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A historical overview of restitution and repatriation in Western art museums beginning with the foundation of the Louvre during the French Revolution and its growth through looting under Napoleon.
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      Art HistoryMuseumsMuseum and Heritage StudiesRepatriation
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
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      Native American StudiesHuman Rights LawRepatriation (Archaeology)Cultural Repatriation
Drawing on recent interviews of Indian returnees from Burma, this article sheds light on a well-known yet understudied moment of Burma’s postcolonial history, the forced repatriation of Indian communities during the 1960s. The research... more
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      DiasporaIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Forced MigrationBurma Studies
The terms 'return migration' or 're-emigration' deal with the return of the diaspora to the country of origin and are therefore full of nationalistic perspective. These terms can be useful in the case of a diasporic return to the country... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEthnic and Racial StudiesEthnic IdentityDiaspora Studies
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeographyArchaeology
Despite the issue of Italian prisoners of war during the Second World War receiving some significant attention, the fate of those prisoners held by the Yugoslav state has not yet been thoroughly examined. This is largely a consequence of... more
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      Prisoners of WarSecond World War (History)History of YugoslaviaContemporary Italian History and Politics
Le rapatriement des biens culturels à leur communauté d'origine fait aujourd'hui partie des enjeux qui déterminent l'avenir des relations s'établissant entre les musées et les communautés autochtones. es requêtes de ces dernières ne sont... more
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      RepatriationNative Studies
Resumen: El programa RAICES, coordinado por el ministerio argentino de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, tiene dos propósitos: fortalecer la cooperación con investigadores argentinos residentes en el extranjero y promover la... more
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      Professional Career TrendsRepatriationScientific Mobility
Współczesna akcja repatriacyjna jest często porównywana do dwóch fal przyjazdów ze Związku Radzieckiego (1944-1949 i 1955-1959), które odbyły się na mocy umów polsko-radzieckich i objęły prawie dwa miliony osób. Jednak te analogie z kilku... more
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    • Repatriation
The University of Cambridge, Department of History of Art Seminar Series on the theme of 'ART & LAW' will take place every Wednesday from 18 January – 8 March 2017 at 5:00pm in the Department of History of Art, 1-5 Scroope Terrace,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeologyCivil Law
Afghan refugees in Pakistan are a classical example of refugee-war nexus. They have been historically conditioned by wars and internal conflicts inside Afghanistan. The conflict within Afghanistan which has historically conditioned Afghan... more
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      Refugee StudiesAfghanistanIdentity politicsPakistan
The purpose of this chapter is to present, analyse and re-conceptualise the two state based principles relating to different state orders which have traditionally been identified in international law as the determinants of nationality... more
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      Migration StudiesCitizenshipInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyRepatriation
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      International RelationsArmenian StudiesDiasporasGeopolitics
A systematic review of repatriation literature in human resource development (HRD) journals reveals common themes of low motivation to repatriate among expatriates and high rates of repatriation failure in organizations. In addition,... more
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      RepatriationExpatriation and Repatriation
This article begins with an analysis of the problems of ‘physical repatriation’, as I review the case of the return of a First Nations mask to its community of origin. First Nations struggle to fit their concepts of ownership into western... more
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      Cultural RepatriationRepatriationNative American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)Northwest Coast Art
Since the emergence of the Rastafari movement, its members have continuously argued for repatriation 'Back to Africa'. However, not all Rastafarians in the African diaspora seem to aim for repatriation any longer, and prefer to fight... more
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      Black/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesRace and EthnicityRastafari
Since Algeria’s independence from France in 1962 after 132 years of colonial rule (1830–1962), claims and counterclaims for reparations have continually resurfaced in a variety of legal forums and public spaces. A brutal war of... more
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      Archival scienceArchivesAlgerian warLaw of Restitution
[PL] Repatriacja jako znaczący element polskiej polityki migracyjnej zaczyna odgrywać coraz większą rolę w życiu politycznym i społecznym Polski. Niniejsza praca prezentuje najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z tym zjawiskiem, a także... more
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      RepatriationPolskaPoloniaExpatriation and Repatriation
Indigenous objects and texts in museums and archives have long been obscured, if not silenced, by Euro-centric theories that limit conceptions of agency and animacy. Despite having been collected and catalogued as dead, inanimate, or... more
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      Native American StudiesMuseum AnthropologyObject Oriented OntologyRepatriation
New genetic technologies are allowing for innovative applications in archaeology and anthropology, providing new insights into past populations’ origins and interactions, and even identifying close genetic links between ancient peoples... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthicsIndigenous Studies
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      West AfricaInternational Criminal CourtHeritage ConservationUnesco
The Indigenous People of the nordic countries, the Sámi, have historically been subjected to both the colonization of their customary regions (Sápmi) as well as four different nation states assimilation politics. The result of which has... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous PeoplesMuseumsSámi Studies
In this dissertation I explore the experience of Karen refugees living inside a refugee camp along the Thai-Myanmar border in one of the world’s most protracted refugee situations. This research situates displacement within theories of... more
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      AnthropologyRefugee StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyThailand
