History of Folklore Theory and Method
Recent papers in History of Folklore Theory and Method
Amikor felmerült nyelv és folklór konferencia ötlete, elsőként a jel és jelentés, s utóbbi változékonyságának problémája jutott eszembe. Erről a szakterminológiára asszociáltam, egy szakterület alapvető fogalmainak képlékenysége, értelmi... more
The ningen, a giant, sub-Antarctic aquatic humanoid, is a mythical creature created by Japanese Internet users in the mid:2000s. Since its inception it has crossed over into international Internet contexts and has been... more
An examination of the early sources (mainly 19C) for the Boggart Hole Clough legend, an area of English countryside in the Manchester conurbation.
Après avoir envisagé brièvement l'étude de la littérature comme objet de l'anthropologie et, plus particulièrement, de la littérature orale, nous étudierons le processus d'institutionnalisation des ces savoirs ethnographiques en Europe,... more
In this article psychological knowledge of the functioning of autobiographical me mory is confronted with folkloristic theories associated with the concept of memorat, which designates narrations of personal experiences with supernatural... more
В издание избранных трудов великого украинского филолога А.А. Потебни (1835–1891) включены его книги «Мысль и язык» и «О некоторых символах в славянской народной поэзии», цикл лекций «Психология поэтического и прозаического мышления»,... more
Humans have a propensity to generate, refine and pass on the knowledge from one generation to another, so that their tradition is conserved through several generations. One of the most important aspects of traditional knowledge is... more
Il canto sociale come 'folklore contemporaneo' e il dibattito sulla 'nuova cultura'.
Stoyan Dzhudzhev, rhythmic protozoa and ethnomusicological myths. Stoyan Dzhudzhev (1902-1997) – Bulgarian ethnomusicologist and supporter of diachronic folkloristics – claimed the existence of rhythmic one-celled primitive-protozoa. He... more
Diskursen über einen Fastnachtsbrauch im Lötschental (Wallis, Schweiz)
BLURB: Javanese shadow puppetry is a sophisticated dramatic form, often felt to be at the heart of Javanese culture, drawing on classic texts but with important contemporary resonance in fields like religion and politics. How to make... more
This is the draft of chapter for 'Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day' (Bloomsbury, 2019), edited by Xosé M. Núñez Seixas and Eric Storm. In western Europe at least, the region... more
Let us imagine the birth of a Jewish baby in a remote shtetl in Poland or Russia before the onslaught of modernity: a woman is in labor in her bedroom, sur rounded by a midwife and a few other women. No man is allowed in the room, not... more
Данная книга - итог многолетних исследований, предпринятых автором в области русской мифологии.
SOMMAIRE Divers encarts de George Henri Rivière Emile VAN MOÉ ..... La technique agricole dans l'ancienne France d'après les enluminures des manuscrits ……..57 E. VIOLET ........... L'ancien et le nouveau vignerons maconnais... more
Draft of encyclopedia entry on pioneering folk narrative scholar Linda Degh (1918-2014) for the Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods.
This thesis charts the shift in the scholarly treatment of fairies within the work of the Folklore Society (FLS) and its members, from its foundation in 1878 until World War Two. During this period the fairies' cultural position shifted... more
In recent years, the field of memory studies has emerged as a key approach in the humanities and social sciences, and has increasingly shown its ability to open new windows on Nordic studies as well. The entries in this book document the... more
Moravian Love Songs – an Unappreciated Milestone in Moravian Musical Folkloristics The study sets out the first scientifically treated Czech edition of songs – Moravské písně milostné Moravian Love Songs prepared by the composer... more
Testa A. & Isnart C., (2020) “Reconfiguring Tradition(s) in Europe: An Introduction to the Special Issue”, Ethnologia Europaea 50(1) “Tradition” has been a key concept and object of European ethnology from the foundation of the... more
AARNE-THOMPSON’S CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM IN SERBIAN FOLKLORE Summary The paper gives an overview of Aarne-Thompson (since 2004: Aarne-Thompson- Uther) system in Serbian folkloristics. In the first half of 20th century researchers of folk... more
The subject “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” in the scientific heritage of academic Hamid Arasli Summary In the article the investigation of “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” by Hamid Arasli and his scientific activity in the direction of repetition... more
Merton, Ambrose [pseud. William J. Thoms]. "Folk-Lore." The Athenaeum, No. 982 (22 August 1846): 862c-63a.
This paper gives an overview of anthropological and folklorstic approaches to belief, and proposes its examination as a response to specific contextual factors. It approaches belief as emerging from “participatory consciousness,” a state... more
László Arany (1844–1898) was the son of János Arany, one of most outstanding poets of Hungarian literature, whose literary oeuvre was interpreted by the contemporaries as a perfect completion of introducing (and elevating) folklore... more
Abstract The terminology issue comes up during one of the anonymous folk narrations', the myths', collection in the field. Within this study, the word "myth/legend" is examined through various meanings attributed to it. The folklorist, on... more
PhD thesis in History of Science and Ideas at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Published by Gidlunds förlag, 2012 (372 pages). This PhD thesis (doktorsavhandling) deals with the new view of landscapes, buildings and artefacts as... more
La antropología española del último tercio del siglo XIX a través de las revistas culturales de la época • Señalemos, por último, que la importancia de estas revistas, sobre todo de las tres principales, ha sido apreciada y resaltada en... more
Folklor ve Kapsamı İnsanın ilk ortaya çıkışından günümüze kadar insanı ve faaliyetlerini kültürel birikimlerini bilimsel olarak derleyen bir bilim dalı olan folklor maddi manevi bütün kültür ögelerini araştırmak, kurallarını belirlemek ve... more
Contemporary scholarship on charms tends towards the analytic and synchronic, focusing upon the creation and refinement of universal typologies. Given the exceptionally multilingual and disparate nature of this particular branch of... more
Malgré des milliers de contes collectés et publiés à travers le monde, il se niche dans cette grande constellation un objet fabuleux non identifié : le conte étiologique ou explicatif. Celui qui pose des questions parfois loufoques sur... more