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While commoditization is creating opportunities for customers of information technology services, it is creating new challenges for the service providers. Pricing strategies are one of the most important challenges and decisions for... more
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      IT Service ManagementValue ManagementSystem SciencesInformation Technology Enabled Services
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been witnessed. This evolution reflects both the increasing maturity of information technology and also the business outlook of firms seeking to use IT for competitive advantage. In this paper we... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation TechnologySupply Chain ManagementProject Management
Information retrieval technology has been central to the success of the Web. For semantic web documents or annotations to have an impact, they will have to be compatible with Web based indexing and retrieval technology. We discuss some of... more
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      Information RetrievalPhysicsSemantic WebSearch Engines
In this paper we present and review a framework for online simulations and predictions which are based on the combination of real-world traffic data and a multi-agent traffic flow model. The agent architecture consists of two layers which... more
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      Decision MakingMulti Agent SystemHistorical DataDynamic Panel Data
Business organizations operating in highly dynamic environments need agile processes. Though existing IT infrastructure including enterprise systems have made business processes cost efficient, they pose a serious challenge to process... more
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      Case StudyHicssBusiness ProcessEnterprise System
Although the soft (i.e. non-technical) skills of information systems (I/S) professionals are recognized as important for job performance, few attempts have been made to study systematically the concept of soft skills. We draw upon the... more
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      Information SystemsTraining and DevelopmentHuman Resource ManagementSoft Skills
In multimedia-based e-Learning systems, there are strong needs for segmenting lecture videos into topic units in order to organize the videos for browsing and to provide search capability. Automatic segmentation is highly desired because... more
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      Speech SynthesisE Learning Management SystemImage segmentationVideo segmentation
Collaboration within an organisation can be said to be subject to the effective management of relationships. This study focuses on one such relationship, that between the business and IT sides of an organisation, which need to communicate... more
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    • System Sciences
While commoditization is creating opportunities for customers of information technology services, it is creating new challenges for the service providers. Pricing strategies are one of the most important challenges and decisions for... more
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      IT Service ManagementValue ManagementHicssSystem Sciences
Software visualization is the use of interactive computer graphics, typography, graphic design, animation, and cinematography to enhance the interface between the software engineer or the computer science student and their programs.... more
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      Computer GraphicsSoftware EngineeringAnimationGraphic Design
An increasing number of governments worldwide understand the importance of electronic participation (eParticipation) i.e. the importance of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to more actively engage citizens in... more
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      Public AdministrationMobile TechnologyE ParticipationInformation and Communication technology
Virtual teams are an important work structure in software development projects. However, little is known about what constitutes effective virtual software team leadership, in particular, the amount of leader delegation that is appropriate... more
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      Communication TechnologyLeadership StyleVirtual TeamSystem Sciences
While commoditization is creating opportunities for customers of information technology services, it is creating new challenges for the service providers. Pricing strategies are one of the most important challenges and decisions for... more
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      IT Service ManagementValue ManagementHicssSystem Sciences
The term " assurance" has been used for decades in trusted system development as an expression of confidence that one has in the strength of mechanisms or countermeasures. One of the unsolved problems of security engineering is the... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation TechnologySystems EngineeringInformation Assurance
Business objects are object-oriented representations of the concepts of interest in an organization, such as activities, resources and actors. Business objects collaborate with one another in order to achieve business goals, showing... more
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      Business ProcessRole ModelsSystem SciencesObject Oriented
ERP implementation issues have been given much attention since two decades ago due to its low implementation success. Nearly 90 percent of ERP implementations are late or over budget and the success rate with ERP implementation is about... more
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      SMEData AnalysisRisk management and control of ERP projectsDeveloping Countries
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) leverages technology to coordinate business-customer interactions with the objective of building long-term loyalty. Multilevel Secure (MLS) data models were originally developed as database models... more
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      User InterfaceE BusinessCustomer Relationship ManagementKnowledge Representation
With the recent advances in mobile technologies and infrastructures, citizens start to demand for not just mobile but also ubiquitous access to e-government services. Further with the invention of new interaction devices, the context in... more
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      Mobile TechnologyUser InterfaceRequirements elicitationSystem Sciences
Participants were observed while searching and browsing the internet for campaign information in a mock-voting situation in three online note-taking conditions: No Notes, Private Notes, and Shared Notes. Note taking significantly... more
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      HicssSystem Sciences
With increasing reliance on outsourcing, cross-cultural teams, distributed knowledge workers, and other international collaborations distance learning (DL) has become a key agent of strategic competitive advantage and organisational... more
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      Distance LearningCompetitive advantageAsynchronous CommunicationCultural difference
IT governance is one of these concepts that suddenly emerged and became an important issue in the information technology area. Some organisations started with the implementation of IT governance in order to achieve the fusion between... more
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      Information TechnologyIT GovernanceSystem Sciences
Agile project management with Scrum derives from best business practices in companies like Fuji-Xerox, Honda, Canon, and Toyota. Toyota routinely achieves four times the productivity and 12 times the quality of competitors. Can Scrum do... more
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      Project ManagementOutsourcingBest practiceProject manager
This paper describes an organizational memory information system (OMIS) Success Model that is based on the I/S Success Model proposed by DeLone and McLean [6]. The current model is refined from the original through application of specific... more
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      Organizational MemoryInformation Systems SuccessCase StudyUnited States
This paper presents a formal approach to the comparison of six object-oriented analysis and design methodologies. For each of the methodologies, a formal representation of it is constructed as a meta-process model and a meta-data model.... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceData MiningSystems Analysis
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      Information SystemsMathematicsPrimary CareDecision Support Systems
This research reviews studies using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM0 in order to create a modified model and instrument to study the acceptance of Internet technology by consumers. In this paper, we examined the relationships between... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnology AssessmentPerceived UsefulnessInternet technology
Data warehousing systems enable enterprise managers to acquire and integrate information from heterogeneous sources and to query very large databases efficiently. Building a data warehouse requires adopting design and implementation... more
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      Data WarehousingData WarehouseConceptual DesignConceptual Model
This paper presents the results of a survey used to collect data about media choice from 228 respondents in Norwegian organizations. In this study, we focus on the role of three factors in influencing media choice: (a) task type, (b)... more
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      Knowledge ManagementComputer LiteracyUncertaintyFace to Face
The majority of financial services companies in Germany and Switzerland have, with varying objectives and success, conducted customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects.
