Law of Restitution
Recent papers in Law of Restitution
Mit den Begriffen Gedächtnis, Geld und Gesetz wird die Diskussion um das Verhalten der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einen größeren historischen und theoretischen Zusammenhang gestellt. In den hektischen Wendungen der öffentlichen... more
How stolen art is recovered
The paper discusses the history of the English law doctrine according to which the mistake of law (error iuris) is a bar for restitution. The author seeks to analyze the premises of mistake that led to recovery of the payment. Since the... more
This article is about the Latin adage: 'In pari delicto potior est condicio defendentis' ('In the case of equal wrongfulness the defendant has a stronger right'). It provides an exception to the main rule of (Dutch) restitution law,... more
Heritage Matters is a series of edited and single-authored volumes which addresses the whole range of issues that confront the cultural heritage sector as we face the global challenges of the twenty-first century. The series follows the... more
Conference Programme incl. abstracts and speaker affiliations.
This essay challenges the view, held by Peter Birks amongst others, that unjust enrichments and contracts are structurally similar events. They are similar, Birks held, because an unjust enrichment, like a contract, logically determines... more
John Henry Merryman’s influential 1989 article “The Public Interest in Cultural Property” proposed that all decisions about the fate of cultural artifacts should be based on consideration of a property triad of core values: preservation,... more
Since Algeria’s independence from France in 1962 after 132 years of colonial rule (1830–1962), claims and counterclaims for reparations have continually resurfaced in a variety of legal forums and public spaces. A brutal war of... more
An Introduction to the Law of Restitution by Peter Birks changed my view on the doctrine of mistake. First ever extra curricular academic essay. Yet to complete Unjust Enrichment.
A discussion of the question if English law should shift to an absence of basis approach from a critical German perspective. Was published in:in: Restitution of Overpaid Tax, Steven Elliott, Birke Häcker and Charles Mitchell (eds)... more
In Campbell v MGN Ltd, the House of Lords endorsed an expansive interpretation of the breach of confidence action to protect privacy interests. The scope and content of this transformed cause of action have already been subject to... more
El autor realiza un análisis comparativo sobre la tutela restitutoria frente al enriquecimiento injustificado. Sobre el particular, afirma que, en el Código Civil peruano, los distintos supuestos de esta acción no han sido objeto de una... more
It has long been debated whether relief calculated on the basis of what would have been a reasonable fee for the relaxation of a right breached by the defendant is compensatory or whether such relief would be better understood as... more
Il volume è stato pubblicato nell'ambito della ricerca "La moltiplicazione delle fonti del diritto contrattuale tra Europa e Regioni: problemi di completezza, coerenza e forza espansiva delle nuove regole -PRIN 2008". Stampa: Stampatre... more
The Nigerian prisons like the prisons in most developing counties are over flooded with inmates, a majority of whom are awaiting trial/conviction. Many persons who may later be found innocent of the crime(s) alleged spend years in prison... more
1. L'alterità strutturale e funzionale di restituzione e risarcimento. - 2. L'uso di un bene o di un servizio altrui. - 3. Il concorso dell'azione generale di arricchimento senza causa con quella di risarcimento del danno. - 4.La... more
An overall picture of the law of negotiorum gestio and unjustified enrichment in a comparative perspective
The problem of restitution of cultural property is by no means a new one. This study’s aim is to reconstruct the philosophical-legal issues connected with restitution of cultural property by using the tools that philosophy of law... more
Lo que debemos hacer con el enriquecimiento injustificado en el Perú "At the expense of another" "At the expense of another" What we should do about unjustified enrichment in Peru Sergio García Long* Resumen: Resumen: En este trabajo se... more
Commentary on the law of restitution for failure of basis (or failure of consideration) has largely focused on the requirement for a failure of basis to be total rather than partial. Much less attention has been paid to the question of... more
A commentary on the decision of Mance J in Huyton SA v Peter Cremer GMBH & Co [1999] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 620.
Keywords: economic duress, illegitimate pressure, reasonable alternative, causation.
Keywords: economic duress, illegitimate pressure, reasonable alternative, causation.
The paper deals with restitutions after termination of the contract
"Zürich hat sich nicht eine Gewehrpatrone, sondern eine Kanonenkugel in den Fuss geschossen": So kommentiert das Westschweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin «bilan» den Bührle-Skandal in Zürich. Tatsächlich endete die Kommunikationsstrategie von... more
La dottrina italiana ha proposto interpretazioni sempre più aggressivamente critiche nei confronti della sussidiarietà in astratto dell’azione generale di arricchimento senza causa, giungendo a prospettare una sua più o meno radicale... more
This article argues that there are two di¡erent measures of gain-based damages for breach of contract: theWrotham Park measure and the Blake measure. The former is assessed by reference to the objective value of the bene¢t received by the... more
This is a draft version of an article published in the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, [2015] 15(1) OUCLJ 99. It argues that, in order for consistency across the doctrinal categories of tort, contract, and unjust enrichment,... more
A fronte dell’utilizzo abusivo dei dati personali e comportamentali condotto dal titolare e/o responsabile del trattamento in violazione dei doveri di lealtà, correttezza e trasparenza posti dal GDPR 679/2016 attraverso l’elusione o... more
Erinnern und vergessen: Was bedeutet Erinnerungskultur im 21. Jahrhundert. Transkript des Gesprächs mit Dina Wyler (Geschäftsleiterin GRA-Stiftung), Jakob Tanner (Verein Stolpersteine Schweiz) und Heinz Nigg, aufgezeichnet in der Reihe... more
Neither in England, nor in Germany, nor in all Canadian provinces, does the law provide specic rules for the redistribution of property for unmarried cohabitants after the breakdown of their relationship. Instead, courts apply the law of... more
The author seeks to set out a criticism of the alleged innovations brought about by the 1939 Italian law on the ‘Protection of objects of artistic or historical value’. The law came in those years during which Fascist authorities... more
Դատական պրակտիկայում անհիմն հարստացման վերաբերյալ ամենահաճախ վկայակոչվող որոշումներից մեկն է Գասպարյան v Սիմոնյան թիվ ԵԱՔԴ/0455/02/08 գործով վճռաբեկ դատարանի 13.02.2009-ի որոշումը։ Դրա պատճառաբանական մասում առկա են մի շարք էական... more
The Nigerian prisons like the prisons in most developing counties are over flooded with inmates, a majority of whom are awaiting trial/conviction. Many persons who may later be found innocent of the crime(s) alleged spend years in prison... more
In 2018, the Hawai‘i Supreme Court approved a permit granting the construction of a Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) on top of Mauna Kea, a sacred mountain on the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Native Hawaiians raised various legal claims to defend... more
Restitution is a remedy, not a cause of action. It is usually a response to unjust enrichment. The law of restitution covers two different areas – restitution of unjust enrichment where the unjust enrichment is the cause of action and... more