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We show how significant may be the difference in the estimated returns to education in Poland conditional on the measure of wages used and the estimation approach applied. Combining information from two different Polish surveys from 2005... more
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      Model SelectionRate of returnLabor MarketInstrumental Variable
Theory at both the micro and macro level predicts that investments in superior human capital generate better firm-level performance. However, human capital takes time and money to develop or acquire, which potentially offsets its positive... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyPsychometrics
1 The SNB chooses not to term its new policy approach "inflation targeting" as it targets a range of inflation rates (0-2%) instead of a single value. However this is the case in almost all countries that are generally considered to be... more
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      Monetary PolicyLabor MarketStatistical SignificanceInflation Targeting
A Semana de Arte Moderna transcorre na convergência de duas mudanças decisivas na história brasileira. Uma na esfera sul-atlântica, outra no âmbito do território nacional. A primeira mudança, relativa à emergência da Argentina como... more
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      Labor MarketImigrationOswald de AndradeJapanese Immigration in Brazil
Concepts like regional innovation systems, innovative milieu, and learning regions emphasize the positive contribution of intra-regional cooperation to firms' innovation performance. Despite substantial numbers of case studies, the... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningApplied EconomicsCase Study
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      Human GeographyAccessibilityTransportationUrban And Regional Planning
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      TransnationalismInternal migrationCountry of OriginLabor Market
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      Eastern EuropeClimate ChangeEconomic TheorySocial Protection
The authors would like to thank Andreas Nader and Patrizio Sicari for research assistance and Fritz Breuss, Anita Wölfl and Andreas Wörgötter for valuable comments. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the... more
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      Financial CrisisEconomic CrisisImpact of Monetary Policy on the Nigerian EconomyLabor Market
An increasing fraction of jobs in the U.S. labor market explicitly pay workers for their performance using a bonus, a commission, or a piece rate. In this paper, we look at the e¤ect of the growing incidence of performance pay on wage... more
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      EconomicsDeveloping CountryLabor MarketWage inequality
In this paper we study the occupational progress and earnings attainment of immigrants in Germany and compare them to native Germans. Our analysis is guided by the human capital, segmented labor market, and discrimination theories. To... more
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      DemographyHuman CapitalInternal migrationVocational Training
Les analyses traditionnelles du marché du travail s'avèrent incapables d'expliquer le paradoxe apparent entre un taux de chômage relativement modéré dans un pays tel que le Pérou (environ 10%, taux peu sensible aux fortes fluctuations... more
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      SociologyPeruPanel DataDynamic Analysis
This paper addresses possible changes in Dutch employers' behavior regarding the recruitment and retention of older workers during the last decade. We analyze surveys
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      PsychologySocial WorkPrejudiceAging
This paper estimates the returns to career decisions in the marriage market and the returns to marital choices in the labor market. Theoretically, investments in the labor market could affect the chances of receiving a marriage offer, the... more
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      Human CapitalLabor MarketDecision making processCareer Choice
Information society, in which we live, is featured by extraordinary dynamic changes where information has an absolute priority. So, every of us, if does not want his or her knowledge to be outdated, should learn continually, even... more
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      Higher EducationLabor MarketPostgraduate studies
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      Internal migrationLabor MarketLatin AmericanAlteridades
Cross-cultural research is dominated by the use of values despite their mixed empirical support and their limited theoretical scope. This article expands the dominant paradigm in crosscultural research by developing a theory of cultural... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingPsychologyApplied Psychology
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
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      EconomicsDeveloping CountryInformal SectorLabor Market
In Spain, care in dependency has traditionally fallen to family members but this situation is changing. The existence of a model based on the family’s contribution used to enable dependent elders to remain at home; however, social changes... more
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      Social ChangeArtLiterature ReviewEnfermería clinica
We use a discrete-time dynamic multinomial logit model with …xed e¤ects to study the port of entry versus trap hypotheses of temporary contracts in Italy. The WHIP data allows us to observe several kinds of temporary contracts and to... more
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      Labor MarketTemporary EmploymentApprenticeship trainingState dependence
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      Labor MigrationInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyLabor MarketDispositif (Apparatus-Theory)
This paper examines the impact of immigrants on the income of various groups of resident workers in the United States and Europe. Our approach features the use of a production technology incorporating education, experience, and unskilled... more
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      DemographyEconomicsEducationPopulation Dynamics
The Importance of Firms in Wage Determination * Firms are central to many theories of the labor market. However, the extent to which firms affect wages has only recently been explored using matched employer-employee data. This paper... more
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      Labour EconomicsApplied EconomicsLabor MarketWage Differential
Publication for Professor Michael Porter's Microeconomics of Competitiveness capstone project at the Harvard Business School.
