Recent papers in Imagetexts
Loki fandom actively negotiates this potential conflict between character as text (interpretations of Loki by those with textual authority, such as film writers, directors, and actors, and comic artists and authors) and as primarily image... more
This article elucidates the distinct relationship between Frankétienne's spiral writing and Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers' contemporary chaos theory demonstrating that chaos theory is an important paradigm to consider in literary... more
En este artículo se lleva a cabo un ensayo de análisis comparatista entre la fotografía de Alberto García-Alix y la poesía de Jenaro Talens a propósito de la colaboración de ambos autores en el libro Lo que los ojos tienen que decir... more
This article explores the complex nature of Mithriac images, and the important role images have played in the Mithras cult. The rest part of the article reflects upon the role of the Mithraic images. The preference of the visual mode of... more
An adaption of W. J. T. Mitchell's term "imagetext" to explore critical visuality in poetry reading, making, and teaching. An expansion of the term "visual poetry" and an investigation of the possibilities for textimage hybridity. Authors... more