Recent papers in Shoah
Abstract version of an article with the same title published in my book: Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
In his recent prose, Peter Krištúfek repeatedly returns to the traumas of the 20th century. In terms of a literarry treatment of the subjekct of Shoah, it is a typpologically well-known and much used storyline. The basic question that... more
À l'été 1938, Erwin, dix ans et sept mois, séjourne avec ses parents sur les rives du Pruth, avec d'autres vacanciers juifs menacés par ce qui arrive.
"Imme Klages untersucht am Beispiel von Fred Zinnemanns Film The Search, der 1947 u.a. in den Ruinen von Nürnberg gedreht wurde, welche Rolle die jüdischen Kinder als Laienschauspieler und Überlebende der Shoa spielten. In ihrem Beitrag... more
AVOTAYNU Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Fall 2017
Recensione a Jean Améry, "Intellettuale a Auschwitz", Boringhieri, Torino 1987.
Call for Contributions (Edited Volume) and Workshop Announcement Date and time: 12 November 2021 (Tue.), 10:00-17:00 MET (online). Interested scholars may submit abstracts (of up to 250 words) to the organizers ([email protected]) by 30... more
Book by Jan T. Gross and Irene Grudzinska Gross
In occasione della GIORNATA DELLA MEMORIA 27 GENNAIO 2021 L'incontro è volto a ripensare, in occasione della Giornata della memoria, la questione della Shoah in prospettiva interdisciplinare. Il dialogo tra giuristi, storici, filosofi e... more
La questione antropologica è sicuramente uno dei temi più dibattuti all'interno degli studi filosofici attorno all'opera di Primo Levi. L'obbiettivo del presente contributo è quello di offrire una lettura darwiniana del modo in cui lo... more
Frammenti di una vita infranta: il funzionario parlamentare Carlo Finzi dalla Camera ad Auschwitz
"If the international Finance-Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples of the earth once again into a world war, the result will be ...the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." Hitler's speech to the... more
Inscindibile dalle vicende della Germania nazista, la musica scandì l'ascesa e il crollo del regime hitleriano, assumendo un ruolo di preminenza assoluta su tutte le arti. Que-sto libro ne indaga l'intimo intreccio con la politica tedesca... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
"If the international Finance-Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples of the earth once again into a world war, the result will be ...the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." Hitler's speech to the... more
Análisis de la conferencia sobre el holocausto gitano impartida por la catedrática por la Universidad de Sevilla María Sierra, el 16 de abril de 2021. En dicha conferencia se comentó la persecución y los diversos castigos a los que fueron... more
of 2008 and the end of 2015, the percentage of survivors eligible for benefits under the CLTCI Law will decline by only 17%. Under Israel's CLTCI Law, services are provided for the general population of elders with impaired functioning... more
סדרה של תמונות שצולמו - ככל הנראה - כדי לתעד את ההריסה הזדונית בידי הנאצים ועוזריהם של בית הכנסת הגדול והמפואר שנבנה בעיר בעלזא על ידי אבי השלשלת כ"ק מרן מהר"ש זי"ע ונהרס בתקופת המלחמה העולמית השניה Analysis of a series of photographs... more
Troisième roman de Gilles Rozier qui le fait remarquer sur la scène littéraire mondiale, Un amour sans résistance (2003) présente une de ces histoires saisissantes du sauvetage des Juifs persécutés pendant l’Occupation. Le sujet, galvaudé... more
“Credo che Auschwitz chiami in causa il futuro, ancor più del passato”. Eraldo Affinati sancisce così la necessità di rievocare una delle più grandi tragedie del Novecento quale monito per le nuove generazioni, perpetuando l’invito di... more
Per celebrare l’uscita de "L’ultimo viaggio. Il dottor Korczak e i suoi bambini" di Irène Cohen-Janca, illustrato da Maurizio A. C. Quarello le cui tavole sono in mostra in giro per l’ltalia, vi presentiamo il “signordottore” Janusz Korczak
A íntegra do livreto, organizado por mim, que acompanhou o espetáculo poético "...busco por palavras que não existem..." - A poesia polonesa perante o Holocausto e o Seminário "Jan Karski e os Justos entre as Nações do Mundo". O livreto... more
Front page, table of contents and introductory article to an edited volume of a conference at Yad Vashem in December 2010. Includes an introductory article by the editor: 'Beyond "Righteous Among the Nations" and "Altruism": On Rescuers... more
A publication of a Holocaust diary from the Nowogródek ghetto in Western Belarus. The document was written in eloquent Hebrew by an unknown man named Beinish Berkowicz, from April 1942 until January 1943, two weeks before the liquidation... more
Le monde anglophone étudie volontiers la représentation artistique d'événements historiques en fonction de l'appartenance de l'auteur à une génération-et si l'on en croit Gary Weissman de manière croissante depuis les années 1990, du... more
Urdu Playwright and theatre director Afaq Almas is ready with a theatrical dramatization in Urdu of Susan Masotty's English translation of the Diary of Anne Frank. The diary itself is yet to be translated into Urdu, the lingua franca of... more
Zygmunt Bauman jest socjologiem. Lecz na pewno nie w takim sensie, jak Anglia jest wyspą: oto bowiem jego socjologia stanowi punkt wyjścia i nieustającego odniesienia dla intelektualnej wędrówki, podczas której zahacza się jednak o wiele... more
Theodor Adorno‟s statement that to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric exemplifies the artists‟ loss for representational paradigms after the horrors of World War II. This issue is especially relevant when it comes to children‟s... more
À la suite d'Arendt et de Heidegger, le national-socialisme a été réinterprété comme un révélateur de la modernité technicienne au point que l'institution nazie des camps de concentration et d'extermination s'est vue érigée en paradigme... more
Competenze attivate Collaborare e partecipare Sviluppare il pensiero critico e consapevole Discutere e argomentare Acquisire e interpretare l'informazione Impostare un dibattito critico IL TEMA Il 27 gennaio 1945 i sovietici entrarono nel... more