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      Labor EconomicsInnovation PolicyTrade and Industrial PolicyIndustrial Clusters
The aim of this study is to examine the determinants of Japanese attitudes toward acceptance of foreigners. It specifically focuses on the effects of education on xenophobia, and investigates which of the competing theories -labor market... more
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      Political ScienceLogistic RegressionLabor MarketFamily ties
This paper argues that unemployment persistence in countries like Tunisia is not caused only by labor market rigidities and by population growth. The size of the informal sector and the low level of investment within the formal sector and... more
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      EconomicsInformal SectorWorking ConditionsLabor Market
This paper analyzes the life-cycle career costs associated with child rearing and decomposes their effects into unearned wages (as women drop out of the labor market), loss of human capital, and selection into more child-friendly... more
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      Human CapitalGender Wage GapLabor MarketLife Cycle
El estudio de las ocupaciones TIC se vuelve relevante en la actualidad donde la información y el conocimiento resultan cruciales para el desarrollo económico y social. El cambio tecnológico avanzado requiere de trabajadores altamente... more
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      Employability SkillsLabor MarketSocioeconomic Status
We present a model that deals with continuous space and functional regions in the form of overlapping, interacting, and constantly changing contact fields associated with the individual actors in a labor market. Simulations illustrate the... more
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      Human GeographyProfitabilityLabor MarketSpatial Pattern
This is an experimental study in economics of mandated benefits. Most individuals who have health insurance in the US obtain it through their employer. Some states either have or are considering government mandates that require employers... more
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      EconomicsHealth insuranceUnited StatesLabor Market
In this paper, factors explaining the regional disparity of unemployment in Switzerland at the level of the Swiss states (cantons) and labor market regions over time are examined. We estimate a dynamic panel using particularly suited... more
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      Labor MarketDynamic Panel DataHuman capital Investment
In the given article discussed conceptual development of management theories, reviewed main approaches of leading economic literatures, explained stages of development of organizational behavior and its transformation to corporate... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorOrganizational CultureLeadership
El presente estudio estudia la población joven uruguaya, entendiendo por tal a las personas comprendidas entre los 14 y 29 años. El aporte de los(as) adolescentes y jóvenes al funcionamiento de la sociedad no se limita exclusivamente a su... more
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      HealthYoung PeopleReproductive healthHabits
Recent literature on the interactions between labor unions and monetary institutions features either a supply or a demand channel of monetary policy, but not both. This leads to two opposing views about the effects of central bank... more
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      EconomicsWage bargainingMonetary PolicySocial Welfare
In Italy the participation of women has not increased very much in the last few decades relative to other developed countries and it is still among the lowest in Europe. The female employment rate stands almost 13 percentage points below... more
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      DemographyFertilityChild CareApplied Economics
No Brasil, as organizações do terceiro setor têm intensificado sua atuação buscando ocupar as lacunas existentes na articulação dos esforços dos atores de outros setores no campo da inserção profissional de pessoas com deficiência (PcD).... more
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      Third SectorCase StudyLabor MarketParticipant Observation
Previous studies show that controlling for ability measured in the teenage years eliminates young adult wage gaps for all groups except black males, for whom the gap is reduced by approximately three-fourths. This suggests that disparity... more
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      Labor MarketYoung AdultLabor market outcomes
For the many-to-one matching model in which firms have substitutable and quota q−separable preferences over subsets of workers we show that the workers-optimal stable mechanism is group strategy-proof for the workers. Therefore, in... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsGame Theory
The impact of private equity on employment outcomes arouses considerable controversy. Critics claim that private equity buyouts bring huge job losses, while private equity groups claim large employment gains. To address the issue, we... more
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      Private EquityDeveloping CountryLabor MarketLeverage
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      EconomicsPublic OpinionForeign Direct InvestmentHuman right
A number of recent papers have focused on the role of real factors in accounting for the persistent effects of monetary shocks. These factors include habit persistence in consumption, variable capital utilization, and produced inputs. In... more
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      EconomicsDynamic SimulationJob MatchingLabor Market
Müasir dövrdə məşğulluğun təmin edilməsi hər bir dövlət üçün aktual problemlərdən biri hesab edilir. İqtisadiyyatın innovasiyalı inkişafı isə məşğulluğun təmin olunmasında təhsilin, xüsusilə peşə təhsilinin rolunu artırır. Yeni əmək... more
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      Innovation statisticsVocational EducationLabor Marketinformal labor market
The difficulties most Latin American countries have experienced in returning to sustained growth after the world recession and debt crisis of 1982 have surprised and frustrated many observers. Concern is increasingly expressed about the... more
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      EconomicsEconomic TheoryEconomic policyInequality
The potential duration of benefits is generally viewed as an important determinant of unemployment duration. This paper evaluates a unique policy change that prolonged entitlement to regular unemployment benefits from 30 weeks to a... more
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      Public EconomicsApplied EconomicsPolicy ChangeUnemployment Duration
This paper studies the di¨erences in earnings between Mexican legal and illegal immigrants in the United States. The analysis includes a crosssectional examination of the wage di¨erences between legal and undocumented workers as well as a... more
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      DemographyEconomicsDeveloping CountriesPopulation Dynamics
Labor market issues and challenges are primarily understood at an individual level, entrenched socially in policies and initiatives that seek to improve the workplace skills of people having difficulty attaching to the labor market,... more
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      Social WorkLabour MarketLabor MarketDay Labour
In this paper, we analyze the spatial distribution of economic activity and labor market variables in Greece from 1980 to 2006. Using a distance-based method within a stochastic point process, we identify two periods with opposite trends... more
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      Spatial EconomicsConcentrationOlympic GamesLabor Market
For decades, the maquiladora industry has been a major economic engine along the U.S.-Mexico border. Since the 1970s, researchers have analyzed how the maquiladora industry affects cities along both sides of the border. Gordon Hanson... more
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      Human GeographyInternational TradeEconomic DevelopmentUrban And Regional Planning
This paper explores the relationship between microcredit and poverty reduction. To investigate this question, we posit a bare-bone, household model that outlines the economic environment within which various types of... more
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      TechnologyMicrocreditPoverty ReductionLabor Market
We study the rural-urban divide in educational attainment in a cross-country setting. In order to do this, we present a newly constructed cross-country data set measuring average educational attainment in rural and urban regions of 56... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GeographyPolitical CultureEconomic Development