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Aleksandar Dragomanović is one of the key creators of Croatian post-war modernism. His oeuvre numbers more than hundred works, mainly shops and stores, commercial and offi ce buildings and educational institutions. However, he also... more
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      ArchitectureIndustrial HeritageModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Urbanism
Strange as it may seem, as of this writing (summer of 2023), it is not exactly clear what the Establishment Clause prohibits. In Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022), the Supreme Court announced that the "Lemon" and "endorsement"... more
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      First Amendment Law (USA)Separation of Church and StateOriginalismConstitutionalism
The article begins by pointing to the 1960s as the period when young theoreticians of literature connected with the Literary Theory Department at the Warsaw University, students of Stefan Żółkiewski, began leaning towards the... more
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      AnthropologyStructuralism (Literary Criticism)Social and Cultural AnthropologyIdeology
Freudovski dusevni aparat je bioartefakt, tj. stroj, ki mediira med življenjem kot napetostjo in smrtjo kot popolno sprostitvijo te napetosti. Ta stroj hiperbolicno požene v gibanje življenje, ki pa ni drugega kot ovinek na poti k smrti.... more
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    • Physics
Herman Hertzberger pertenece a ese grupo de arquitectos que, desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta nuestros días, han entendido el binomio arquitectura–pedagogía como indisoluble, como dos disciplinas complementarias en el proceso de... more
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      Architecture and learning spacesStructuralismEstructuralismoPrimary Schools
Comment Foucault fait franchir à Deleuze et Wittgenstein l'espace qui sépare la constellation des transcendentaux du sublunaire à bifurcations.
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      Gilles DeleuzeMichel FoucaultWittgenstein
Wellmer ovšem mj. navazuje na tradici zájmu o estetiku, utvořenou právě v první generaci Frankfurtské školy. 1 Ačkoliv nevypracoval systematickou estetickou koncepci a své úvahy vyjádřil jen v několika málo esejích, 2 patří jeho myšlenky... more
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In this book the author examines the caesura, one of the least studied features of Russian verse. Although many manuals of versification speak of the obligatory nature of the caesura in some types of Russian verse (i.e. in dactylic or... more
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      TypologyRussian PoetryRussian VerseMetrics and Prosody
Dans le champ de l'histoire de la philosophie, le travail de Pierre-François Moreau se distingue par sa fidélité à quatre exigences méthodologiques fondamentales : la nécessité du travail philologique en amont du travail philosophique ;... more
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      PhilologyHistory of IdeasMarxismReception Theory
Althusser’s “critique of the media” is based on two important theoretical topoi, i.e. ahumanism and interpellation. According to Althusser, the idea of man as a free, purposeful and creative individual is a mere ideological distortion,... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismLouis AlthusserStructuralism
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsIntuitionism
En la teórica económica, la perspectiva del excedente económico —EE— tiene una doble importancia en las economías periféricas. En primer lugar, su esquema teórico incorpora la cuestión del patrón de desarrollo, esto es, el análisis del... more
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      Development EconomicsHumanitiesStructuralismProductive Diversification
Siže izlaganja na tribini Filozofija i mentalno zdravlje, u organizaciji Srpskog filozofskog društva i Gimnazije Svetozar Marković u Novom Sadu, 27. 11. 2024. Učesnici tribine: dr Damir Smiljanić, dr Izabela Huber i dr Srđan Damnjanović.... more
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      PsychoanalysisMarxismLouis AlthusserFranz Kafka
The aim of this article is to discuss the collection of texts of pre-modern folklore from Cieszyn Silesia (Teschen Silesia, Těšín Silesia), published by the folklorist and ethnographer Karol Daniel Kadłubiec. The article answers the... more
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      Cultural HistoryFolkloreCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural Anthropology
En este artículo se pretende mostrar la evolución de las relaciones internacionales en una perspectiva histórica, marcando el hito fundamental de la división entre la disciplina autó- noma de las Relaciones Internacionales con un cuerpo... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySociologyHumanitiesMarxism
آخرین انار دنیا با عنوان اصلی (کُردی) دواهه­‌مین هه‌­ناری دونیا، رمانی است از بختیار علی، نویسندۀ مشهور کُرد که با بهره‌گیری از درون‌مایۀ «جنگ» زوایای فلسفی بسیاری را در خود جای داده است. بدیهی است درون­‌مایۀ جنگ اغلب در آثار هنرمندان به... more
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    • آزادی
زینوی به‌ته‌م اثری ادبی، در ژانر رمان تاریخی است که وقایع یک برهۀ تاریخیِ خاص از جامعۀ کردستان را روایت می‌کند. هدف این پژوهش، خوانش این اثر به ‌منظور فهم آن مقطع تاریخی از دریچۀ چگونگی مداخلۀ نیروهای هژمونیک در زیست‌جهان سوژۀ کُرد است.... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureScientismReading Process
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      Travel WritingPoststructuralismLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
El artículo presenta una breve introducción al último periodo intelectual del pensador y semiólogo francés Roland Barthes. Este se caracterizó por un giro a su forma de pensar la realidad, siempre envuelta en la red estructuralista, para... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyRoland BarthesStructuralism
Stuart Hall sought to internationalise theoretical debates and to create Cultural Studies as interdisciplinary. We chart his theoretical journey through a detailed examination of a series of lectures delivered in 1983 and now published... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMarxismCultural Theory
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    • Economics
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Chapter from the book "Ritualising Cultural Heritage and Re-Enchanting Rituals in Europe". Carolina Academic Press, Durham, series “European Anthropology” (ISBN 9781531026738) – preface by Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, 2023, pp.... more
