Sociology of consumption
Recent papers in Sociology of consumption
With an emphasis on everyday life, this respected text offers a lively and perceptive account of the key theories and ideas which dominate the field of consumption and consumer culture. Engaging case studies describe forms of consumption... more
In virtual worlds, consumption of digital, virtual commodities is apparently limitless. In game-oriented worlds like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XI the acquisition of desirable goods is limited only by skill, time and patience –... more
Qu'est-ce que consommer ? Comment aborder, en sociologue, un phénomène si familier ? Le présent ouvrage apporte des réponses à partir d'un ensemble de recherches, toutes empiriquement fondées. Les différentes thématiques abordées-enjeux... more
The article traces the changes in everyday practices of production and consumption of amateur photographs at the beginning of the XXIst century. The authors argue that transformations were caused by a massive shift towards use of digital... more
Energy use is a very important question nowadays in the context of global warming and the cost of energy. "Energy conservation" is paradoxal: environmental awareness is increasing, but so is energy demand. Sociological knowledge... more
Production, Distribution and Production in St. Petersburg: Favourable Environment for Development of Short Food Supply Chains? // Labirint.
Partendo dalla constatazione che oggi il consumo sembra essere la principale proprietà capace di descrivere le caratteristiche individuali e l’appartenenza di ognuno all’interno della struttura sociale, questo lavoro empirico prende avvio... more
Dumpster diving for food implies using discarded edibles found in waste containers behind supermarkets, for example. People who voluntarily engage in this activity suggest that it is a form of hands-on social critique. In this article, we... more
The present study examined the relationship between music preferences, values and musical identities in a sample of 606 Greek college students in the three institutes for higher education in Thessaloniki (Greece). Students indicated the... more
This paper attempts to explore the idea of agelessness through secondary literature, in the light of the successful ageing discourse. It makes an attempt to analyze, the presence of the desire to age well within the construct of beauty... more
The paper reviews recent practice theoretical approaches to emotion and affect and assesses their potential contribution to the sociology of consumption. How emotion is implicated in the “motivational structure of consumption” (Campbell,... more
The introductory sociology market is vast, and dominated by traditional textbooks. These textbooks generally take a fairly similar approach, dividing the field up into chapters based on disciplinary subfields like culture, family,... more
Une grande part du marché de la bière de qualité en Belgique fait référence au monde monastique du fait de la réputation séculaire des bières trappistes. L'utilisation de l'imaginaire monastique est inversement proportionnelle aux liens... more
Since the turn of the century, a considerable body of work has developed in what is now known in English as " food studies. " While this body of work is largely interdis-ciplinary, exhibiting many fruitful overlaps across academic... more
Cet article contribue à l’analyse d’une voie de promotion sociale peu étudiée : il explore les ascensions sociales par un métier commercial. Il s’appuie, pour ce faire, sur des analyses statistiques et une enquête ethnographique sur les... more
Early exposure to environmental chemicals is associated with multiple health problems, including neurological and reproductive disorders. In response to this problem, the environmental health movement has emerged as a leading authority on... more
Pressures of globalisation such as the focus on the growth of productive economies, consumerism, and long work-hours have fragmented cultural beliefs and practices worldwide. Devaluation of deeply held soulful, creative, and nature-based... more
The proportion of the British population reducing their consumption of animal food products has increased dramatically over the last decade, while vegetarian and vegan options are now widely available in supermarkets and restaurants... more
The proportion of the British population reducing their consumption of animal food products has increased dramatically over the last decade, while vegetarian and vegan options are now widely available in supermarkets and restaurants... more
Wie die jüngsten Diskussionen im Sommer 2016 um ein Verbot des Burkini an den französischen Badestränden zeigen, ist das Abreißen der gesellschaftlichen sowie der politischen Diskussion um das Kopftuch als „ein Stück Stoff“ und ein... more
Сборник статей Новосибирск 2005 УДК 316.728 ББК С561.26 Л 937 Люди и вещи в советской и постсоветской культуре: Сб. статей / Новосиб. гос. ун-т. Новосибирск, 2005. 130 с.
