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Analisar a arte de rua e os mecanismos que a controlam nos permite entender melhor as cidades contemporâneas. Justamente por ocupar um lugar que é muitas vezes marginal e contestado, os artistas de rua e suas táticas de sobrevivência e... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceStreet ArtUrban CommunicationMontréal
Originally published in: The International Journal of Arts in Society, Volume 6, No. 2, pp. 111-20, available online at: The phenomenon of large-scale public art projects has gone... more
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      Community-based art, performance and dialogueInternet memesStreet ArtCommunity Based Tourism
This panel set out to explore the popular and scholarly literature on graffiti and street art, to assess what has been accomplished in these fields, and where scholarly research in the fields of criminology, criminal justice and allied... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCriminologyPopular Music
Keynote presentation based on my most recent book, "Street Art and the Environment".
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Cedar Lewisohn, curator of the Street Art show at Tate Modern (2008), blustered in an international street art conference in Lisbon (2014) about Street Artacademics being rather fans than critical academics and most Street Art to be... more
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      UrbanismStreet ArtUrban GraffitiGraffiti
This paper applied an ecocritical perspective on street art to expand on the notion that street art can have an impact on how we relate to urban public space. In doing so, it argued that street art is particularly well positioned to... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
URBAN ART: CREATING THE URBAN WITH ART 14-16 July 2016 – Humboldt University Berlin Keynote: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) The conference deals with Urban Art, a new form of art and activism, that occurs in urban... more
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      Urban PoliticsPublic ArtUrban HistoryUrban Anthropology
It is well attested that wherever people gather, acrobats, poets, musicians, dancers, and tricksters also appear and perform. Although street performers can be found throughout the entire world, they are curiously shunned in New York... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningSense of PlaceStreet Art
This article argues that contemporary street art (or graffiti) uses a unique set of resistant techniques to foreground the contours and shapes of different kinds of structural violence inscribed into, and perpetuated by, the... more
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      PalestineUrban GraffitiGraffitiGlobal CIty
Questo volume documenta l'esplorazione e la modificazione da parte di Julien Malland a.k.a. Seth e il curatore Stefano Antonelli di una parte della ex fabbrica Mira Lanza nel quartiere Ostiense di Roma, quello che sarebbe poi diventato il... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and IdentityStreet ArtMuseums
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      Street ArtUrban interventions (Architecture)Urban GraffitiContemporary Graffiti
language makes the book digestable for academics lacking background in Turkish history or Istanbul's past. Türeli ultimately interprets the anxieties of the Istanbulites and how they imagine the future of their city -a place where media... more
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      Latin American StudiesStreet ArtBook ReviewsLatin America
Presentation at the Second Cross-disciplinary Seminar of the Nice Street Art Project NSAP #4.
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      SociologyVisual SociologyUrban GeographyVisual Studies
This paper explores the hypothesis that the process of rupture in Brazilian graffiti writer’s subculture resulting in different groups - pichadores, pixadores and grafiteiros - took place in two different, though complementary, stages.... more
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      Cultural CriminologyStreet ArtGraffiti, Street Art and WritingStreet Art and Revolution
This paper gives a short introduction and discussion of the term Street Art and related terms like Graffiti and Urban Art. A major part discusses my definition of Street Art and other definitions and the differences and commonalities of... more
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      Street ArtGraffiti in historyUrban GraffitiGraffiti
All graffti is low-level dissent but stencils have an extra history. They’ve been used to start revolutions and to stop wars. They look political just through the style. Even a picture of a rabbit playing a piano looks hard as a stencil.... more
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      Museum learningMuseum StudiesMuseumSpace and Place
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
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      SemioticsSociologyCultural StudiesVisual Studies
This paper examines street performance management models in the Cincinnati area and compares them to experiences performers have had in New Orleans and Canada. The paper is the result of interviews with different performers and seeks to... more
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      Community DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban StudiesCommunity
subtitle: The effect of street performing (busking) policies on the quality and experience of public space Abstract: The use of art and music has become a common way of revitalising and regenerating public spaces. Our study investigates... more
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      Environmental PsychologyUrban PlanningPrivatisation Of Public SpaceUrbanism
Buskers—street performers—evince the creative tactics of self-conscious agents who are both produced by and productive of the social and material conditions within which they carry out their practices. In this article, I discuss my... more
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      ImprovisationBricolageMateriality (Anthropology)Public Space
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      Street ArtUrban GraffitiContemporary GraffitiGraffiti
The study focuses on the republican murals painted on the walls of two cities, Belfast and Derry, in May 2009. The idea for the study was born during a trip to Northern Ireland during which I had the opportunity to observe the murals and... more
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsSemiotics
My essay focuses on the notion of artification, recently emerged in the philosophical and artistic debate. Some case studies show that “public wall paintings” work as an artifying strategy of public space both at a superficial and at a... more
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      Urban RegenerationStreet ArtPublic SpaceUrban Art
Bristol born Banksy is usually categorized as a Street Artist, although his art, in content and form, transcends a narrow understanding of this term. This publication primarily deals with Banksy as a contemporary Urban Artist and his... more
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      Street ArtUrban GraffitiContemporary GraffitiGraffiti
