Signs and Symbols
Recent papers in Signs and Symbols
This book is dedicated to the great John Deely (d. 2017), a dear friend and colleague whose research in the theory and history of semiotics is unsurpassable. His work is a lasting inspiration for generations of students to come, in... more
Book with numerous chapter concerning warning signs and labels.
In five steps this text tries to convey a semiotic analysis of the phenomenon of ‘live VR music concerts’.Through this paper it becomes clear that the meaning of live music and virtual live music is not always clear. Virtual does not... more
Book contains 59 short research-based article on warnings and associated concept published in the Human Factors Society Annual Meetings.
Because young children lack reading skills, traditional text-based warnings can be rendered ineffective. Pictorials might be an alternative for text to conveying safety-related information. Surprisingly, very little research has been... more
During the past two decades, the body of empirical research on warning design and evaluation has grown. Consequently, there are now basic principles and guidelines addressing warning design (e.g., signal words, color, symbols, and... more
In the last two decades, there has been heightened interest from industry, government and consumers regarding the effectiveness of warnings, and this interest has corresponded with an upsurge of research on the topic. This book provides... more
The apotropaic (warding off and protecting against evil) customs and rites are most probably the earliest in the human culture. Most of the rural customs are held, ever since primeval times, in the time of the year related to crucial... more
The basic goal of safety programmes and hazard analysis is to prevent personal injury and property damage. Warnings, the topic of this chapter, are one of several methods that can be used to defend against hannful outcomes. Warnings may... more
Le cours vidéo sur YouTube : 2. Erving Goffman : une sociologie des interactions centrée sur les signes 2.1. Jouer le jeu ou être hors-jeu (05:18) 2.2. Des individus vulnérables, exposés et alertes... more
Segno e simbolo in Aristotele, 4 dicembre 2014 ore 16.30 in aula S, palazzo Liviano (Padova) nell’ambito dei Seminari del Circolo Glossematico del 2014.
A participatory art project - a growing series of Flash animations with many authors. Every animation shows a relation, a connection, an interaction between two (or more) countries. Each animation starts with a flag and ends with a... more
This chapter introduces several major warning-related concepts. Topics include the plll'poses of warnings and their place in the hazard control hierarchy. The who, what, when and where of warnings are described, followed by a discussion... more
1. Meditation 2 1.1 On the Meditation Practice 3 1.2 Meditation in Eastern Christianity 4 1.3 Hesychasm 4 1.4 Meditation in Medieval Europe: The Sermon of Meister Eckhart 4 1.5 Dream as a State Close to Meditation 5 1.6 Meditation... more
Although traditional linguistic landscape material usually consist of fixed snapshots of text in a given space, this paper will explore a more mobile and temporary form of linguistic landscapes: signs at social protests. The community in... more
The images of the Fish and of the Hamsa hand are two familiar sights that belong to the North-African culture. It is usually believed that they are a form of local amulets. The proposed analysis attempts to trace back these two symbols.... more
A semiotic analysis of a painted portrait by the British artist Marcus Harvey that created an outrage in 1997.
This paper serves as an analysis of Vladimir Nabokov's short story, Signs and Symbols, with regards to its narrator, the concept of "referential mania" and the possible interpretations that the story yields.
It is only in the western recontextualisation of African culture, where everything different from a Eurocentric model is considered art that body marking becomes a cornerstone. Onobrakpeya’s statement that “Body marking is a corner-stone... more
The narrative perspective of a movie provides not only the focus of the narrative information given to the audience, but also size the mediated spatial impressions. The view through the lens of the camera puts the viewers right into the... more
Introduction As soon as we recognise that language is central to culture we are forced to recognise that cultural communication is very much tied up with the use of signs. In what follows, I will try to give some idea of what humans are... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Фредерик Порталь. Египетский символизм и его сравнение с еврейским / Пер. с англ., коммент. и вступ. статья И. А. Ильина; под ред. Б. К. Двинянинова. — СПб.:... more
Umberto Eco (1975; 1985) has invariantly maintained that specular images have no semiosic status, basically because they stand in front rather than instead of an object. In his Kant and the Platypus (1997), Eco returns offering reasons to... more
Symbols are considered as a meaningful semiotic resources that communicate several messages.
This is my chapter titled "One, two, three... one: The edusemiotic self" (UNCORRECTED PROOF only)-- Ch 4 in JUNG, DELEUZE, AND THE PROBLEMATIC WHOLE (Edited by Roderick Main, Christian McMillan, and David Henderson). Review: ‘Jung,... more
I set out to explore colour symbolism in Toni Morrison’s 1970 novel The bluest eye. There is a strong appearance of the colours orange, yellow, white and blue throughout the work that have symbolic connotations and effects which portrays... more
Throughout millennia people have created place from within space by using an array of different types of signs in a multitude of different environments. Signs that can give insights into the very different ways in which ancient people... more
W artykule opisane zostały funkcje kilku najczęściej występujących na mumiach amuletów i elementów przedstawień o charakterze symbolicznym.
The human ability to represent concepts through image-making seems pivotal for enabling the formation of complex cultures. This chapter is concerned with the important but permeable boundaries between and around the categories of ‘art’... more
The aim of this study is to make a stylistic analysis of Vladimir Nabokov’s short story Signs and Symbols (1948). The study uses a qualitative research method to analyze the lexical categories, grammatical features, figures of speech,... more
Данная монография посвящена исследованию роли антропоморфных артефактов в жизни людей и в истории человеческой культуры. Особое внимание уделено «идеологии антропоморфизма», которая позволяет использовать антропоморфные игрушки в целях... more
Ver libro "Diseños mágicos" capítulo 5
Although codes have been readily scrutinized in their literary and visual contexts standing on their own, it is worth examining the recent reappearance of the image as text. As was vital to language systems such as hieroglyphs, as well as... more
The article will demonstrate that the bee was a symbol related to goddess Artemis and how through the cult of the goddess it gradually became the official state and military symbol of Ephesos through a multidisciplinary approach that... more
The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a case study at Olga's Square, Patras.
An intellectual argument that advocates the engagement of Islamic thought, as exemplified by the works of Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-ʿArabi and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, with Western humanities and post-modern philosophy.
This essay examines the societal influence of the North American non-traditional Greek Letter Organizations, and more specifically the societal construction and control exercised by Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs) and Latino... more
Roland Barthes’ Arbeiten zu Zeichen, Kommunikation und Mythos bilden einen der Grundpfeiler für den strukturalistisch-semiologischen Ansatz der Cultural Studies, die die soziale Welt als kulturellen, sozialen oder medialen Text... more