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      Immanuel KantKant & neo-KantianismItalian MarxismItalian Philosophy
تافوری (همانند فورتینی) تحقیق تاریخی را (که آوانگاردها هیچ وقت زیر بار این تحقیق تاریخی به‌عنوان پیش‌شرط پروژه‌هایشان نمی‌رفتند) ابزاری به‌غایت قدرتمند برای به پرسش‌کشیدن اثرات گسترش سرمایه‌داری بر عاملیت فکری می‌پنداشت. تاریخمندکردن... more
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      Critical TheoryIntellectual HistoryPolitical TheoryModern Italian History
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      MarxismItalian StudiesCommunismItalian Politics
Taking the cue from some of Lucio Colletti's unpublished letters and writings , this article will focus on Colletti's work from the 1967-1973 period. Here, Col-letti interprets Marx's theory of value in terms of a «real abstraction»-i.e.... more
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      MarxismCapitalismMarxist theoryItalian Marxism
The concept of Art Worker first appeared in the US context in the 1930s, returning in the late 1960s particularly amongst members of Art Workers' Coalition in New York City and similar, vanguard cultural groups. But what do we make of the... more
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      Herbert MarcuseItalian artNeoliberalismDetroit, History and Culture
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesEthicsFeminist Theory
Il populismo è oggi al centro del dibattito politico e culturale, e Gramsci-soprattutto grazie agli importanti scritti di Ernesto La-clau e Chantal Mouffe-è uno dei principali autori chiamati in causa dai sostenitori o detrattori di... more
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      HistoryHistory of Political ThoughtSocialismAntonio Gramsci
Locating itself amidst current debates on post-modern analyses of mysticism, particularly academic debates on the Bauls of Bengal, this article discusses issues of cultural transformation as a result of gentrifi cation and globalisation.... more
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From the variety of types of portraiture, there evolved the imaging of a self-portrait as we see in Saint Catherine of Alexandria by Barbara Longhi of Ravenna (1552-1638). The self-portrait is a unique work of art, an intimate record of a... more
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      Gender StudiesPortraitureItalian Renaissance ArtEmblems and Alchemical Symbolism
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      Italian StudiesLiterary CriticismCultural TheoryLiterary Theory
The article focuses on the notion of economic formation of society, as it has been conceived in Emilio Sereni’s Marxism. We analyse Sereni’s essay written in 1970, in which we discern the outlines of its de nition and its distinction from... more
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      MarxismKarl MarxItalian MarxismMarxismo
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      Post-MarxismContinental PhilosophyHenri BergsonPhilosophy of History
La tesi fornisce un eccellente e originale contributo alla conoscenza della cultura politica italiana del Novecento, nel cruciale periodo compreso tra gli anni '70 e i primi anni '80. A un' approfondita e completa ricostruzione delle... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceAlberto Asor RosaItalian Marxism
This article focuses its attention on Galvano Della Volpe’s and Dellavolpean school’s confrontation with the issue of the historicism. Particularly, the Author claims that Dellavolpean attempt in developing a ‘scientific’ historicism had... more
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      Marxism (Political Science)Italian MarxismMarxismo
Il presente saggio affronta l’opera di Giulio Pietranera come interprete di Marx, concentrandosi sul nesso fra legge del valore e legge della caduta del saggio del profitto. L’esame di tale nesso consente, infatti, di cogliere l’intreccio... more
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      Italian Economic ThoughtItalian MarxismHistory of Italian Philosophy
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      Italian Economic ThoughtItalian Marxism
This article argues that Italian Medieval historiography between the unification of the peninsula and World War I cannot be understood without placing it within the broader frame of contemporary political and philosophical life.... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryIdealismHistoriographyTheory of History
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This paper deals with the presence, criticism and resemantization of the Crocean category of ‘distinction’ in Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks. In particular, the paper proposes a diachronic analysis of the various occurrences of that... more
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      Antonio GramsciItalian MarxismBenedetto Croce
Distribution électronique pour Collège international de Philosophie. © Collège international de Philosophie. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      MarxismPost-MarxismMarxist theoryPost-Althusserian Theory
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      History of Economic ThoughtItalian MarxismHistory of Political Economy
Il 1887 è anno di inizio della grave crisi economica che, a Roma, pone fine alla cosiddetta “febbre edilizia” iniziata nei primi anni Ottanta del secolo, e che aveva visto uno sviluppo incontrollato delle costruzioni, a forte carattere... more
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      Italian MarxismMarxismoAntonio LabriolaMarxismo Italiano
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      History of Economic ThoughtAntonio GramsciItalian MarxismGiovanni Vailati
Gli articoli pubblicati sono sottoposti a double-blind peer review. Syzetesis è rivista scientifica (area 11) secondo la classificazione dei periodici stabilita dall'ANVUR. INDICE Anno VII -2020 (Nuova Serie) ARTICOLI Momenti di filosofia... more
