E Commerce
Recent papers in E Commerce
E-commerce not only has tremendous potential for growth but also poses unique challenges for both incumbents and new entrants. By examining drivers of firm performance in e-commerce from a capabilities perspective, the authors... more
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar, de forma breve e sucinta, as conexões estabelecidas entre o artigo de Camila Dias , "Estado e PCC em meio às tramas do poder arbitrário
The number of Internet users has grown exponentially. The evidence is not only demonstrated by figures in developed countries but also in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Internet technology has been adopted for multiple... more
Este hecho no ha pasado desapercibido para las empresas españolas que, con mayor o menor éxito, están incorporando los medios que ofrece la Red en su actividad cotidiana. En el presente trabajo recopilamos los distintos modelos de negocio... more
Frequent itemset mining is a classic problem in data mining. It is a non-supervised process which concerns in finding frequent patterns (or itemsets) hidden in large volumes of data in order to produce compact summaries or models of the... more
We are developing a purely event-based architecture to facilitate the executable specification of e-commerce applications. In our approach, specifications (policies) are decomposed into events which, like operational events, are stored... more
Reliability at massive scale is one of the biggest challenges we face at Amazon.com, one of the largest e-commerce operations in the world; even the slightest outage has significant financial consequences and impacts customer trust. The... more
We observed that for multimedia data -especially music -collaborative similarity measures perform much better than similarity measures derived from content-based sound features. Our observation is based on a large scale evaluation with... more
The importance of e-business services quality continues to increase, as the use of e-commerce to support business activities becomes a routine practice for many enterprises. Companies need robust, predictable and efficient services that... more
We propose a technique that we call HodgeRank for ranking data that may be incomplete and imbalanced, characteristics common in modern datasets coming from e-commerce and internet applications. We are primarily interested in cardinal data... more
Business to Business (B2B) relationships in Ecommerce are becoming increasingly important. However, there is little guidance available for managers about how relationships should be formulated or managed. Further, requirements analysis... more
Searching and comparing products satisfying buyer's preferences is one of the essential activities in ecommerce. It is difficult when product space is large and multiple criteria on the product features are to be considered. Furthermore,... more
The use of e-commerce in small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become an important topic in information systems research. At present, there is a large number of well-documented benefits derived from e-commerce for small-medium... more
This paper extends the previous research regarding the Romanian electronic market as context for the launching a business opportunity in this domain. Here we will present a study on the indigenous e-commerce websites in general and their... more
Web pages are designed to be read by people, not machines. Consequently, searching and reusing information on the Web is a difficult task without human participation. Adding semantics (i.e meaning) to a Web page would help machines to... more
The main objective of this study is to determine the factors influence consumers in Oman to switch from in-store to electronic purchasing. Therefore, four constructs (perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), facilitating... more
There are three main drivers of economic globalization in the latter half of the 20th century: investment by transnational corporations, international trade, and the Internet. Whereas producer-driven and buyer-driven commodity chains... more
The rise of E-commerce came with the promise of disintermediation. Yet, from aggregators to authenticators, the online landscape today is scattered with intermediaries such as EBay and Verisign, aiming to streamline ecommerce transactions... more
Consider shopping in the real world: When a customer enters a shop for the first time, she sees the interior, goods and the sales staff. Visual cues allow her to evaluate the shop’s professionalism and competence. Furthermore, interaction... more
A growing body of literature suggests that greater benefits of e-business will be obtained when e-business is integrated throughout a supply chain. However, organizations are still cautious in adopting e-business technologies. This paper... more
Purpose -E-commerce is diffusing into developing countries (DCs), and is assumed to help deliver the international development agenda. But how can the connection between e-commerce and socio-economic development be conceptualised? The aim... more
Application-level web security refers to vulnerabilities inher-ent in the code of a web-application itself (irrespective of the technologies in which it is implemented or the security of the web-server/back-end database on which it is... more
