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Integrating eLearning into your classroom can be a fun and rewarding experience, however it is not simply a matter of putting your material online or giving students a task and saying 'get to it'. Online tools need to match your learning objectives and tasks should enrich your program. It is vital that students feel that they are able to take part successfully in your course and that the goals and expectations are defined (Vrasidas, 2004; Salmon, 2002). This conference workshop outlines a number of eLearning tools and suggests ways in which they could be used to enhance student learning.
The new challenge for eLearning designers is to develop software tools for effective eLearning. Effective eLearning systems should include sophisticated and advanced functions, yet their interface should hide their complexity, providing an easy and flexible interaction suited to catch students' interest. In particular, personalization and integration of learning paths and communication media should be provided. It is first necessary to establish the difference between attributes for platforms (containers) and for educational modules provided by a platform (contents). This work is a first step towards identifying specific usability attributes for eLearning systems, capturing the peculiar features of this kind of applications. This paper describes the different eLearning tools that represent the part of the eLearning systems. They can be categorized in three main groups by functionality: teacher tools, learner tools and administration tools. Implicitly there are three basic actors in the eLearning system. The most of tools are shared between these actors.
In the new European educative system, in accordance with the Bologna process, the fundamental work of the teaching staff is to teach to learn. It is not going to limit only to transmit knowledge but that must organize tasks, seminaries, continuous assessments and examinations to promote in the students acquisition of knowledge, capacities and skills that allow to respond them suitably to the demands of their professional duties. So perhaps we have to learn to teach. The new system entails a change of attitude of the students: they must stop being mere receivers of knowledge to assume an active and independent attitude in relation to the planned activities that they must make. We are developing and using different tools to obtain and to facilitate this change of attitude. Concretely we are developing our subjects interactive material, similar to videos, easy to create and to manage on the part of the teacher and easy to handle (simple and friendly use and that needs few resources) on...
Today eLearning means more than learning content and courseware, and goes far beyond the Learning Management Systems (LMS), Personal Learning Environment (PLE), administration tools and authoring tools for building courses. Nowadays, the current challenges of eLearning are related to the lack of face-to-face interaction, the lack of sophistication in terms of Computer-Based Assessment and the challenge of developing engaging and stimulating online lessons. For students who shifted from a paper-based culture with handwriting, highlighting, post-it and gap-filling to a screen-based culture, with e-mails, blogging, gaming and webcams, streaming and googling are but a few of the solutions that would tailor eLearning for the 21 st century skills and curriculum. Institutions have already challenged themselves unto meeting the new millennial students' needs by providing courses which foster not only life and career skills, but also learning and innovation ones, in corporate training and formal education environments alike, focused on professional development and encompassed by clear standards, as well as assessment and curriculum issues. The present paper will showcase the actions taken with respect to all these aspects, both in Romania, by a team within "Carol I" National Defense University, and in Spain, by a team from ESADE Law and Business School. The first team will lay stress on the foreign language education-related organizational and pedagogical changes meant to support blended and eLearning strategies and management, whereas the second one will refer to management and law education; the main objective of the paper is to share the lessons learned, by highlighting both common aspects in terms of educational and methodological approach, and differences in terms of cultural response and attitudes of those benefiting from the eLearning type of education, irrespective of the way the latter is delivered, i.e., be it on-line or blended.
The Internet provides wonderful opportunities for betterment of education. eLearning in particular has much to gain from the Internet when implemented appropriately. Implementation of eLearning can be done at the activity level, course level, program level, or institutional level. Even at the lowest level, i.e. activity level, the introduction of eLearning in a university environment requires attention to many elements. A review of the literature suggests that only specific elements have been discussed, and the various elements have not been considered as an integrated whole. This paper proposes a preliminary model that takes into consideration the students, instructors, the pedagogy, and the administrative aspects in the design and development of an Internet-based eLearning activity, as part of a university level course. It is hoped this model can provide guidance for an instructor or an institution contemplating designing effective eLearning programs.
Abstract: In these days the learning experience is no longer confined within the four walls of a classroom. Computers and primarily the Internet have broadened this horizon by creating a way of delivering education that is known as eLearning. In the meantime, the Internet or, more precisely, the Web is heading towards a new paradigm where the user is no longer just a consumer of information and becomes an active part in the communication. This two-way channel where the user takes the role of the producer of content triggered the ...
INTRODUCTION: The objective is to introduce a new tool for prompting sequences in a Technology Enhances Learning Environments (TELE) and to present results of the first implementations. There are two research questions: How is OPeL accepted by the learners? Does OPeL enhance the performance of the learners? OPeL includes the self-estimation of one’s performance answering questions concerning (a part of) the content of a course. It permits to build sequences of questions and answers. In education, prompts are learning aids to increase recall and performance without teaching new things. We used explanations prompts (cognitive prompts). They invite learners to explain topics to oneself, and to reason about learning strategies used. METHODS: We implemented OPeL in an online course of the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS) to prompt interventions in behaviour changes (4 classes; 31 adult students; 94% females; age: 30-50 years) and in a communication course of the Valai...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2015
Monitoring and evaluating engineering learners through computer-based laboratory exercises is a difficult task, especially under classroom conditions. A complete diagnosis requires the capability to assess both the competence of the learner to use the scientific software and the understanding of the theoretical principles. This monitoring and evaluation needs to be continuous, unobtrusive and personalized in order to be effective. This study presents the results of the pilot application of an eLearning environment developed specifically with engineering learners in mind. As its name suggests, the Learner Diagnosis, Assistance, and Evaluation System based on Artificial Intelligence (StuDiAsE) is an Open Learning Environment that can perform unattended diagnostic, evaluation and feedback tasks based on both quantitative and qualitative parameters. The base architecture of the system, the user interface and its effect on the performance of postgraduate engineering learners are being pr...
Summary – eLearning, as one of the organised form of learning and teaching, frequently moves centre of attention towards one of its constitutional elements. . Though the central line, teacher – student that practically constitutes learning basically doesn’t change the importance of neither, it still creates different relationships in the realisation. Learning contents can also appear in centre of consideration,
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