Videos by Alberto Hoces-García
Interview with Francesco Belvisi CEO of “YAM S.r.l” mainly involved in design and networking betw... more Interview with Francesco Belvisi CEO of “YAM S.r.l” mainly involved in design and networking between craftsmen, designers and production plants. Francesco deals with a lot of production techniques, from very innovative techniques not yet used, related to 3D printing, carbon fiber manufacturing, "generative design" and design and in the past have also done several restorations and construction from scratch in wood.
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwri 4 views
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwrig... more This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Website: 2 views
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwrig... more This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Website: 2 views
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwrig... more This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Website: 9 views
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwrig... more This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Website: 10 views
Interview with Luca Caruso, CEO of “Nero Nera” which provides project management and counseling t... more Interview with Luca Caruso, CEO of “Nero Nera” which provides project management and counseling to another company called “Sealine” located in Viareggio. Luca designs furniture elements and manages the activities of the technical office and the carpentry, coordinating them with the role of project manager.
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for 5 views
Papers by Alberto Hoces-García
Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, 2017
El Ártico, un inhóspito territorio cubierto por la nieve gran parte del año, en el que con la lle... more El Ártico, un inhóspito territorio cubierto por la nieve gran parte del año, en el que con la llegada del invierno una noche puede durar incluso meses, no es sólo una vasta extensión de hielo. Diferentes culturas han habitado las costas americanas bañadas por el océano Ártico, se han adaptado a sus especiales condiciones, han luchado por sobrevivir contra el clima o contra otras poblaciones. Y continúan haciéndolo. En este dossier comprendido en el número 18 de la revista Naveg@mérica se analizan distintas casuísticas del ártico americano.
Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, 2017
La Matricula de Mar fue un sistema de inscripcion maritima de la Armada destinado a facilitar el ... more La Matricula de Mar fue un sistema de inscripcion maritima de la Armada destinado a facilitar el reclutamiento. Se describe parcialmente la division geografico-administrativa del Departamento Maritimo de Cartagena y se analizan los principales factores del fracaso de la Matricula en Cataluna a traves de un corpus de fuentes primarias formado principalmente por Reales Ordenes. Se observa como mientras la poblacion dedicada a tareas maritimas aumenta, los matriculados remitidos a campana disminuyen. A finales de siglo, mas de la mitad de los marineros catalanes eran desertores o estaban en paradero desconocido. Este y otros problemas conllevaron a una menor operatividad de los navios militares en un importante momento de la historia naval espanola.
En el ideario colectivo de Kalaallit Nunaat navega el 21 de junio de 2021 como fecha clave para s... more En el ideario colectivo de Kalaallit Nunaat navega el 21 de junio de 2021 como fecha clave para su futuro, pero ¿por qué esa fecha?, ¿qué es Kalaallit Nunaat y por qué es tan importante su ejemplo para los pueblos inuit? Francesc Bailón responde en esta obra a estas y a muchas otras preguntas, al tiempo que profundiza en la identidad inuit.
Mundo Histórico. Revista de Investigación, 2020
Los misterios de Samotracia tenían gran relevancia en la sociedad griega. Las prácticas religiosa... more Los misterios de Samotracia tenían gran relevancia en la sociedad griega. Las prácticas religiosas en la isla, de probable origen preindoeuropeo, estaban fuertemente vinculadas al ámbito marítimo y la participación en este se veía influida por las diversas creencias religiosas. Se analizan los ritos asociados a
los misterios para conocer su vinculación con el mar, se esclarece su relación con este tipo de religiosidad griega y se pone en valor la importancia de esta en la vida griega. Se emplean fuentes grecolatinas y se procesan mediante el
programa Diogenes y la ayuda del Thesaurus Linguae Graecae del Packard Humanities Institute y su buscador. La mayoría de las ofrendas en Samotracia estaban destinadas a la protección de los peligros del mar. En la cosmovisión griega, el mar era un vínculo fundamental entre las poblaciones, por lo que los
misterios samotracios se convertirían en un garante de poder. La presencia de theoroi permitiría la propiciación de seguridad en las travesías navales de forma comunitaria y podría haber contribuido en el circuito de la información.
In: Sánchez-Baena, Juan José. La política en América en el siglo XVIII: ordenanzas y realidades. Murcia: editum, 2019, 61-122, 2019
Esta nueva obra de la colección Cátedra de Historia y Patrimonio Naval pretende dar a conocer alg... more Esta nueva obra de la colección Cátedra de Historia y Patrimonio Naval pretende dar a conocer algunos de los aspectos fundamentales de la aplicación teórica y práctica de la política naval de los Borbones en el ámbito del Caribe español, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII.
