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The Review article discusses four new scholarly volumes focused on various problematic issues related to Russian Modernism. The essay debates major points of methodology and research topicality with respect to Russian Symbolism and the... more
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      Russian LiteratureModernism (Literature)PoeticsSociology of Literature
В статье с помощью данных исторической лексикологии решается текстологическая задача - устанавливается правильное чтение второй строки стихотворения Батюшкова «По чести, мудрено в санях или верхом...» Эта строчка, неясность которой... more
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      Russian LanguageRussian PoetryRussian language and literatureHistory Of Russian Language, Old Church Slavonic
Рок-поэзия последней четверти XX века интересна как источник культурных и психологических открытий. Одним из наиболее “глубоких”, эпатажных и многоплановых поэтов той эпохи является Егор (Игорь) Фёдорович Летов (1964 – 2008) – советский и... more
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      RomanticismModern PoetryRussian PoetryRock Music
My Nursery Rhyme
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      Poetry CompositionArchaic PoetryAugustan PoetryArabic Poetry
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      Russian LiteratureLiteraturePoetryContemporary Literature
Korovin, V.L. Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich. In: Pravoslavnaya encyclopediya [Orthodox Encyclopedia]. Vol. 14 (Daniil - Dimitriy). Moscow, 2006, pp. 432-435. (In Russ.)
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      Russian LiteratureRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian PoetryOrthodox Christianity
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      Russian LiteratureRussian RevolutionRussian PoetryVladimir Mayakovsky
В статье рассматривается сюжет поэмы Н.А. Некрасова "Коробейники" на фоне сюжетного репертуара прозы 1840-50-х годов. Некрасову могли быть известны два текста, в которых действующим лицом был коробейник - рассказ Е.П. Гребенки "Чужая... more
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      Russian PoetryPeasantryNikolai Nekrasov
В докладе рассматриваются статистические закономерности распределения ритмических масс по строкам и строфам русского классического сонета. Основной материал – 200 сонетов из сборника К.Д. Бальмонта «Сонеты Солнца, Меда и Луны».... more
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      RhythmTime SeriesPoeticsQuantitative Methods
Ахапкин Д. Иосиф Бродский — поэзия грамматики // Иосиф Бродский и мир: Метафизика, античность, современность. СПб.: Изд-во журнала «Звезда», 2000. С.269–275.
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      Russian LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsDostoevskyRussian Poetry
This paper is devoted to the radical cubo-futuristic prose poem “Lyudi v peyza- zhe” (“People in the landscape”), written by Benedikt Livshits in 1911. Some time ago M.L. Gasparov proposed an immanent analysis of this text: in my work I... more
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      Russian LiteratureSymbolismFuturismRussian Poetry
Quel lecteur d’aujourd’hui n’a jamais eu en main une anthologie ? Le présent volume − fruit du travail mené dans un séminaire du Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Modèles Esthétiques et Littéraires de l’Université de Reims... more
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      Print CultureTranslation StudiesMedieval LiteratureRenaissance Humanism
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      Russian LiteratureRussian PoetryRussian Literature in the 18th centuryKaramzin. 18th century Russian Literature
В статье рассматривается история издания «Стихотворений» 1835 года, рецепция сборника в критике и его влияние на дальнейшую литературную судьбу Баратынского. Анализируя публикации поэта 1835–1836 годов, автор статьи показывает, что... more
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      Russian Poetry19th Century Russian LiteratureБаратынскийE. A. Baratynsky
"The Happiest Poet Of Catherine's Age": Vasily Petrov’s Apologia
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      XVIII centuryRussian Poetry
A review of a Czech translation of Josif Brodkij, Benátské strofy. Z ruštiny přeložila Maita Arnautová. Praha, Opus 2013, 48 s.

in: Tvar, 16, 2014, p. 21
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesRussian Language
Coitus as a motif in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky against the backgrounds of two prototypical traditions of erotic discourse (French and English).
