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A disequilibrium model of endogenous innovation and growth is presented. The behaviour of the agents is supposed to be governed by routines, not by maximization. The entrepreneurs are assumed to invest a fraction of their operating... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsEconomic TheoryEconomic DevelopmentProfitability
The paper intends to analyze aspects of international economic order that are relevant to understand the integration of underdeveloped countries. Its main hypothesis is that globalization is the result of financial liberalization at the... more
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      GlobalizationFinancial LiberalizationCapital FlowsLatin America
II. Dünya Savaşı sonrası ulus devlet temelli dünya sisteminin hakim ideolojisi olan kalkınma paradigması, 1960-1970’li yıllarda büyüme güdümlü kapitalizme içkin toplumsal krizlerin yaygınlaşması ve ekolojik krizlerin görünür olmaya... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCapitalismCircular EconomyKapitalizm
Capital accumulation or capital formation is the process of adding a net capital stock in an economy in an effort to increase total output. Whereas population growth is a change in population at any time, and can be calculated as a change... more
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      Economic GrowthPopulation GrowthCapital Accumulation
This case study of recent efforts to deconcentrate poverty within the Skid Row area of Los Angeles examines processes of ‘weak-center ’ gentrification as it applies to a ‘service dependent ghetto, ’ thus filling two key gaps in prior... more
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      SociologyEconomicsSocial ProblemsPolitics
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      HistorySociologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Conservation
In emerging economies pension programs of public sector workers tend to be more generous than pension programs of private sector workers. In this paper we study the adverse effects of these generous pension schemes on income and welfare,... more
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      Emerging EconomiesPublic sectorPublic EducationSteady state
The World Bank Economic Review is a professional journal for the dissemination of World Bank-sponsored and other research that may inform policy analysis and choice. It is directed to an international readership among economists and... more
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      Development EconomicsCase StudiesDeveloping CountriesEconomic Development
This paper approaches the value added method for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement that explains the interrelationship between the expenditure approach and the income approach. The economic growth model is also proposed with three... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomicsPolitical Economy
Equí y n’otru tiempu (Ramón Lluís Bande, 2015) En: Cuaderno del paisaje. Materiales para un ensayo cinematográfico sobre la guerrilla republicana asturiana. 202-29. Colección Poliedro (Santander: Shangrila Ediciones, 2016). Also in:... more
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      Film StudiesViolenceIberian StudiesMemory Studies
In this paper, we show how annual reports rely upon the silencing of injustices in order to make profit appear to be an unproblematic measure of success. In particular, we examine the ways in which corporations silence the negative impact... more
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      ProfitabilityCapital AccumulationProfit Maximization
This special issue of Explorations in Economic History includes four articles that delve into the 19th century financial development of Belgium, Germany, Sweden, and Japan, and relate these developments to economic growth. In this guest... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomic GrowthFinancial developmentApplied Economics
The economic impact of climate change is usually measured as the extent to which the climate of a given period affects social welfare in that period. This static approach ignores the dynamic effects through which climate change may affect... more
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      Climate ChangeEconomic GrowthApplied EconomicsTechnological change
AbstractPost-Fordist reconstitutions in economy and society are positively related with the expansion of atypical employment. This article argues that many of the claims that an increase in atypical forms promotes less rigid labour... more
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      EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningLabour MarketCase Study
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      Development EconomicsEconomic GeographyCorporate GovernanceEconomic Growth
This paper argues that the patters of income and wealth distribution of the economies may explain the productive and trade specialization in the long run. Two channels are considered to understand the relations between both processes:... more
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      Economic DevelopmentIncome inequalityStructural ChangeEconomic performance
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      EconomicsNatural ResourcesInternational TradeHuman Resource
This article explores online social media produced by the neo-jihadist group "Islamic State" (IS) from a political-economic perspective. Using a framework developed by anthropologist David Harvey, it examines how IS social media operates... more
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      Post-MarxismSocial MediaNeoliberalismDavid Harvey
Demirgiiq-Kunt, Doug Diamond, Bill Easterly, Michael gration ambiguously affect saving rates. In Gavin, Bruce Smith, two anonymous referees, and semifact, higher returns and better risk sharing may nar participants at Arizona State... more
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      Economic GrowthStock MarketMonetary PolicyFinancial System
This paper focusses on endogenous comparative advantages in developing countries, in particular on labour reallocation from low-productivity informal sectors into high-productivity formal sectors. This mechanism is important for two... more
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      EconomicsDeveloping CountryInformal SectorAbsorptive Capacity
La perspectiva de género en los Estudios de Turismo ha evolucionado desde un enfoque de «añádanse mujeres y agítese» a estudios diversos que se apoyan en la teoría feminista plasmada en una fértil literatura internacional. En este... more
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      MarketingEthicsPopular CultureEmpowerment
This article proposes an approach to answering two questions: first, does investment in education help growth; second, does the allocation of investment in education matter? I develop a model where individual ability is heterogeneous and... more
