Recent papers in Pacifism
Questo non è un libro sull'Italia alla vigilia della Prima guerra mondiale, ma un'indagine su cosa la gente comune ha fatto per rimanerne fuori. Attraverso le vicende, spesso violente, occorse dall'agosto 1914 al maggio 1915 in oltre... more
The telling of the Great War (1914-1918), mainly through the point of view of combatants, is one of the best scenarios exemplifying how women have been obviated and censored throughout history. Moreover, the engagement of pacifist women... more
Conferencia en la cátedra de la paz de la Universidad EAFIT (Medellín).
The message of peace and nonviolence was believed in the early church until the claim of Constantine's vision was endorsed by Eusebius and Lactantius. Scriptures and quotes from early church writers are reviewed, and thought questions... more
Da qualche anno assistiamo a un curioso, ma ben comprensibile, comportamento da parte di alcuni stati, di osservatori ed esponenti politici europei e tedeschi, ovvero quello di richiamare la Germania a un maggiore impegno militare. Nel... more
This workshop has two aims: first, to bring considerations of gender into international history; second, to reconceptualise international Jewish history as having a gendered dimension. This focus on the experience of a particular group of... more
At the beginning of World War I, the voice of the socialist leader Rosa Luxemburg was one of those that most resonated within what is known as the peace movement; a space that is in fact broad and complex. On the other hand, that fact... more
Bizumic et al. (2013) have recently shown that attitudes towards peace and war reflect two distinct constructs rather than two poles of a single dimension. We present an attempt at validating the French version of their 16-item Attitudes... more
The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security signed between the United States and Japan in 1960 was a revision of the historic San Francisco Peace treaty of 1952 that had ended 7 years of postwar American occupation of Japan. Japan had... more
"Testimonies of Truth." Christian History #117, January 2016. An essay on the Quaker Testimonies:
The history of civil resistance in Italy is almost unknown beyond its frontiers. The iftieth anniversary of the Liberation in 1995 was the occasion to learn about a new historiography that emphasized the existence of an unarmed struggle... more
Few subjects are as widely discussed in religious circles as War and Peace. Yet, as followers of Christ, we live in a world order run by sinners under the dominion of the Devil himself. Even so, religious people debate and argue over this... more
Publié les 22-23 septembre 1914 dans les colonnes du Journal de Genève, « Au-dessus de la mêlée » compte parmi les plus spectaculaires manifestes de l’histoire des intellectuels européens. L’article, jeté dans l’arène au moment où le... more
It is noted that Adolf Hitler lived his rise to power, connected to the realization and the military expansion of the Third Reich, with the conviction of being invested with a messianic task, a conviction wrapped in a halo of religious... more
Points out how religion is power; power will be used by others--even the non-religious; when things go awry, then, religion is then blamed, often by the same ones who have exploited its power. This calls for critical and wary analysis of... more
¿Noviolencia o Barbarie? El arte de no dejarse deshumanizar. Aquí el prólogo y el primer capítulo del libro.
An early perception of pacifism was known even in Latium, a small area in Ancient Rome. Its meaning, in the language then spoken, arose from the word (ficus) that personifies the very coming into being of harmonious relations between... more
The paper examines the changing conceptions of international arbitration in french pacifism in the second half of the 19th century. In these years pluralist interpretations of arbitration as a conflict resolution scheme comporting an... more
In a sociological perspective, this communi- cation explores the artistic endeavour of an author like Stefan Zweig who let the rethinking of new politics take place in his literary imaginary. The pacifist discourse is a particular... more
The article tries to understand the dynamics of Japanese national identity and Abe Shinzo's revisionism. It argues that although Abe has launched the strongest ever attack on Japanese pacifist identity, there remain institutional and... more
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso personale... more
In discerning how best to fulfill their role as citizens of the United States, present-day American Anabaptists should take seriously sixteenth-century Anabaptism, which provides a model for courageous, uninhibited engagement with the... more
Die Waffen nieder!" 1 -Mit diesem kategorischen Imperativ hat Bertha von Suttner ihr gesamtes literarisches und politisches Werk überschrieben, und dieser Imperativ hat bis heute nichts an Aktualität verloren. Während sich die Suttner an... more
In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings, Martin Luther is ubiquitous. Too often, however, Bonhoeffer's Lutheranism has been set aside with much less argumentative work than is appropriate in light of his sustained engagement with Luther. As a... more
For more than thirty years after World War II, the unconventional economist Kenneth E. Boulding (1910–1993) was a fervent advocate of the integration of the social sciences. Building on common general principles from various fields,... more
an affirmation of pacifism
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte 65/2 (2015), p. 283-293.
Some Christians would argue that pacifism is the only Christian response to war. Others would argue that war is the only response when the cause is just. I suggest another direction for our response to war.
Friday, January 3, 2020. The dramatic contrast between our surgical bombings around the globe and those blind mass shootings at home calls for the mobilization of parents and teachers alike: we are citizens, after all. We must set aside... more
Vingtième Siècle 120 (octobre-décembre 2013)
A review of the different stances taken by pacifists around the world during the Second World War
Roland B. Gittelsohn, the first Navy rabbi assigned with U.S. Marines, served in the Pacific during World War II. In his wartime memoir, written in 1946 but only published in 2021, he related his odyssey from doctrinaire pacifist to... more
Maria Stona; Bertha von Suttner; Pacifism; Silesia; Salon
Theologian." Although his critics are numerous, his influence cannot be ignored. As one of his former students and fellow theologian puts it, "He [Hauerwas] is one of those rare theologians who has spawned a new (both positive and... more
In the early 1960s, thousands of Black activists used nonviolent direct action to challenge segregation at lunch counters, movie theaters, skating rinks, public pools, and churches across the United States, battling for, and winning,... more
O capítulo de livro, publicado pela editora Almedina no livro "Guerra e Paz no século XXI: políticas e direito internacional", introduz temas como o pacifismo jurídico e a paz pelo direito internacional, em suas imbricações juridicas,... more
Советские хиппи, которые сегодня не очень любят, когда их называют советскими, тем не менее, разделяли со своими соотечественниками некоторые общие черты, среди которых было и отвращение к политике. «Политика -грязное дело», -повторяли... more
Pacifism is often painted into a corner as an absolute rejection of all violence and war. Such a dogmatic and negative formulation of pacifism does leave us with pacifism as a morally problematic position. But pacifism is not best... more
« Il n’y a pas, en ce moment, de plus grand crime que de penser à la Paix, que de vouloir la Paix ». – Madeleine Vernet, 1917 Depuis quelques années, des historiens se sont intéressés au concept de « sortie de guerre » [Horne, 2002... more