also discusses how teaching translation is dependant – to some extent –... more
This paper sets out to illustrate the design of an in vivo translation course that attempts to project, as closely as possible, into the translation classroom the professional environment that students will encounter in their later... more
A Covid-19-járvány miatt az ELTE Audiovizuális fordító és szakfordító szakirányú továbbképzésének is át kellett állnia a távolléti oktatásra. Magyarországon még nincs akkreditált távoktatás audiovizuális oktatásból, sőt, az ELTE képzése... more
English translation of poems by Shaymal Kumar Pramanik, a prolofic Bengali dalit author
In this article, we discuss the need for a new digital literacy among language students, namely a literacy in relation to the use of machine translation (MT): MT literacy, following Bowker & Buitrago Ciro (2019). This article does not... more
This article reports on an exploratory study conducted on applied languages undergraduate students' use of machine translation. Starting from the observation that they widely use free tools available online, our aim was to understand... more
• Transactions (Mu'amalat) • Acts of worship ('Ibadat). The analysis compares the translations of the chosen terms according to their faithfulness to the referential meaning. Arabic and English encyclopedias are consulted to provide the... more
*** Didactics of translation/ Translodidactics - terminological considerations: * The increasing demand for translators, espacially translators of specialised texts, means that the importance of translation didactics as an academic... more
Being able to propose a taxonomy of translation techniques has been a long-standing aspiration of translation theorists. By building on previous proposals, this paper presents the HispaTAV typology of translation techniques (ToT), a new... more
A majority of African student translators manifest weakness at two major levels: the conceptual and productive. From different perspectives, this is either termed 'language' or 'cognitive' problem. This dual view is a pointer to the tacit... more
Komputery stały się niemal nieodzownym elementem pracy tłumacza – w kontakcie z klientem oraz podczas opracowywania terminologii, korzystania ze źródeł, tłumaczenia zleconego tekstu i archiwizacji gotowego tłumaczenia. Niniejszy rozdział... more
O erro na tradução de textos especializados constitui com frequência uma transgressão de um paradigma considerado correto devido a várias causas. Por um lado, o mercado procura pessoal profissional, mas também busca baratear custos, o... more
Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (CTTL E) is a double-blind refereed open access journal that explores a variety of issues related to translation teaching and learning. We seek qualitative and quantitative research... more
This special issue brings together a set of papers which look to the future of translation in higher education. It is a direct response to the flurry of publications which over the last two decades have highlighted and explored the value... more
Kivonat: A tanulmány elméleti és gyakorlati segítséget kíván nyújtani a terminológia oktatásához a szakfordító-képzésekben. Azokat a terminológiai alapkérdéseket veszi számba, amelyekkel a fordítók bármilyen szöveg, bármilyen nyelvű... more
Tłumacz pracujący w środowisku medycznym pośredniczy w procesie komunikacji między personelem medycznym, a pacjentami; uczestniczy w kontaktach między różnymi przedstawicielami środowiska medycznego. Normy, które rządzą przekładem... more
Translation project management is a topic of interest for both project managers and freelance translators alike. What information is used to prepare an accurate quote? Why is scheduling so essential in some situations? How do you... more
En el año 2011, la Comisión de Recursos Tecnológicos del Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires editó la primera obra argentina dedicada exclusivamente a la informática aplicada a la traducción, el «Cuaderno de... more
Maria T. Sanchez University of Aberdeen UK ABSTRACT Interpreting trainees usually need some time and a lot of practice before they fully realize that note-taking in consecutive interpreting is only an aid to memory and a result of fully... more
Parallel texts seem to constitute a contested notion within the framework of disciplines using the term (e.g. Translation Studies, Interpreting Studies, Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics). Based on an extended view on the... more
English abstract This book is the first worldwide handbook of Portuguese Technical Translation. It covers theoretical texts on writing, translating and creating terminological neologisms; it also covers practical subjects in technical... more
Who Profits from Literary Translation? The article, originally inspired by the studies of Pascale Casanova and Pierre Bourdieu, attempts to answer the question who in Poland profits from literary translation. The concept of “profit” is... more
Chinese traditional wedding is a marriage ceremony established with a pre-arrangement between families involving a ritual procession. In this respect, this study deals with the semiotics translation of Chinese traditional wedding signs in... more
The articles concentrates on issued connected with the cooperation between literary translators and their editors. The issue of training for the job of editors as well as possible problems are presented and discussed. In Polish. The... more
The use of Translation in Language Teaching (TILT) has had many ups and downs during the history. While it was dominant during Grammar Translation Method (GTM), by the advent of the "Direct Method" and "Reform Movement", its use was... more
By Mark Shuttleworth & Moira Cowie
(This text was made available at : https://www.pdfdrive.com/dictionary-of-translation-studies-d186100405.html)
(This text was made available at : https://www.pdfdrive.com/dictionary-of-translation-studies-d186100405.html)
Zbierka odborných štúdií a ocenených prekladov z Prekladateľskej univerziády.
Interpreting trainees usually need some time and a lot of practice before they fully realize that note-taking in consecutive interpreting is only an aid to memory and a result of fully understanding what has been said, without paying too... more
Résumé La traduction est une activité qui, aujourd'hui, peut être accomplie aussi bien par l'homme que par la machine. Pourtant, la question concerne le comment : comment l'être humain apprend-il à traduire ? Et quelles sont les... more
Over the recent decades, a close relationship among linguistics, translation, and ideology has drawn the attention of many linguists and translators. The researches reveal that both source text (ST) and target text (TT) embody hidden... more
La formación de traductores especializados es una exigencia social que las universidades españolas ya han asumido. Los tiempos en los que el oficio de traductor estaba reservado a los escritores de renombre, los eruditos o los poetas han... more
Martínez de Sousa, José, Diccionario de uso de las mayúsculas y minúsculas, Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2007, 250 pp.
Over the past three decades Process-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies has developed noticeably. Think-aloud protocols (TAPs), as a verbal report, are still the most applied empirical method to investigate the complex and conscious... more