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      Economic GrowthApplied EconomicsPanel DataCapital Accumulation
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      Development EconomicsGlobalizationAccountingTransaction Costs
This article contributes to the debate on income and wealth distribution in China by analyzing the main characteristics of the Chinese accumulation pattern that determine its distributive dynamics in a comparative perspective. After a... more
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      ChinaSocial InequalitiesCapital Accumulation
Hogyan képzeljük el a magyar társadalom osztályszerkezetét? Terhes babapiskótaként? Piramisként vagy körteként? Az összetett és elvont jelenségek megértését megkönnyíti, ha már ismert dolgokhoz hasonlítjuk. A metaforák egy határig... more
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      World Systems AnalysisSocial ClassSocial ClassesSocial Structure
Kapitalist üretim biçimi dahilinde, sermayenin yeninde üretim döngüsü içeri-sinde rol üstlenen emeğin analizi, bu analiz zorunlu olarak politik sonuçlara da sahip olacağı için daima sorunlu bir mesele olagelmiştir. Neoliberalizmle... more
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      Marxist theoryProductive and unproductive labourLabor Theory of ValueCapital Accumulation
We assess threats to environmental sustainability by examining the trends in three measures of the ecological footprint (EF) -the total EF, the per capita EF, and the EF intensity of the economy (EF/GDP) -for China, India, Japan, and the... more
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      VietnamUnited StatesWorld SystemsDislocations
This article offers a power theory of value analysis of Wal-Mart’s contested expansion in the retail business. More specifically, it draws on, and develops, some aspects of the capital as power framework so as to provide the first clear... more
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      Resistance (Social)Social InequalityWal MartCapital Accumulation
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      Tax LawInternational TradeAccountingTransaction Costs
2.1 Per Capita Income by World Region 22 2.2 The Growth of World Population 24 2.3 Population Age Distributions 25 2.4 Relative Economic Strength of Developing Countries, Historical and Projected 26 2.5 The Historical Evolution of World... more
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      Climate ChangeArbitrationCapital MarketsDeveloping Countries
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.
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      Social ClassUnited KingdomWorld Trade OrganizationUnited States
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceTurkish StudiesHistorical Studies
Özet Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun adem-i merkeziyetçilik dönemi 17. yüzyılda başlamış ve 18. yüzyılda zirveye çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada ilgili dönemde sermaye sahibi olan ayanların sermayelerini nasıl değerlendirdikleri incelenmektedir. Bu... more
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      EntrepreneurshipIltizamFiscal DecentralizationCapital Accumulation
Economic liberalization policies, externally imposed structural requirements, and Tunisia's comparative advantage have led the government to pursue tourism on a large scale. The growth of this sector has been phenomenal as evidenced by... more
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      MarketingReligionTourismEconomic Impact
The post-2008 financial crisis era has seen an upsurge in popular cultural narratives that implicitly challenge principles of economic productivity, consumption and growth by lamenting a so-called ‘world of too much,’ advocating ethics of... more
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      Environmental PoliticsDeGrowthPostgrowthPostpolitics
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      MarketingEconomicsIndustrial OrganizationEconomic Growth
Anti-colonialism is a scam today. It is the ideological abode of new forms of capital accumulation, symbolised by the Capitalist International of the Postcolonial Immigrant and Silicon Valley. Anti-colonialism propels the... more
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      Refugee StudiesPostcolonial StudiesImmigrationSalman Rushdie
Bir üretim mekânının oluşması, sermaye birikiminin temel eğilimleri ve bu eğilimlere içkin mekanın özgül süreçlerinden beslenmektedir. Çalışmanın konusu, kriz ve sermaye birikimi bağlamında kayan, oluşan ve yeniden üretilen üretim... more
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      Social Production of SpaceLabour GeographyShipbuildingCapital Accumulation
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      Development StudiesState FormationNeoliberalization of the stateState Theory
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      Real EstateMacroeconomicsForestryClimate Change
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      Property RightsTransaction CostsEconomic GrowthFinancial Systems
Türkiye S›n›f Araflt›rmalar› Merkezi (TÜSAM)'nin, yola ç›kt›¤› andan itibaren en fazla önem verdi¤i projelerinden birisi olan bu sempozyumun gerçekleflmesi için desteklerini bizden esirgemeyen ve yaln›z olmad›¤›m›z› anlamam›z› sa¤layan... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismClassCapital Accumulation
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconometricsPolitical Economy
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      Development EconomicsGlobalizationAccountingTransaction Costs
This paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with nominal rigidities, capital accumulation and finite lifetimes. The framework exhibits intergenerational wealth effects and is intended to investigate the... more
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      Fiscal policyMonetary PolicyEuro AreaCapital Accumulation
JT00102047 Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format d'origine Complete document available on OLIS in its original format ECO/WKP(2001)9 Unclassified English text only ECO/WKP(2001)9 2
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      Time SeriesEconomic GrowthHuman CapitalPanel Data
Artykuł stanowi zarazem historyczne, jak i systematyczne oraz problemowe wprowadzenie do teorii kapitalizmu kognitywnego. Rekonstruuje najważniejsze stanowiska i debaty w danym polu, od pierwszych publikacji na temat pracy niematerialnej... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyImmaterial LabourSocial and Political Philosophy
This article shows how wildlife and marine conservation in Tanzania lead to forms of ‘green’ or ‘blue grabbing’. Dispossession of local people's land and resources has been gradual and piecemeal in some cases, while it involved violence... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPeasant StudiesMarine Conservation