Recent papers in Repatriation
The destruction of Julfa khachkars by Azerbaijani authorities in 2005-2006 at the state level became a stimulus for a unique awakening aimed at the proclamation and dissemination of Jugha classic khachkars. Today, if the number of Julfa... more
This essay shall trace the directions of the changing concepts of legal citizenship in the nation-state of India to eliminate the inherent secularity in the Indian Constitution by tweaking the law in order to render a stereotype towards... more
This study aims to explore relationships between the motives for international mobility and observed mobility patterns. The key motives of 2,608 skilled expatriate New Zealanders were identified as cultural and travel opportunities,... more
The aim of this paper was to examine the application of the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEoI) agreement through the point of view of Economic Analysis of Law Theory. This study used a normative legal method with a statute approach,... more
Achieving “durable solutions” is a central goal of the contemporary refugee regime. Durable solutions are often equated with three routes to resolving displacement—voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement—and the concept... more
En este artículo se presenta una reflexión sobre la exhibición de cuerpos humanos en los museos, discutiendo sus implicancias en las asimetrías de las relaciones de poder y la representación de los Pueblos Indígenas. Para ello, se aborda... more
includes three important steps: departure, working and living abroad, and repatriation. Sending countries have also made great efforts in supporting migrant workers to return home, implementing repatriation support programs and especially... more
Migracja Filipińczyków do Polski odbywa się głównie poprzez agencje pracy i koncentruje się na wyjazdach pracowników kontraktowych. Ten proces wynika z postrzegania Polski jako atrakcyjnego kraju migracji oraz z jej rosnącego w ostatnich... more
Forthcoming from Oxbow Books ***Only £28.50 until publication*** Weben und Gewebe in der Antike: Materialität-Repräsentation-Episteme-Metapoetik By Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer This volume presents 11 papers arranged under the four... more
This article aims to provide an indigenous Māori perspective on the history of scientific investigations, and more recent community collaborations, at an important ancestral Māori site in Aotearoa New Zealand. The first objective is to... more
On the cover: Research under way at the Mira site, Ukraine. Ukrainian and American archaeologists worked together under the direction of Vadim Stepanchuk in 2012 at Mira, a major early Upper Paleolithic site at Zaporizhzhia that yielded... more
Repatriation of refugees is seen as the most durable solution to refugee problems the world over. It is amazing to know that onto this present moment, there are still Liberians and Sierra Leoneans in the Oru Camp, Nigeria who resisted the... more
At the end of WWI, millions of prisoners of war and civilians were displaced across Europe, the South Caucasus, and the Eastern Mediterranean. While many made their way home, genocide, revolution, and post-war instability delayed the... more
Это биобиблиографическое описание 83-х книг по корейской литературе на корейском языке и на ханмуне из библиотеки старейшего отечественного корееведа Л.Р. Концевича, которую он в 2015 г. передал в дар Институту востоковедения РАН. С... more
This article examines the 1931 desegregation case based in Southeast San Diego County, Roberto Alvarez v. Lemon Grove Independent School District, through the lens of the deportation regime. This analysis reveals the ways new pressures... more
Sebuah tulisan dengan penuh harap terhadap proses repatriasi benda-benda bersejarah dari Belanda ke Indonesia.
W raporcie zostały opisane obowiązujące rozwiązania prawne dotyczące zatrudnienia cudzoziemców w Polsce, zdiagnozowane bariery na drodze ku bardziej skutecznej integracji cudzoziemców w polski rynek pracy oraz zaproponowane rekomendacje w... more
More than one million forcefully displaced Myanmar nationals, known as Rohingyas, are currently living in the 34 camps in the Cox's Bazar district in Bangladesh. To reduce the pressure of Rohingyas in Cox's Bazar, the government of... more
The Covid-19 pandemic presented a period of unprecedented uncertainty. The repatriation of South African citizens from Wuhan was a first for the South African government. These special circumstances of risk presented a unique opportunity... more
On repatriation. A work done at the Museum of World Culture, Goteborg 2009, on the collection Niño Corin, a wealth of Bolivian archeological pieces bought by a wealthy Swedish collector in 1970. The report is relevant today over the... more
Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) is the world’s most endangered sea turtle species, and nests primarily on the Gulf of Mexico coast in Mexico. In 1978, a binational project was initiated to form a secondary nesting colony of this... more
Deportations from the Unites States (US) to Mexico increased substantially during the last decade. Considering deportation as a stressful event with potential consequences on mental health, we aimed to (1) estimate the prevalence of... more
The Japanese army’s capture of Hong Kong in December 1941 profoundly shocked the Western world. In Canada, the almost complete destruction of Canadian army forces stationed there and the subsequent 44 months of imprisonment of the... more
With a focus on Sápmi – the transcultural and transnational homeland of the Sámi people – this book presents case studies and theoretical frameworks which explore the ways in which memory institutions such as museums, archives, and... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto * UAM-Xochimilco.
- by Isis SL
- History, Art, Photography, Historia
ESPITE THE TEMPORAL DISTANCE FROM THE END OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC WAR MARKED by the 70th anniversary of Japan's defeat, the war remains 'unfinished business' in the region and in Japan's domestic social and cultural sphere. 1 This article... more
Две главы из мемуаров С.В. Чиркина (1875-1943) «Двадцать лет службы на Востоке. Записки царского дипломата» (Москва: Русский путь, 2006, с. 200-225), связанные со службой автора в Корее в 1911-1914 гг. секретарем русского генерального... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
We examine the long-run effects of forced migration from Eastern Europe into postwar Germany. Existing evidence suggests that displaced individuals are worse off economically, facing a considerably lower income and a higher unemployment... more
An academic foresight paper exploring a future in which museums recognize they are but one stop on a cultural object's journey and returning and object to its community of origin continues its life process.