Conventional psychological theories of branding have an Achilles heel that we should no longer ignore. Outside of certain technology- and service-driven categories, where brands are built largely through reputation effects, branding's big... more
How can we comprehend people who pay for an experience marketed as painful? On one hand, consumers spend billions of dollars every year to alleviate different kinds of pain. On the other hand, millions of individuals participate in... more
The chapter aims at providing a set of interpretive tools to analyze the outcomes of consumer activism when performed through collective action. In the last years, in fact, we have witnessed a shifting from political consumerism... more
This study explores how men make sense of their participation in the feminized practice of salon hair care. By placing white, middle-class, heterosexual men at the center of analysis, I investigate the meaning of beauty work for a... more
Czy dzieciństwo zawsze istniało? To pytanie może wydać się dziwne. Jest prowokacją, ale chcę przez nie podkreślić, jak wielkie przemiany zaszły w ludzkiej świadomości na przestrzeni wieków. Nie zawsze bowiem dzieci traktowano tak jak... more
El presente texto se propone poner de relieve el significado que adquiere el papel ritual que desempeñan las actividades de consumo en las presentes sociedades capitalistas, en cuanto expresión de un género de sociabilidad posmoderna,... more
Whether through food, leisure activities, or places they inhabit, people’s taste is one way they distinguish themselves from others (Bourdieu 1984). In this paper, I focus on the distinctions that middle-class seekers of “authenticity”... more
Özet Gündelik hayat pratikleri insani etkinliğin sürdürüldüğü zaman ve mekân örgütlenmesi olarak Marksist anlamda kapitalist sistemin üretim ve yeniden üretim süreçlerini içermektedir. Tarihsel gelişim aşamasına koşut bir şekilde ekonomik... more
Food waste reduction is a substantive problem that reflects the broader societal challenges posed by the ideal of sustainable consumption. Consistent with dominant approaches to sustainability, there is a tendency to treat food waste... more
Tanto na literatura científica disponível sobre pessoas trans quanto no senso comum, é frequente a referência a um corpo que mescla características convencionalmente masculinas e femininas como um corpo prototravesti ou pretransexual.... more
Recent years have seen not just a revival, but a rebirth of the analogue record. More than merely a nostalgic craze, vinyl has become a cultural icon. As music consumption migrated to digital and online, this seemingly obsolete medium... more
Branding is often viewed as a form of ideological influence, but how brands impact ideology has not been carefully specified. I use a genealogical study of the emergence of Jack Daniel's Whiskey as an iconic brand to specify the... more
Bu çalışmada; İzmir’de farklı semtlerde konumlanmış alışveriş merkezlerinde (AVM’lerde) çalışan satış görevlilerinin çalışma koşulları ve bu bireylerin çalışma deneyimleri mercek altına alınmaktadır. ‘AVM çalışanlarının çalışma koşulları... more
Since the 1980s, shops have elbowed their way into more and more museums and taken up increasing space within them. But I want to assert that even when the shop is or was not physically present in the museum, it is or was there all the... more
A ‘rites of passage’ movie set in the USSR of the 1950s, Valery Todorovsky’s film Stilyagi (2008) tells the story of the transformation of the hero Mels from loyal member of the Komsomol to stilyaga. For many critics, Todorovsky’s... more
Yakın zaman içinde meydana gelen birçok protesto, demokratikliği ve etikselliği sorgulanan sistemlere karşı çıkan toplulukların varolduğunu tekrar göstermiştir. Bu topluluklar, kimi zaman AVM inşaatı için ağaçların kesilmesine karşı... more
L'introduction de mon mémoire original d'HDR, soutenue le 9 décembre 2019.
When graffiti writing was transferred onto canvas for sale during the Manhattan art boom of the 1980s, it was widely felt to have ‘sold out’ to the exploitative interests of the art establishment and become a ‘post‐graffiti’ art movement.... more
Özet: Bu makale, tüketim, tüketim toplumu ve tüketim kültürü kavramlarına odaklanmaktadır. Bu kavramların literatürde nasıl tanımlandığına değinerek, karşılaştırmalı bir analizini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu makalede tüketim olgusu... more
This thesis is based on the professional experiences of a small group of transnational Angolan traders known as the Moambeiras, due to their particular method of importing goods: suitcase trading. Considered in Angola as being on the... more
إذا كان الفقيه صاحب الصنعة لا يرى في جمهرة السلع المتداولة بأسًا، ولا يرى في طريقة بيعها شيئًا يُصادِم الشرع، إلا أني قد حرَّمتها على نفسي إذ آمنتُ بحُرمة أي تلاعُبٍ بالإنسان وشهواته. هذا الاختلاف في المنظور لا يرجع إلى عجز وتهافُت الفقيه... more
Torendo-riida: Contemporary Japan Women Lifestyles