Religious Life
Recent papers in Religious Life
Articles on Redemptorists in the United States and Canada, including an essay on two confreres who were periti at Vatican II.
The central Middle Ages saw a wave of foundations of convents for women who desired to live the religious life secluded from the material world. In reality, however, convent life was never entirely secluded. Convents maintained relations... more
This paper argues for the essential historical reliability of the account of the community of goods amongst the early believers in Jesus in Jerusalem given in the Acts of the Apostles (2:42–27, 4:32–5:17 and 6:1–6). It summarises some of... more
En este artículo desarrollaremos el tema de la comunión de los santos, que siendo uno de los artículos del credo apostólico y por tanto objeto central de nuestra fe, es sin embargo poco reflexionado a nivel teológico y espiritual, al no... more
La chasteté, comprise comme l’abstinence sexuelle volontaire pour des raisons religieuses, a toujours suscité beaucoup de suspicion. Les récents scandales qui frappent l’Église semblent donner raison à ceux qui y voient un mirage ou une... more
A religious institute or monastery is decreasing in its number of brothers/ sisters and asked: What is the minimum number of brothers/sisters we need in governance in the congregation? Note: The number of brothers or sisters in governance... more
La Congregación para los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica ha venido promoviendo en los últimos años una reflexión sobre el sentido de los bienes temporales en los institutos y sobre los modos para mejorar... more
Esta nota tiene como objeto presentar y comentar la reciente carta circular de la Congregación para los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica Líneas orientativas para la gestión de los bienes en los Institutos... more
Testamento e rinuncia ai beni sono due istituti giuridici previsti dal diritto civile che l’ordinamento canonico assume come legge sussidiaria per regolare la posizione patrimoniale dei religiosi. L’esame del can. 668 ci mostra che i... more
This edition of the journal reflects on the themes of, among others, Religious Superior, Canonical visit, Family apostolate, Authority in Religious life, African intellectual heritage, and Consecrated Life in times of Covid-19 Pandemic.
Análisis de la problemática canónica originada por el cierre de comunidades religiosas y las modificaciones canónicas operadas en Institutos Religiosos, con especial atención al destino de los bienes temporales. Analysis of the canonical... more
Primero. Ya hemos visto que no puede decirse que se trate de un "plus" respecto a la vida bautismal de todo cristiano .
El presente trabajo se acerca a la relación mantenida por San Juan de Ávila con diversas formas de vida consagrada, partiendo de su propia experiencia personal para plantear luego la conciencia que él tiene de la vida regular. La... more
Publilshed as "Discernment with a Little Help from Francis and Clare" in Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference Vol 34 (Fall 2008).
Abbiamo scelto la forma 'honoris gratia' consueta nel mondo accademico, legittimati e motivati, nello spirito di volontariato del nostro Centro, dalla stima e dall’amicizia che da oltre tre decenni ci rendono familiare la singolare... more
Bộ Các Tu Hội Đời Sống Thánh Hiến và Tu Đoàn Tông Đồ đã có những văn bản hướng dẫn việc thành lập một Hội Dòng, Tu Hội đời và Tu Đoàn Tông Đồ, năm 2007. Ở đây xin trình bày thêm về một số quy định giáo luật cơ bản và những kiến thức cần... more
La grave crisis vocacional por la que está pasando la vida religiosa dentro de la Iglesia católica está haciendo surgir, como efecto colateral, la cuestión del destino de un gran número de inmuebles, muchas veces de gran valor histórico... more
Relations between the Czech society and the Church have historically manifest themselves in an extraordinarily dramatic fashion. Author explores the various processes which culminated in Roman Catholicism drastically falling in both... more
This is a history of the Abbey of the Genesee in Piffard, NY. It was founded May 26, 1951.
Este libro tiene el honor de haber sido mandado quemar ('trizar' hoy dia) por el arzobispo cardenal de Madrid, Mons. Antonio Rouco, e orden que mandó ejecutar a la Editorial. En la Iglesia inglesa e irlandesa –la del autor, misionero... more
in Vita religiosa al femminile (secoli XIII-XIV), atti del ventiseiesimo convegno internazionale di studi CISSA (Pistoia, 19-21 maggio 2017), Roma, Viella, 2019, pp. 189-215 [ISBN 978-88-3313-180-1]
La vita religiosa nella storia del cristianesimo un itinerario dalle origini all'età contemporanea a cura di Emmanuel Albano
Arguing from within a Thomistic framework, this paper is a defense of the language and concept of state of perfection as an apt way by which to understand religious. The exposition focuses on the interaction between the virtue of religion... more
This chart names the canons in the Code of Canon Law that accent the similarities and differences between Religious Institutes, Secular Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life. The eleven areas covered in the chart are: 1)... more
International conference held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letter, June 2019
Religious life is a communal way of living in which we share a common experience of community, of spirituality and of mission. In the course of our lives together, we organize ourselves, discern our path and celebrate our lives together.... more
Este artículo presenta unas reflexiones sobre el papel de la caridad, como concepto y como práctica, en la religiosidad laica medieval. Analiza la importancia diferenciada de la caridad entre los siglos VI y XV. Tiene en cuenta la... more
Ellos no son del mundo, pero viven en el mundo… (Jn 17,14)
La Vida Religiosa ha sido considerada clásicamente un «signo escatológico». Unas veces lo fue por el paradigma de la "fuga mundi", otras, por el de la "vita angélica"; en los años 90 por el de «parábola del Reino». En ocasiones –no tan... more
I racconti dell'Antico Testamento, benché non sempre convenientemente frequentati, contengono spunti altrettanto validi e attuali che quelli del Nuovo. Gesù lo ha detto a chiare lettere: «Non uno iota, non un segno passerà, finché tutto... more
Although deaconess life had its place in England from 1861, its growth in terms of numbers of deaconesses was not substantial. The role of the deaconess, though attractive to many religious women and men, was constrained by its perceived... more
There are four stages in the development of an institute of consecrated life or a society of apostolic life: 1) inspiration, 2) association, 3) erection as a diocesan institute/society, and 4) pontifical recognition. This short paper... more
Biblical Foundationsof Religious Vows. An Article by Rev. Dr. Denis Kulandaisamy, Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Mariology in Rome, Italy.
Conferenza data nel 2004, ma dopo quasi 20 anni l'esperienza mostra che rimane ovunque interamente pertinente.
El derecho a la intimidad ha sido reconocido por las principales declaraciones internacionales de derechos humanos. La Iglesia católica ha recogido ha recogido este derecho en el canon 220 del CIC 1983. Este artículo ofrece un comentario... more
Nas últimas décadas a Igreja Católica tem enfrentado as consequências dos abusos sexuais com repercussões a nível mundial. Embora esta instituição milenária tenha demorado em responder com a devida urgência, hoje existem comissões... more
A book review by Johan Bergström-Allen of Bryan Deschamp's edition of John Soreth's "Expositio paraenetica in Regulam Carmelitarum" (Commentary on the Carmelite Rule). Printed in "Medieval Sermon Studies", 61:1 (2017), 81-82.
Uses history to explore the question of women's ministry in the Catholic Church focusing on apostolic religious sisters. This was a talk given to the 2015 annual meeting of vocations directors for Catholic religious institutes in Britain... more
The present paper explores the religious dimension of the Legionary of Christ. The author sets the framework for the conversation bringing to mind some notions of identity, its relationship with memory and the dynamics involved in the... more
Articles on the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help as patroness of Vatican II and early twentieth century letters from abroad.
A short think piece about how the Catholic Church has constructed the history of religious life (in particular for women) and how recent research sheds a fresh light on this history. Written with those considering a vocation to religious... more