Historia Social, 2020
La Matrícula de Mar fue un sistema de inscripción marítima de la Armada destinado a facilitar el ... more La Matrícula de Mar fue un sistema de inscripción marítima de la Armada destinado a facilitar el reclutamiento. Se describe parcialmente la división geográfico-administrativa del Departamento Marítimo de Cartagena y se analizan los principales factores del fracaso de la Matrícula en Cataluña a través de un corpus de fuentes primarias formado principalmente por Reales Órdenes. Se observa cómo mientras la población dedicada a tareas marítimas aumenta, los matriculados remitidos a campaña disminuyen. A finales de siglo, más de la mitad de los marineros catalanes eran desertores o estaban en paradero desconocido. Este y otros problemas conllevaron a una menor operatividad de los navíos militares en un importante momento de la historia naval española.
Cabezos-Almenar, Francisco; Hoces-García, Alberto; Moral-García, Carlos (eds.). Surcar los mares. Entre el mundo antiguo y la proyección europea. Murcia: HyCmar, editum, 2020, 15-52, 2020
El mar: una forma de vida en América, 2016
Introducción al libro "El mar: una forma de vida en América". Se realiza una revisión bibliográfi... more Introducción al libro "El mar: una forma de vida en América". Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de estudios y reuniones científicas cuyo objetivo haya sido la relación de América y el mar.
El Ártico, un inhóspito territorio cubierto por la nieve gran parte del año, en el que con la lle... more El Ártico, un inhóspito territorio cubierto por la nieve gran parte del año, en el que con la llegada del invierno una noche puede durar incluso meses, no es sólo una vasta extensión de hielo. Diferentes culturas han habitado las costas americanas bañadas por el océano Ártico, se han adaptado a sus especiales condiciones, han luchado por sobrevivir contra el clima o contra otras poblaciones. Y continúan haciéndolo. En este dossier comprendido en el número 18 de la revista Naveg@mérica se analizan distintas casuísticas del ártico americano.
RESUMEN: Se analiza el grado de aplicación que tuvo la Matrícula de Mar en el Departamento
Maríti... more RESUMEN: Se analiza el grado de aplicación que tuvo la Matrícula de Mar en el Departamento
Marítimo de Cartagena a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Se estudian las problemáticas ocurridas durante
su implantación. Se realiza una base de datos de reales órdenes y se contrasta con la reglamentación
de matrículas y otros documentos indicativos o relacionados con su organización. La
matrícula de mar tuvo una implantación irregular cronológica y geográficamente en el Departamento
Marítimo de Cartagena. La existencia de lugares comunes con otras reglamentaciones
complicó su implementación. La falta de sueldos e incumplimiento de contraprestaciones conllevaron
altos porcentajes de deserción.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Historia Naval, Historia de España, Siglo XVIII, Armada Española, Matrícula de
Mar, Departamento Marítimo de Cartagena, Ordenanza, Real Orden, Reclutamiento, Deserción.
ABSTRACT: It is analyzed the success level that the Matrícula de Mar had at the Maritime Department
of Cartagena during the eighteenth century. The issues occurred during its implementation
are studied. It is made a database of royal orders, which is contrasted with the regulation of
fees and other indicators or documents related to its organization. The Matrícula de Mar had a
chronologically and geographically irregular presence in the Maritime Department of Cartagena.
The existence of common places with other regulations complicated its implementation. The lack
of salaries and breach of compensations entailed high dropout rates.
KEYWORDS: Naval history, History of Spain, Eighteenth Century, Spanish Navy, Matrícula de Mar,
Marine Deparment of Cartagena, Ordinance, Royal Order, Recruitment, Desertion.
Videos by Alberto Hoces-García
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwri
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for
Papers by Alberto Hoces-García
los misterios para conocer su vinculación con el mar, se esclarece su relación con este tipo de religiosidad griega y se pone en valor la importancia de esta en la vida griega. Se emplean fuentes grecolatinas y se procesan mediante el
programa Diogenes y la ayuda del Thesaurus Linguae Graecae del Packard Humanities Institute y su buscador. La mayoría de las ofrendas en Samotracia estaban destinadas a la protección de los peligros del mar. En la cosmovisión griega, el mar era un vínculo fundamental entre las poblaciones, por lo que los
misterios samotracios se convertirían en un garante de poder. La presencia de theoroi permitiría la propiciación de seguridad en las travesías navales de forma comunitaria y podría haber contribuido en el circuito de la información.
Marítimo de Cartagena a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Se estudian las problemáticas ocurridas durante
su implantación. Se realiza una base de datos de reales órdenes y se contrasta con la reglamentación
de matrículas y otros documentos indicativos o relacionados con su organización. La
matrícula de mar tuvo una implantación irregular cronológica y geográficamente en el Departamento
Marítimo de Cartagena. La existencia de lugares comunes con otras reglamentaciones
complicó su implementación. La falta de sueldos e incumplimiento de contraprestaciones conllevaron
altos porcentajes de deserción.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Historia Naval, Historia de España, Siglo XVIII, Armada Española, Matrícula de
Mar, Departamento Marítimo de Cartagena, Ordenanza, Real Orden, Reclutamiento, Deserción.
