Social Inequalities
Recent papers in Social Inequalities
Το παρόν άρθρο αποσκοπεί στο να διερευνήσει τις επιπτώσεις της οικονομικής κρίσης στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα με έμφαση στη διαφοροποίηση των κοινωνικά προσδιορισμένων ανισοτήτων στην Ανώτατη Εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα. Όπως διαπιστώνεται, σε... more
The publication of Bourdieu and Passeron's Reproduction had a mixed response. On the one hand the work was criticised for its determinism and pessimistic prognosis of the possibilities of educational change and, on the other hand, praised... more
Comment se « fabriquent » les inégalités sociales dans l’accès aux soins ? En quoi les professionnels de l’accès aux soins participent-ils à ces processus ? Éléments de réponse en trois questions et un pas de côté.
Zweite Vorlesung: Begriff und Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit 1. Gleichheit der Individuen als Ideal. 2. Natürliche versus soziale Unterschie-de. 3. Die ungleiche Verteilung entäußerbarer Ressourcen. 4. Weitere Dimensionen sozialer... more
This paper outlines aspects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic scenario and the complexities associated with it. It reveals the socio-epidemiological patterns of the epidemic and in doing so identifies the populations with the greatest and fastest... more
Social inequalities have again become a strong focus of interest and analysis. The current theoretical perspectives in social sciences and the availability of institutional indicators have drawn attention to the global nature of... more
"Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der temporalen Veränderung der sozialen Mobilität in der Schweiz. Im Rahmen deskriptiver Kohortenanalysen wird der Effekt der sozialen Herkunft (Bildung und Klasse) auf das Erreichen von... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified discussions about the digital revolution. Digitalization of ever-more sectors of society appears to be the only possible answer to the requirements of physical distancing. The education sector stands... more
L'Espagne vient d'achever une période de prospérité économique qui a renversé la tendance migratoire du pays, passant de terre d'émigration à celle de première réceptrice de populations étrangères de l'UE, notamment cette dernière... more
Introdução: intensificação das desigualdades. Classes sociais e multidimensionalidade das desigualdades. Análise das classes sociais: modelo teórico e operatório. Classes sociais e desigualdades de género na Europa. Classes sociais e... more
Drawing upon perspectives from across the globe and employing an interdisciplinary life course approach, this handbook explores the production and reproduction of different types of inequality, such as economic, gender, racial and ethnic... more
This book provides a unique insight into negotiations around language investment for employability in the context of public employment services. Drawing on extensive ethnographical research carried out in Regional Employment Offices in... more
The objective of the present paper is to characterize the structure of individual social networks and to propose an explanatory model of interrelations in this form of capitalization. In this sense, we put to the test Lin's seminal... more
As desigualdades sociais voltaram a estar na ordem do dia. Neste livro faz-se um balanço das desigualdades no mundo atual, colocando em evidência tanto as suas múltiplas vertentes como o carácter global que hoje assumem. São abordados os... more
This phenomenological study was aimed to explore the lived experience of poor women who become the backbone of their families in Surabaya city. This study recruited six female subjects who live in Semampir District which is the poorest... more
Following a mid twelfth-century BC demographic crisis, Frattesina, in northern Italy, arose as a prominent hub linking continental Europe and the Mediterranean, as evidenced by the remarkable variety of exotic materials and commodities... more
ÖZ Dezavantajlı gruplar kavramı genel olarak belirli özelliklerinden dolayı toplumsal ve ekonomik yaşama tam anlamıyla katılabilme şansı bulunmayan gruplar için kullanılan bir kavramdır. Toplum içerisinde farklı toplumsal risklere en... more
Using Sri Lanka’s iconic presidential elections of January 2015 as a backdrop, we engage with how elite patrimonial politics and everyday moralities around grain access and distributive justice come to intersect with one another. With a... more
Este capítulo pretende contribuir a comprender los procesos de construcción de la otredad en un contexto particular, el del neoliberalismo, como paradigma hegemónico. El análisis se orienta a reflexionar en torno a los debates teóricos... more
Le trasformazioni economiche che hanno coinvolto i paesi a capitalismo avanzato negli anni '80 e '90 hanno avuto importanti conseguenze sociali (Mingione 1991; Crouch 2001), in particolare nelle città, dove il cambiamento sociale si... more
This workshop addresses the changing nature of work and the important role of exchange platforms as both intermediaries and managers. It aims to bring together interdisciplinary and critical scholars working on the power dynamics of... more
This article contributes to the debate on income and wealth distribution in China by analyzing the main characteristics of the Chinese accumulation pattern that determine its distributive dynamics in a comparative perspective. After a... more
Сборник статей Новосибирск 2005 УДК 316.728 ББК С561.26 Л 937 Люди и вещи в советской и постсоветской культуре: Сб. статей / Новосиб. гос. ун-т. Новосибирск, 2005. 130 с.
In this article based on my preliminary research on the Guwahati Smart City I explore the ways in which smart urban development plans affect urban peripheries. Focusing on Deepor Beel - a UNESCO Ramasar wetland - this article demonstrates... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
This report is the result of collective work by the “Experiences of Encounters with the Police in Ottawa” research team. The research project was initiated and conducted by David Moffette, Sadia Jama, Lindsay Snow, and Chris Bruckert.... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
This report examines evidence on two key aspects of the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect: how poverty affects a child's chance of being abused or neglected, and the impact abuse or neglect in childhood has on... more
This paper sets out to develop two related ideas. First, it seeks to identify how both violence and neoliberalism can be considered as moments. From this shared conceptualisation of process and fluidity, I argue that it becomes easier to... more
Sociologists of education have explored the relationship between students’ postsecondary aspirations and their propensity to get ‘‘cooled out’’ in community colleges. However, researchers have directed little attention to students whose... more
editors ♦ ♦ ♦ 2020 Comenius University in Bratislava 2 Ján SOPÓCI -Daniel GERBERY -Roman DŽAMBAZOVIČ (eds.)