This paper develops an economic model that captures consumer shopping channel choices based on shopping channel characteristics and consumer risk profiles-risk-neutral or risk-averse. Analyses of results show that after making purchases... more
Abstract. This article discusses a potential application of radio frequency identification (RFID) and collaborative filtering for targeted advertising in grocery stores. Every day hundreds of items in grocery stores are marked down for... more
DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTADÍSTICA, ESTRUCTURA ECONÓMICA Y OEI Plaza de la Victoria, 2 28802 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Teléfono: 91 885 42 01 http://www.uah.es/centros_departamentos /departamentos ... THE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON THE
In this paper we presents our effort towards the goal of perceptual user interface for major interaction tasks, such as navigation/travel, selection/picking and personal data access, in virtual shopping. A set of 3-D navigation devices,... more
Online shopping for fashion has seen explosive growth in recent times but the sector still faces the challenge of translating the in-store experience to the online environment. Clothing has been classified as a high-involvement product... more
The U.S. furniture, home furnishings, and textile industries are faced with threats from less expensive imports and as a result must become more strategic with regard to consumer preferences, effective marketing, and supply chain... more
Abstract.Increased Internet traffic and the sophistication of companies,in tracking that traffic have made,privacy a critical issue in electronic commerce (e-commerce). This has spawned,a number of research works ,addressing Internet... more
Collaborative filtering-based recommender systems, which automatically predict preferred products of a user using known preferences of other users, have become extremely popular in recent years due to the increase in web-based activities... more
T he Web has transformed electronic information systems from single, isolated nodes into a worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions. In this context, companies have equipped themselves with high-capacity storage... more
This action research presents a description of how an on-line E-commerce business-planning unit was developed. Initially, an intensive ten-day E-commerce course was developed in collaboration with government, industry and university... more
The delinquency in hotels is well known both to the professionals of the sector as well as to the clients. The specificity of hotel accommodation as an area of “hospitality” and discretion, providing distinctive tranquility and security... more
E-commerce represents a model of modern commerce in which autonomous software agents represent the roles of different trading entities. Applications of e-commerce are characterized as consisting of a number of distributed heterogeneous... more
ABSTRACT The need to reduce operational costs and meet the increasing expectations of customers while remaining competitive has forced banks to deploy information technologies into the provision of banking services. The adoption rate of... more
The increasing use of e-COIIllnerce generally is considered a positive trend that should be fostered. Yet, many lawmakers believe that laws requiring signatures to authenticate certain transactions represent obstacles to e-comlllerce and... more
The evidence suggests that information systems in most organisations are poorly integrated. We might therefore expect that inter-organisational e-commerce applications will only aggravate this situation. Here, we report on an Australian... more
People use e-government applications, trade financial goods online, purchase online, book hotel rooms using mobile booking apps, and make decisions based on information given in organisational information systems. All of these decisions... more
An exploratory research approach is used to characterize the experience of two second year high school mathematics teachers in their teacher preparation programs: one graduated from a four-year undergraduate program while the other... more
e-Commerce companies acknowledge that customers are their most important asset and that it is imperative to estimate the potential value of this asset. In conventional marketing, one of the widely accepted methods for evaluating customer... more
Information overload on the Web has created enormous challenges to customers selecting products for online purchases and to online businesses attempting to identify customers' preferences efficiently. Various recommender systems employing... more
Surveillance-based reality television has emerged as a resurgent programming genre in the US and Western Europe during a time when the online economy is becoming increasingly reliant upon surveillance as a form of economic exploitation.... more
ABSTRACT By reducing the cost of performing isolated economic activities in remote areas, information technology might serve as a substitute for urban agglomeration. The paper assesses this hypothesis using data on Italian households'... more
The article examines integration of cryptocurrencies as electronic payment systems in e-commerce enterprises. Practical usage of Ethereum and Bitcoin cryptocurrencies as electronic payment systems, as well as factors that may affect their... more