During World War Two, the idea to create ethnically homogeneous states was thought out by all the governments of the countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe. In their plans of post-war reorganisation, the western powers including... more
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      Romanian HistorySecond World WarDeportationRepatriation
Монография посвящена истории корейского населения Сахалина с начала формирования диаспоры на территории японского губернаторства Карафуто вплоть до современности. Основана на широкой источниковой базе – материалах российских и зарубежных... more
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      Diaspora StudiesRepatriation
In an 1855 treaty at Point Elliot (bǝka’ltiu or Mukilteo, WA) the United States promised Coast Salish nations that they could continue to hunt and fish in their usual and accustomed places in perpetuity; yet logging, stream realignments,... more
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      Native American StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyGreen InfrastructureWater quality
The case of 'Benin Bronzes', 1 an epitome of unsavoury methods of collecting objects by the Western European powers during the period of colonial conquests, has returned to our consciousness yet again over the last couple of years and... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritagePostcolonial StudiesMuseum Education
This chapter explores current practices in restitution and repatriation, concludes that most are adversarial, long-winded and costly, and argues that this runs counter to and impedes the essential purposes of museums. Those museums which... more
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      MuseumsRepatriationReturn and Restitution of Cultural Properties
Afro-Atlantic Legacies is the product of research conducted at Indiana University in 2012 and 2013 with funding from the Brazilian Ministry of Education’s CAPES Foundation. Its primary objective is to give back to the religious... more
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      EthnolinguisticsEthnomusicologyRepatriationAfro-Brazilian religions
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Die vorliegende Monographie ist dem Schicksal von Millionen ukrainischen Bürgern gewidmet, die in den Jahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs zur Zwangsarbeit in das nationalsozialistische Deutschland verschleppt wurden, der Geschichte ihrer... more
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      StatisticsRepatriationHistory of the first postwar years in USSRUkraine in WWII
Sumber daya manusia merupakan bagian penting dari organisasi karena berkaitan dengan kegiatan operasi perusahaan. Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga merupakan kunci untuk lingkungan kerja yang produktif, efektif, dan efisien. Dengan... more
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      Human Resource ManagementCross-Cultural ManagementInternational Human Resource ManagementRepatriation
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      Ukrainian StudiesStalinismRepatriationForced Labor
This article analyzes the studies and projects of population policy elaborated in Romania in the years 1940-1942 concerning the Romanians of Yugoslavia and the territories they inhabited. Yugoslavia (after April 1941, Serbia) was the... more
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      Romanian HistorySerbianEthnic minoritiesSecond World War
In this thesis, the historical development of the Black Reparations Movement in the Caribbean and the US is investigated. This movement has demanded redress, compensation, acknowledgement and reconciliation after Trans-Atlantic slavery,... more
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      Human RightsSlaveryColonialismRastafari
In the context of rising global mobility, managers and policy makers need to understand the complexity of cultural adjustment issues experienced by educational and professional sojourners, taking into account the context-specific nature... more
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      IndonesiaForeign AidAcculturationInternational Higher Education
ii ing and emerging knowledge management approaches. Indigenous knowledge can no longer be considered a raw-resource from which others benefit. Indigenous people are asking for their cultural systems and ways of governing knowledge access... more
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      EthicsIndigenous StudiesIntellectual PropertyResearch Methodology
How authentic are the concepts of the “universal” or “encyclopaedic” museum? A commentary on the idea of the "universal museum" as a myth invented in the 21st century.
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesHeritage Studies
This article introduces issues vital for any discussion of repatriation or restitution of African cultural heritage. It traces the development of a culture of iconoclasm in southern Nigeria beginning in the 1880s and active today. One... more
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      IconoclasmHistory of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsAfrican Art History
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      Gender StudiesConsumerismAmericanizationGender Archaeology
Review Essay
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      Transitional JusticeMuseumsRepatriationReturn and Restitution of Cultural Properties
From: Rapport des experts. Commission Spéciale chargée d’examiner l’état independent du Congo et le passé colonial de la Belgique au Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi, ses consequences et les suites qu’il convient d’y réserver. Chambre des... more
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      Cultural HeritageMuseum Collection historyMuseum and Heritage StudiesRepatriation
A t the end of World War II, approximately 350,000 Polish Jews were still alive. Among the survivors there were about 230,000 who were deported or evacuated to the Soviet Union (the numbers vary slightly depending on the different... more
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      HolocaustPolish JewsRepatriationHistory of Jews In the Soviet Union
Este trabajo tiene dos partes: la primera parte es memorativa, en la que recuerdo las circunstancias de la influencia de Peter Kaulicke en mi aprendizaje de la arqueología peruana y general. Sus enseñanzas fueron fundamentales en mi... more
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      OrganologyCultural Heritage ConservationMusical Instrument TechnologyMuseums and Exhibition Design
Objectives: This article uses craniometric allocation as a platform for discussing the legacy of Samuel G. Morton's collection of crania, the process of racialization, and the value of contextualized biohistoric research perspectives in... more
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      Biological AnthropologyBioarchaeologyCritical Race StudiesRace and Racism
Le politiche migratorie degli ultimi anni in ambito europeo hanno contribuito a ridurre la dimensione del ritorno in quella del rimpatrio, essendo quest’ultima centrale dell’agenda europea di contrasto alla cosiddetta immigrazione... more
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      International MigrationReturn Migrants ReintegrationRepatriationReadmission Agreement
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      MuseumsLegislationMuseusProtection of Cultural Heritage from Illicit Trafficking, Repatriation of Antiquities