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      History of ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyRitualEthnology
On the first song Dylan recorded for Nashville Skyline (1969), revisiting, recreating, remodelling the song fifty years later
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      Bob DylanBob Dylan's SignificanceLyrics of Bob DylanBob Dylan Archive
Paper written for CR 711, Theory and Process of Communication, Boston University, School of Public Communication, Prof. F. Earle Barcus, Fall 1973. Reviews various film theorists utilizing structuralist approaches, including Peter Wollen,... more
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    • Structuralism
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureNeo-latin literatureEarly Modern LiteratureLiterature and Visual Arts
Структурализам се у светским оквирима може посматрати као резултат културних трансфера. У овом прилогу посматра се трансфер структурализма шездесетих година у српској фолклористици (која је била првенствено део проучавања књижевности).... more
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      FolkloreStructuralism (Literary Criticism)History of Folklore Theory and MethodStructuralism
The paper deals with the question whether contradictory oppositions occur not only between state verbs (mít 'have' – chybět 'lack'), process verbs (spát 'sleep' – bdít 'be awake', mluvit 'speak' - mlčet 'be silent') and event verbs... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexical SemanticsAntonymyCzech language
Pese a la veteranía de la etnografía, o quizás debido a ella, se ha venido señalando la creciente irrelevancia que desde el punto de vista de cierta antropología y de los colaboradores/informantes aqueja a unos discursos en exceso... more
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      Ethnography (Research Methodology)EthnofictionSimetria
The paper assumes that the reflexive elements se, si which form the so-called proper reflexive verbs have the status of derivational morphemes. The aim of the paper is to describe the consequences of the adoption of the given premise for... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexical SemanticsMorphology and SyntaxReflexives
Postfazione ad "Attraverso i segni"
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      SemioticsPolitical TheoryRepresentation TheoryAesthetics and Theory of Arts
The practice of "compadrazgo" (compaternity) has been widely discussed in numerous monographs, and these studies have given rise to one of the most important debates of Anthropology. In the majority of studies of "compadrazgo", the main... more
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      SociologySocial AnthropologyPoliticsStructuralism
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    • Sociologie
Dallo strutturalismo di Lévi-Strauss alla decostruzione di Jacques Derrida.
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      Gilles DeleuzeDeleuzeMichel FoucaultJacques Derrida
In this article, we explore structuralist theories of dependency, the modern world system, and neoimperialism that trace their analytical approaches and policy prescriptions to both Marx and Lenin. Dependency Theory A structuralist... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyNeoimperialismStructuralism
The term neoimperialism describes a newer, subtler version of imperialism that structuralists claim the United States has been practicing since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Neoimperialism differs from classic imperialism in that,... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyNeoimperialismStructuralism
Forms and Individuals. Luporini’s Critique of Structural Marxism – This paper examines the relationship between Luporini's Marxism and structuralism, focusing primarily on the anti-historicist aspects of his reflection (nature,... more
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      MarxismHistoricismLouis AlthusserItalian Marxism
característica adjunta de presentar-se amb un rebuig teòric radical de les posicions "universals". de manifest. Un apropament com aquest "val en la mesura que afronta i planteja la universalitat del problema del poder al nivell de les... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesHermeneuticsMichel Foucault
Notre etude consiste a effectuer une enquete aupres du public en vue de presenter les structures de l'opinion sportive en montagne. Cette procedure permet d'observer les jeux de differences entre pratiquants dans la maniere... more
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      HumanitiesPublic OpinionArtPolitical Science
Virginia, August 1831). Like all documents generated in the course of master-class investigations of slave revoltsalleged or actual-The Confessions of Nat Turner raises obvious evidentiary quandaries: credibility, reliability,... more
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      LawPhilosophyStructuralismSocial Science Research Network
Součástí knižního daru profesora Vladimíra Svatoně, který v červnu 2017 věnoval Ústavu východoevropských studií FF UK, byl i fascikl, který obsahuje zredigovaný strojopis Dějin ruské literatury. Projekt vznikl v padesátých letech a... more
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La formulación de la política social en América Latina a partir de la década de los años ochenta, se ha visto influenciada por un contexto económico adverso, no solo por los efectos de la crisis internacional de los años ochenta y el... more
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      Social PolicyPolitical ScienceEconomic DevelopmentNeoliberalism
Quel genre de connaissance produit une science humaine? Qu'y connaît-on? L'objet d'une science humaine préexiste-t-il à l'acte de connaissance ou bien en est-il le résultat? On tentera de répondre à ces questions à partir de l'exemple de... more
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ABSTRACT: The place of Pragmatics in the overall scheme of language and of the study of language is a question whose ramifications extend into the empirical study of human interactions and into general questions of semiotics. In this... more
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      SemioticsBakhtinStructuralismIntegrational linguistics
Traditional approaches to the psychology of religious-mystical and altered-state experience have divided between more psychoanalytic and psychiatric views that associate such experience with "schizophrenia," "regression," and... more
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