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      Russian LiteraturePoeticsRussian Poetry
Artikli eesmärk on näidata vene luuletaja Lev Rubinsteini tekstide eestinduste abil, mis laadi raskustega võib kokku puutuda tõlkija, kes soovib mitte ainult tuua lugejani teises keeles kirjutatu mõtte, vaid leida ka võimalusi adapteerida... more
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      Translation StudiesPoeticsCross-Cultural StudiesVerse Theory
„Эмигрантология славян” – электронный ежегодник – является научно-информационным органом Комиссии эмигрантологии славян Международного комитета славистов. Журнал учрежден в 2015 г. при Институте славистики Опольского университета. Общей... more
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      Russian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesSlavonic LanguagesBulgarian Literature
In the article for the first time the question is raised about one of the most important psycho-philosophic and aesthetic constants in Mayakovsky's poetry. The authors of the article retrace the interaction of an individual lyric rose... more
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      Russian LiteratureRussian Poetry20th Century Russian LiteratureRussian Poetry of the 20th century
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      Russian LiteratureRussian Poetry
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      Verse TheoryRussian PoetryVerse Form & MetreDolnik
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      Russian PoetryRussian Poetry of the 20th centuryElena Shvarts
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      Russian LiteratureRussian PoetryHerodotusJoseph Brodsky
This chapter explores but also questions dissent as a paradigm for understanding Cold War poetry. Poets writing during the Cold War had to grapple with polarising oppositions, but they also sought alternatives to such binaries as them... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureCold War and CultureCaribbean Literature
The History of Russian "Hamlet", or How Sumarokov Shod Shakespeare
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      Russian LiteratureShakespeareRussian PoetrySumarokov
The Fergana School of poetry is one of post-Soviet poetry’s most remarkable phenomena. In the early 1990s, members of this school—Shamshad Abdullaev and Khamdam Zakirov, along with Hamid Ismailov, who is close to the school—proposed a... more
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      Post-Soviet StudiesContemporary PoetryPost-Colonial LiteratureRussian Poetry
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      Russian StudiesRussian Literature (Area Studies)The Russian Silver AgeRussian Poetry
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      Comparative LiteratureRussian PoetryPushkinPhilology, Codicology, Critical Edition
Sergei Ivanovich Kormilov as a scholar of verse and a historian of literature. A Russian version of the English-language article available here:
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      Verse TheoryRussian PoetryRussian Verse
The new Czech translation, made after nearly 70 years, of Vladimir Mayakovsky's poems in two volumes by Jana Kitzlerová and Vojtěch Frank. The first volume contains: The Backbone Flute; The Cloud in Trousers; The Man; That's What; The... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureFuturismTranslation of Poetry
The Epilogue
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      Russian PoetryStalin and StalinismAnna Akhmatova
В статье предлагается монографический анализ рассказа Кузмина "Портрет с последствиями" и выясняется, какой из современников писателя "спрятан" в главном персонаже и почему. Статья в электронном виде "публиковалась" на сайте Рутении -... more
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      EkphrasisThe Russian Silver AgeRussian PoetryAnna Akhmatova
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      Russian StudiesAnthropologyAnthropology of FoodHistory of Drinking
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      RhetoricPoetryContemporary PoetryRussian Poetry
[© Publication and access are restricted by copyright. Publikacja i dostęp ograniczone prawem autorskim. Публикация и доступ ограничены авторским правом.] Pierwsze pełne polskie tłumaczenie i wydanie krytyczne poematu Władimira... more
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      FuturismLyric poetryRussian Poetry20th Century Russian Literature
In this article, I consider both the circumstances under which Evgeny Baratynsky’s and Anton Del’vig’s parodic hexameters (“There, where the Semenovsky Regiment is quarter, in the Fifth Company, in a small house…”) came to be written and... more
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      Russian PoetryE. A. Baratynsky
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      Russian LiteraturePoetryIntertextualityRussian Poetry
Ukázka z nového českého překladu Majakovského poem - Oblak v kalhotách. (Extract of the new Czech translation of Mayakovsky's poems - The Cloud in Trousers - translated by Jana Kitzlerová and Vojtěch Frank) published in: Protimluv 1,... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteraturePoetryTranslation of Poetry
In my final paper for the “Proseminar: The Silver Age of Russian Poetry – Lost in Translation” by Mag. Irina Brantner I chose to write about the Russian Avant-garde and Velimir Khlebnikov.
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      Languages and LinguisticsRussian PoetrySlavic LinguisticsRussian Avant-Garde
В настоящем издании впервые публикуются четыре машинописных сборника Елены Шварц (1948–2010), замечательного поэта ленинградского андеграунда: «Войско, изгоняющее бесов», «Оркестр», «Разбивка парка на берегу Финского залива» и «Корабль».... more
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      Russian contemporary LiteratureRussian Poetry20th Century Russian LiteratureUnderground Literature
A poetic sub-corpus of the Russian National Corpus is a useful tool for scholars of Russian poetry and language. The poetic corpus contains a spacious collection of the 18th-20th-century’s Russian poetry, it represents all its major... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCorpus LinguisticsRussian PoetryVerse Form & Metre
The Digital Brodsky Lab, a highly collaborative experimental seminar open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates, has two primary objectives: to familiarize students with Joseph Brodsky's poetry and prose and the critical... more
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      Russian StudiesTranslation StudiesDigital HumanitiesTransnationalism
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      Verse TheoryRussian PoetryVerse Form & MetreOsip Mandelstam
В книге публикуются неизданные стихи Елены Шварц 1966-1974 годов.
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      Russian contemporary LiteratureRussian Poetry20th Century Russian Literatureнеофициальная поэзия 70-х
This article describes the evolution of the poetics and style of the Russian translations from Petrarch (18th to 20th cc.)
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesPoeticsPetrarch
Предисловие к сборнику стихов Николая Пророкова "Стихи разве дом", Москва, Культурный слой, 2017
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet HistoryRussian Language
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      VersificationItalian Renaissance literatureRussian PoetryPushkin