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      Knowledge ManagementPerformance ManagementCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Relationship Management
The recent introduction of a spate of data access applications, such as CLAP and data mining tools, has led to an increased interest on the part of both scholars and practitioners on how best to use and benefit from these tools. This... more
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      Data MiningBusiness IntelligenceDecision Support SystemsInformation Processing
The efficient and effective management of projects is a key success factor for many organizations. Empirical studies indicate that systematic know-how transfer from, between and within projects has significant impact on the success of... more
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      Knowledge ManagementOrganizational structureEmpirical StudyHicss
The control objectives for information and related technology (COBIT) is a "trusted" open standard that is being used increasingly by a diverse range of organizations throughout the world. COBIT is arguably the most appropriate... more
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      ManagementInformation TechnologyCorporate GovernanceCapital Investment
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      Computer ScienceManagement Information SystemsSystems EngineeringKnowledge sharing
Agile project management with Scrum derives from best business practices in companies like Fuji-Xerox, Honda, Canon, and Toyota. Toyota routinely achieves four times the productivity and 12 times the quality of competitors. Can Scrum do... more
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      Project ManagementOutsourcingBest practiceProject manager
User authentication in computer systems has been a cornerstone of computer security for decades. The concept of a user id and password is a cost effective and efficient method of maintaining a shared secret between a user and a computer... more
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      Computer SecurityFinancial ServicesConceptual ModelCost effectiveness
The need to develop software at Internet speed and accommodate changes during the entire software development life cycle has made lightweight or agile development methodologies like Extreme Programming popular. However, such methodologies... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementSoftware DevelopmentProgramming
A typology of trust concepts would enable researchers to compare results and communicate results more clearly. The typology would be especially valuable if the types of trust are shown to relate to each other. This paper justifies such an... more
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      Social PsychologyHicssSystem SciencesE Commerce
Online service quality is a much-studied concept. Despite this, dimensions that make up service quality, and the items used to measure those dimensions have proven unstable. It is widely suggested that service quality measurement scales... more
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      Service QualityFocus GroupWork in ProgressQualitative Study
Intelligent agents are a new emerging technology that allows for machine-to-machine contract formation. Agents equipped with a set of rules instructed by humans, surf the web, discover other agents and/or humans, and take decisions... more
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      LawIntelligent AgentLegislationConceptual Model
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      Trust ManagementOpen SourceEmergency ResponseCase Study
In this paper, we will illustrate the use of modern information technology to provide knowledge support to CRM processes. This knowledge support allows for performance enhancement in customer oriented business processes. We will base our... more
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      Information TechnologyKnowledge ManagementAction ResearchCustomer Orientation
In its past, IS research has focused on IT and the organizations that use IT. Human issues have been studied in HCI and the Human Factor Studies of MIS. Yet recently a new wave of attention has emerged to focus more explicitly on issues... more
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      Human FactorsIS researchSystem SciencesInformation System
This paper presents results from a study of mobile ticketing service acceptance in public transportation. The theoretical background of the study was drawn from technology acceptance and diffusion of innovation theories, which were... more
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      BusinessPublic TransportTechnology AcceptanceTransportation
ERP implementation issues have been given much attention since two decades ago due to its low implementation success. Nearly 90 percent of ERP implementations are late or over budget and the success rate with ERP implementation is about... more
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      SMEData AnalysisRisk management and control of ERP projectsDeveloping Countries
The public sector provides a variety of services to citizens. The delivery of information for these services over electronic means such as the Internet forms an important component of e-government strategy. However, providing information... more
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      Information SystemsUsabilityPublic sectorLos Angeles
The increasing availability of web services necessitates efficient discovery and execution framework. The use of xml at various levels of web services standards poses challenges to the above process. OWLS is a service ontology and... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceXMLWeb Services
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      System IntegrationTechnological InnovationHealthcareEnterprise Application Integration
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      BusinessPublic TransportTechnology AcceptanceTransportation
Case-based reasoning and multicriteria decision making have common grounds: they are both problem solving methodologies; both involve the selection, ranking and aggregation of best alternatives and provide tools for evaluating the... more
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      Problem SolvingCommon GroundMulticriteria decision makingIntelligent Decision Support System
The profitability of banks world-wide has decreased from the early 1980s to the 1990s. This has been attributed to several factors: the decline of traditional banking activities (deposit taking and lending), poorly performing debts... more
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      Information TechnologyProfitabilityHicssBanking Industry