ABSTRACT: It is analyzed the success level that the Matrícula de Mar had at the Maritime Department
of Cartagena during the eighteenth century. The issues occurred during its implementation
are studied. It is made a database of royal orders, which is contrasted with the regulation of
fees and other indicators or documents related to its organization. The Matrícula de Mar had a
chronologically and geographically irregular presence in the Maritime Department of Cartagena.
The existence of common places with other regulations complicated its implementation. The lack
of salaries and breach of compensations entailed high dropout rates.
KEYWORDS: Naval history, History of Spain, Eighteenth Century, Spanish Navy, Matrícula de Mar,
Marine Deparment of Cartagena, Ordinance, Royal Order, Recruitment, Desertion.
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwri
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This interview has been realised thanks to ALL HANDS ON DECK - European work heritage in shipwright for present and future (AHOD) project (no. 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065201). It is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, with duration from December 2019 to June 2022.
The project aims to recover and connect traditional techniques and skills of the shipwright profession, one of the oldest occupations in Europe’s maritime areas. The project creates training tools for adult professionals and thus contributes to the conservation of immaterial cultural heritage in shipwright.
The interview reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for
los misterios para conocer su vinculación con el mar, se esclarece su relación con este tipo de religiosidad griega y se pone en valor la importancia de esta en la vida griega. Se emplean fuentes grecolatinas y se procesan mediante el
programa Diogenes y la ayuda del Thesaurus Linguae Graecae del Packard Humanities Institute y su buscador. La mayoría de las ofrendas en Samotracia estaban destinadas a la protección de los peligros del mar. En la cosmovisión griega, el mar era un vínculo fundamental entre las poblaciones, por lo que los
misterios samotracios se convertirían en un garante de poder. La presencia de theoroi permitiría la propiciación de seguridad en las travesías navales de forma comunitaria y podría haber contribuido en el circuito de la información.
Marítimo de Cartagena a lo largo del siglo XVIII. Se estudian las problemáticas ocurridas durante
su implantación. Se realiza una base de datos de reales órdenes y se contrasta con la reglamentación
de matrículas y otros documentos indicativos o relacionados con su organización. La
matrícula de mar tuvo una implantación irregular cronológica y geográficamente en el Departamento
Marítimo de Cartagena. La existencia de lugares comunes con otras reglamentaciones
complicó su implementación. La falta de sueldos e incumplimiento de contraprestaciones conllevaron
altos porcentajes de deserción.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Historia Naval, Historia de España, Siglo XVIII, Armada Española, Matrícula de
Mar, Departamento Marítimo de Cartagena, Ordenanza, Real Orden, Reclutamiento, Deserción.
ABSTRACT: It is analyzed the success level that the Matrícula de Mar had at the Maritime Department
of Cartagena during the eighteenth century. The issues occurred during its implementation
are studied. It is made a database of royal orders, which is contrasted with the regulation of
fees and other indicators or documents related to its organization. The Matrícula de Mar had a
chronologically and geographically irregular presence in the Maritime Department of Cartagena.
The existence of common places with other regulations complicated its implementation. The lack
of salaries and breach of compensations entailed high dropout rates.
KEYWORDS: Naval history, History of Spain, Eighteenth Century, Spanish Navy, Matrícula de Mar,
Marine Deparment of Cartagena, Ordinance, Royal Order, Recruitment, Desertion.
Palabras clave: Misterios, Samotracia, Religiosidad, Cosmovisión, Grecia, Religión, Peligro, Mar, Protección, Travesía.
Te mysteries of Samothrace had great importance in Greek society. Religious practices on the island, possibly pre-Indo-European, were strongly linked to maritime ambit and human participation in it was influenced by the various religious beliefs. The rites associated with mysteries are analyzed to explore its relationship with the sea, and the importance of this relationship in Greek life is put in value. Latin and Greek sources are used and processed by Diogenes program and the aid of Thesaurus Linguae Graecae of the Packard HumanitiesInstitute and its search engine. Most of the offerings in Samothrace were intended for the protection of the dangers at sea. In Greek worldview, the sea was a fundamental link between populations, so the Samothracian mysteries
would become a guarantor of power. The presence of theoroi may allow
communally security propitiation in naval voyages and could have contributed to the information circuit.
Key words: Mysteries, Samothrace, Religiosity, Greece, Worldview, Religion, Danger, Sea, Protection, Sail.