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryLandscape EcologySociology
FOR THE FORMATTED VERSION WITH KENTRIDGE'S DRAWINGS GO TO: This is a guide to the iconography of William Kentridge’s Triumphs & Laments, the 500-meter-long frieze of colossal... more
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      ReligionRoman HistoryIconographyArt History
Th e MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGE REVIEW is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed forum for the investigation of language and culture in the Mediterranean, South-Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Th e editors of this periodical welcome... more
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      SemioticsSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
“Climate Art Project” is an art and science project on the climate Change causes and consequences, made by the visual artist Andreco. Climate is composed by a series of interventions that took place in different European cities; the... more
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      Environmental EngineeringPhilosophy of ScienceArtClimate Change
ON THE HITHER SIDE OF THE PICTURE, THE STREET. URBAN CROSSINGS AND EVERYDAY ART. The issue and the motivation of this research is to give a theoretical dignity to all these practices that claim an appropriation of the urban space, even... more
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      SemioticsUrban AnthropologyVisual SemioticsSociosemiotics
Tal y como mantienen los postulados teóricos más aceptados en lo que a la comprensión de los métodos y prácticas de producción del saber científico se refiere, la razón de ser de cualquier disciplina o campo del conocimiento -su identidad... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape archaeology (Anthropology)Street ArtGraffiti
Στην παρακάτω έρευνα επιχειρούμε να εξετάσουμε πώς τα αστικά δρώμενα και οι ψηφιακές διαδραστικές τεχνολογίες μπορούν να συγκεραστούν προκειμένου να παράγουν επινοήσεις στον δημόσιο χώρο, προκαλώντας τον θεατή-επισκέπτη να βιώσει μια... more
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      ArchitectureInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive PerformanceArchitecture and Public Spaces
Talk about the ways private ownership of the spaces we move through influences our legal right to the city, and some of the strategies that may be used by individuals or groups to reclaim the city.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
Essay published in Inchiesta about the emerging discipline of street art studies.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
O objetivo central desse trabalho é analisar como se cria e no que interfere a regulação da arte de rua e dos espaços públicos em que ela acontece em Montreal e no Rio de Janeiro, a partir de uma perspectiva da comunicação urbana.... more
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      PerformanceRegulationStreet ArtRight to the city
In Athens and Istanbul, two cities that have emerged as epicentres of protest within the broader conjuncture of contemporary political mobilization across the Mediterranean, the transformative potential of political street art has become... more
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      Social MovementsStreet ArtUrban GraffitiGraffiti
How do cities determine who has the right to station themselves in iconic public spaces? This article explores this question by analyzing the evolution of Barcelona's approach to regulating street performance, with a particular focus on... more
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      Urban StudiesSymbolic BoundariesUrban And Regional PlanningCity Branding
APRESENTAÇÃO: As cidades são, por natureza, lugares que estão em constante movimento. No Brasil temos acompanhado, especialmente nos últimos anos, transformações de várias ordens: gentrificação, especulação imobiliária, grandes... more
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      Latin American StudiesContemporary ArtLatin American ArtUrban Studies
We have come to the realization that the Earth is not invincible; we must preserve our habitat for it to remain hospitable. So how can we, as teachers, educate future generations about specific environmental topics such as pollution and... more
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      Arts EducationEcologyStreet ArtGraffiti
Blackstreets Urban Art Journal #2
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      Political aestheticsStreet ArtUrban GraffitiGraffiti
Political street art and slogans appear as visual markers of the shifting, complex discourses of power struggles, marginality and counter-cultures that establish a new reality that must be seen and heard. As an art form, it is largely... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyVisual Culture
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      Performance ArtCommunity-based art, performance and dialogueBody ArtSite-Specific Art and Performance
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen about Banksy's "The Walled Off Hotel".
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      Urban GeographyArt HistoryHumanitiesArt
In this article I examine the methodological and ethical rigor of a geographic profiling study and resulting article, published in 2016 in "Journal of Spatial Science", which identifies by name a candidate for being the artist known as... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
The underlying premise of most urban art interventions is to challenge the functional use of urban space and disrupt the social relationships integral to public life. They materialise as an extensive range of ephemeral constructions,... more
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      DeleuzeStreet ArtArt InterventionStreet Art and Performance
This course introduces students to critical approaches to the cultural practice of street art and graffiti, considering the very surface of the city as a site for negotiating meaning and belonging. Building an interdisciplinary framework... more
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      Public ArtStreet ArtUrban interventions (Architecture)Graffiti in history
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      Contemporary ArtStreet ArtUrban GraffitiContemporary Graffiti
Artykuł przedstawia najważniejsze festiwale sztuki ulicznej, które odbyły się w Polsce w 2014 roku: motywy ich powstania, cechy charakterystyczne, a także sposób ich organizacji oraz przebieg. Festiwal został ukazany jako zjawisko typowo... more
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      ManagementEthnographyStreet Art and Performance
Folklor i muzyka etniczna na ulicach Wrocławia i Poznania 1. Wstęp Z uwagi na zróżnicowane brzmienie poszczególnych miast 1 Murray Schafer postulował, by grupa badawcza, którą założył -World Soundscape Project funkcjonująca przy Simon... more
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      Street MusicBuskingStreet Art and Performance
A short guide to graffiti and street art in the Øresund Region (Copenhagen and southern Sweden).
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology