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When Queen Elizabeth I appeared before her troops at Tilbury during the Spanish Armada, she helped to create an image of her relation to England. That image has been made to serve different points of view in the intervening centuries,... more
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      Queen Elizabeth IPolitical MythsSpeechesSpanish Armada
Au XVIe siècle Laredo était un des ports les plus actifs des Quatre Villes de la Côte de la Mer, la façade maritime de l'actuelle Cantabrie au nord de l'Espagne. Cet essor cessa à la fin du siècle lorsque le port larédain plongea dans une... more
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      Urban HistoryCantabrian RegionHistoria MilitarPorts
El mantenimiento de un imperio ultramarino exigió de la Monarquía un enorme esfuerzo organizativo, de gestión de administraciones y de preparación de equipos humanos. La secretaría de Marina logró aglutinar bajo su jurisdicción las... more
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      Military HistoryHistory of NavigationSpanish ArmadaNAUTICAL EDUCATION
This short study is a summary in English language on my recently published book in Hungarian language on the fall of the Spanish Armada (1588). The book does not focus on what happened to the Armada but on how English and Hungarian... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of HistoriographySpanish Armada
Published in Kelly, L., and Scott, B. (eds), Leitrim History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county, Geography Publications, Dublin, 2019, pp 153-93. It examines the career of Brian ‘na Múrtha’ O’Rourke... more
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      Early Modern IrelandGaelic IrelandTudor IrelandTudor & Elizabethan Ireland
El siguiente artículo apareció publicado en el Homenaje a Manuel Ballesteros 2. Boletín de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la [67][70] La operación anfibia y batalla de la isla Tercera en las Azores de 1583
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      Siglo XVIAzoresHistoria MilitarFelipe II 23
The essay aims at retracing the tactical evolution in the english approach to naval warfare from the foundation of a standing Navy Royal by king Henry VIII, through the 1588 Armada Campaign and the 1652-54 First Anglo-Dutch War, until the... more
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      Naval ArchitectureNaval Tactics (Military Science)Early Modern HistoryMaritime History
Numerous Ragusan ships and men were engaged in three Spanish war campaigns during the 1580s. During an audience with the Spanish Viceroy in Naples in August 1581, the Ragusan envoy stated that as many as 35 Ragusan navi were engaged in... more
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      Naval WarfareNaval History16th Century (History)16the century Mediterranean
Edición digital de la primera edición impresa de 1998 (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla)
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      American HistoryLatin American HistoryColonial Latin American HistoryHistoria de América
España, comienzos del siglo XVIII. El corazón del Imperio de Felipe II (como se decía en aquella época "Donde nunca se pone el Sol") no pasa por su mejor momento. Fue sobrepasada por potencias extranjeras, como Inglaterra y Francia.... more
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      Fuerzas ArmadasFelipe VSpanish ArmadaEighteenth-century Spanish Army
The Reformation has often been seen as a force which diminished the North-South connections. Even though it certainly was a new obstacle, relations not only continued but reached unprecedented levels. When Johan III became the new King of... more
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      Naval HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern EuropeHistory of Estonia
This well-known phrase consciously interprets the defeat of the Armada (1588) as a mighty act of God. The phrase has a biblical background, but there are also parallels in other literature from the ancient Near East, for instance in the... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesEnglish ReformationHistory of the Reformation
Abstract: The location in Ribadeo (Lugo, Spain) of the wreck of a war galleon in the Spanish kingdom of Naples, Almiranta of a squad on service of King Philip II, is an unique opportunity to know the characteristics of this kind of ships.... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime History16th Century (History)16the century Mediterranean
La Guerra de Flandes, conocida por la historiografía europea como Guerra de los Ochenta Años, fue ni más ni menos que la revuelta más longeva de la Historia Moderna. Este conflicto supuso uno de los motivos que agotaron constantemente el... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryEuropean Studies
Summary: The Spanish Civil war has been studied from multiple perspectives but the conflict at the sea has scarcely been researched. The present work tries to analyze the influence of the Soviet aid in the prolongation of the war and the... more
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      GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLASpanish ArmadaSegunda Republica Española
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      Military HistoryEpistolary literatureBasque HistoryEarly modern Spain
Se identifica e interpreta en su contexto histórico el dintel de una casa de navieros del siglo XVI en la costa vasca, en el que aparece un magnífico relieve de un barco cantábrico del tiempo de la Armada Invencible.
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      Merchant NavyThe Spanish Armada and Anglo-Irish RelationsMedieval Ships and Seamen, Medieval NavigationSpanish Armada
El negocio naviero sigue siendo uno de los aspectos menos conocidos de la carrera de Indias. En este artículo se intenta responder a la pregunta de cómo se adquieren en Sevilla los barcos que hacen la ruta trasatlántica. Para ello, se... more
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      American HistoryEconomic HistoryPortuguese HistoryMaritime History
En aquellos tiempos la isla de Sicilia pertenecía a la Corona Española y desde esta importante posición estratégica se organizaba la defensa del Mediterráneo contra la poderosa armada otomana. La coordinación de la misma con la Orden de... more
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      Regnum Siciliaethe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of MaltaStoria Della SiciliaSicilian History and Culture
Se trata de dar a conocer la interrelación, conexión y comunicación de diversas familias que desarrollan sus carreras, a finales del siglo XVIII, de forma simultánea en la Armada y el Ejército, cuyo horizonte común era ascender,... more
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      Military HistorySocial NetworksEarly Modern HistoryNaval History
En la “Sección Gibraltar” del Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Cádiz, catalogada por el padre Antón Solé hace ya casi cuarenta años, se conserva un documento que recientemente hemos consultado y transcrito por resultarnos curioso y que, a... more
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      GibraltarFranciscan StudiesFilipinasFranciscanos
This article describes the history and investigations of the Ragazzona research project, conducted by the USC: The archaeological investigation and search for the remains of the wreck of the Venetian ship Ragazzona, wrecked off in Ferrol,... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyShipwrecksSiglo XVIArqueología Subacuática
Here's a paper I delivered at the SSCM (Society for Seventeenth Century Music) conference in New York in April 2012 (an amazing conference with generous and positive participants and presenters). The paper argues for a new idea in the... more
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      HistoryMusicOperaHenry Purcell
Cañones recuperados en los 80 han resultado ser de la Armada Invencible.
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      WrecksNaufragiosSpanish Armada
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      Tudor EnglandProtestantismIntelligence and EspionageFrancis Walsingham
En 1588, el Papa Sixto V envio un delegado especial a Lisboa. El viaje, oficialmente anunciado como mision eclesiastica, en realidad tenia como objetivo informar a! Papa minuciosamente de Ia preparacion de la Gran Armada y de su proxima... more
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      Maritime HistoryHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg NetherlandsEarly modern SpainMerchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade
Las consecuencias reales del crónico enfrentamiento corsario hispano-musulmán a lo largo de la Edad Moderna continuan siendo escasamente conocidas. El impacto magnificado del número de las personas esclavizadas, de las naves y bienes... more
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      Maritime HistoryEarly Modern CaptivitySlaveryMediterranean Studies
Las dos obras motivo de esta recensión  tienen a la misma figura como protagonista, Felipe II. Geofrey Parker publicó el primero de ellos en 1984. El segundo salió a la luz en 1997 y se debe a la pluma del también británico Henry Kamen.