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      GramsciItalian Marxism
This article addresses the intersection between additive manufacture, the political imaginary, and Italian radical thought. While a suitable Venn diagram that illustrates the connections between these areas might initially appear to... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSexualityGender and Sexuality
This essay focuses on a little-understood phase of Franco Moretti’s work that spans 1976 to 1986. My aim is to shed light on Moretti’s cultural background as it was formed in that period and to account for the transition from the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMarxismLiterary TheoryTheodor W. Adorno
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      Political PrisonersContemporary Italian PhilosophyAntonio NegriItalian Marxism
Il secondo turno delle elezioni regionali francesi nel dicembre 2015 è terminato con una sconfitta per il Fronte Nazionale. Questo partito è, tuttavia, una concreta minaccia per la Francia e per l'Europa. Sotto la leadership di Marine Le... more
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      HistorySocialismKarl MarxItalian Marxism
Intervento a Per una storia della cultura a Torino e in Italia Convegno di studio per i 60 anni del Centro studi Piero Gobetti Torino, 14-15 ottobre 2021 PROGRAMMA Prima sessione Le culture a Torino negli anni Sessanta e Settanta... more
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    • Italian Marxism
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismModern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
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      History of Economic ThoughtItalian MarxismMarxismo Italiano
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      MarxismItalian MarxismTheory of HistoriographyBenedetto Croce
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    • Italian Marxism
The concept of “the overturning of praxis” (or “praxis which is overturned”) is undoubtedly the leitmotif of the interpretation of Marx’s thought developed by Rodolfo Mondolfo since 1909. But that phrase can also be taken as an expression... more
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      MarxismPraxisPhilosophy of Karl MarxLudwig Feuerbach
D ie s is t e in A r t ik e l a u s d e r M o n a t s z e it s c h r if t S o z ia li s m u s . In f o r m a t io n e n ü b e r d e n w e it e r e n In h a lt fi n d e n S ie u n t e r w w w .s o z ia li s m u s .d e . D o r t k ö n n e n... more
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      EurocommunismFeminismNew LeftWestern Marxism
From the variety of types of portraiture, there evolved the imaging of a self-portrait as we see in Saint Catherine of Alexandria by Barbara Longhi of Ravenna (1552-1638). The self-portrait is a unique work of art, an intimate record of a... more
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      Gender StudiesPortraitureItalian Renaissance ArtEmblems and Alchemical Symbolism
In questo contributo l'attenzione sarà rivolta alle piú recenti letture della teoria marxiana del capitale. In un primo momento ci concentreremo sulle interpretazioni della teoria del valore e della trasformazione, nonché in generale... more
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      MarxismKarl MarxItalian Marxism
The essay examines the works devoted by the Italian historicist of philosophy Rodolfo Mondolfo (1877-1976) to the experimental theory of knowledge in the Renaissance, particularly Da Vinci’s and Galilei’s method, between the 1940s and... more
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      Italian MarxismHistory of Italian Philosophy
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      Comparative LiteratureMarxismTheodor W. AdornoItalian Marxism
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      OntologyItalian Economic ThoughtItalian MarxismItalian Philosophy
The Western genre film has undergone innumerable variations over the history of global cinematic production. While widely regarded as an elegiac paean to a bygone era in which morality and progress presented few interpretive obstacles,... more
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      Critical TheoryMedia StudiesIntercultural CommunicationFilm Studies
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      Italian Economic ThoughtItalian MarxismClaudio Napoleoni
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      HistoryMarxismMarxist theoryKarl Marx
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      History of HistoriographyItalian MarxismPhilosophy of Praxis20th Century Italian Philosophy
تافوری (همانند فورتینی) تحقیق تاریخی را (که آوانگاردها هیچ وقت زیر بار این تحقیق تاریخی به‌عنوان پیش‌شرط پروژه‌هایشان نمی‌رفتند) ابزاری به‌غایت قدرتمند برای به پرسش‌کشیدن اثرات گسترش سرمایه‌داری بر عاملیت فکری می‌پنداشت. تاریخمندکردن... more
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      Critical TheoryIntellectual HistoryPolitical TheoryModern Italian History
... funding my studies. I am most thankful to Jenna Steventon , Liza Thompson, Pat FitzGerald and all at IBTauris for indulging my interests and permitting me this opportunity to disseminate them. Furthermore, my gratitude must ...
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      Critical TheoryMedia StudiesIntercultural CommunicationFilm Studies
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      Antonio GramsciItalian MarxismBenedetto CroceArchitettura del Razionalismo italiano
Socialism/Communism: the political implications of a terminological question This article confronts a terminological question that stems from the attempt to trace a genealogy of socialist thought, highlighting the problematic, aporetic... more
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    • Italian Marxism
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureFeminismItalian Marxism