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      Edad ModernaImperio EspañolFelipe IIThe Spanish Armada and Anglo-Irish Relations
The sixteenth century in Europe was to see the might of Habsburg Spain dominate. Its empire was at its zenith with territories in the East Indies, Americas, the Low Countries, as well as possessions in both modern-day France and Germany.... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Military and PoliticsHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands
Captain Francisco de Cuéllar served in the Spanish military during the period 1580-1603. Two controversies marked his military service during the 1580s. During 1581-84 he served with the Armada de Magallanes expedition, which sought to... more
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      Spanish ArmadaMilitary Discipline
This book is about Roger Williams (ca. 1603-83), who was banished from the colony of Massachusetts Bay for advocating freedom of conscience, separation of church and state, Native American rights, and related matters. He founded the town... more
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      Native American ReligionsAmerican HistoryNative American StudiesAmerican Studies
Tristram Hunt: 'Be careful when rewriting history'. Claiming that a Muslim navy helped England to defeat the Spanish Armada is not the way to promote harmonious multiculturalism Sun 7 Oct 2007 00.09 BST First published on Sun 7 Oct... more
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      Cultural HistoryMulticulturalismAnglo-Ottoman RelationsOttoman and England
The article focuses on a story that unfolds from Sarajevo to Constantinople between 1617 and 1621, whose protagonists are a group of Ottoman merchants and the difficulties that they faced in order to be compensated for the loss of goods... more
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      Ottoman BalkansEarly Modern economic and social historyEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireBosnian History
La figura de Miguel Archer representó una notable aportación a la Bizkaia moderna en diferentes ámbitos de la ciencia y la técnica. El presente estudio pretende llevar a cabo un análisis revisionista sobre su relevancia, subsanando... more
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      Early Modern HistoryBilbaoHistory of NavigationHistoria Moderna
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      Queen Elizabeth ICoronationsHabsburg coronationsMaps and globes
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      Maritime HistoryNaval History18th & 19th CenturiesFuerzas Armadas
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      HistoriaHistoria CulturalEstudios LatinoamericanosHistoria Contemporánea
L'argomento principale che si sviluppa in questo saggio è il sorgere delle potenze atlantiche, nel quadro della prima globalizzazione in età moderna. Lo studio mette in evidenza la natura dinamica ed eterogenea degli interessi europei,... more
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      Maritime HistoryNaval HistoryRoyal NavyDutch, Spanish, Portuguese Empires
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      Comunicación y divulgación de la cienciaDivulgacion CIentificaSpanish Armada
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsStrategy (Military Science)
En las últimas décadas, el oficio de hacer historia ha avanzado con notoriedad gracias a la creciente erudición que lo impulsa. A su paso, ha ido dejando a un costado las cargas prejuiciosas y peyorativas propias de los historiadores de... more
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      Monarquía HispánicaSpanish MonarchySpanish Armada
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Artículo de revisión sobre la primera traducción al inglés de esta crónica de Ribadenadeneyra, en el contexto de los Recusant studies y del interés hispánico por la labor cultural de los recusantes. ** Pedro de Ribadeneyra’s... more
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      Jesuit historyCatholicism in Reformation EnglandRecusant StudiesPost Reformation Catholicism in England
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      Carlos FuentesCornwallFrancis DrakeInvincible Armada
Los siglos XVII y XVIII son los de mayor expansión de la Corona Española, por lo que para poder gestionar sus inmensos territorios necesitó de flotas y armadas casi de manera constante. En esta clase se atenderá a la composición naval... more
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      Maritime HistoryNaval HistoryFuerzas ArmadasSiglos XVI-XVIII
This well-known phrase consciously interprets the defeat of the Armada (1588) as a mighty act of God. The phrase has a biblical background, but there are also parallels in other literature from the ancient Near East, for instance in the... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesEnglish ReformationCalvinism
RESUMEN: Se analiza el grado de aplicación que tuvo la Matrícula de Mar en el Departamento Marítimo de Cartagena a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Se estudian las problemáticas ocurridas durante su implantación. Se realiza una base de datos de... more
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      Historia SocialHistoria MilitarSiglos XVI-XVIIISpanish Armada
The work of the 16th. century poet from Alicante Joseph Gosalbes of Cunedo has been forgotten. Some aspects of his life and work deserve attention, at least because he had written about topics of their own land. Some of his poems deal... more
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      Early Modern LiteratureLatin poetryJustus LipsiusAlicante
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      Basque StudiesMaritime HistoryBasque HistoryHistory of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands