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México. Este número se terminó de imprimir el día 18 de marzo del 2019, con un tiraje de 200 ejemplares, impresión digital en papel bond de 90g para los interiores y cartulina de 120g para los forros. Las opiniones expresadas en los... more
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      Eighteenth-Century MusicNueva EspañaNew SpainDevotional music
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      Women's StudiesMendicant OrdersHistory of Southern ItalyNeaples
The author looks at the history, spirituality, and canonical issues of the Beguines who began to surface in the 13th century. In significant ways they are the forerunners of congregations of simple vows which were not formalized until... more
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      Canon LawTheologyCatholic TheologyRoman Catholicism
В предлагаемой статье внимание авторов сосредоточено на анализе женской религиозности в общинах евангельских христиан-баптистов в послевоенный период. Нас интересует вопрос, насколько гендерно детерминированным было распределение... more
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      Soviet HistoryLived ReligionReligious CommunitiesHistory of Baptist and their Identity
This essay explores the production of fine needlework by Italian Renaissance nuns and asks why it has been undervalued in the hierarchy of modern aesthetic categories. Two decades of revisionist scholarship have sought to dismantle the... more
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      Italian StudiesTextilesMaterial Culture StudiesItalian Renaissance Art
A community of sisters was erected as a Public Association of the Faithful over 20 years ago.  The Bishop of the diocese now wants to erect them as a diocesan institute.  This opinion explores the theological and canonical issues.
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      ReligionCanon LawTheology of religious (consecrated) lifeReligious Institutes and Bishops
La vita religiosa nella storia del cristianesimo un itinerario dalle origini all'età contemporanea a cura di Emmanuel Albano
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      Concilio Vaticano IIFemale Religious LifeReligious Life
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Patronage (History)NaplesGothic architectureFemale Patronage
The book represents second collective monograph dedicated to the Friars Minor and Poor Clares double convent in medieval Český Krumlov. The monograph contains fourteen chapters in total dealing mainly with the Český Krumlov female... more
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      Late Middle AgesMonastic StudiesFemale Religious LifeČeský Krumlov
Although deaconess life had its place in England from 1861, its growth in terms of numbers of deaconesses was not substantial. The role of the deaconess, though attractive to many religious women and men, was constrained by its perceived... more
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      Gender HistoryBritish HistoryHistory of NursingNursing history
This is an overview of the IMSSS gathering in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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      Gender StudiesTheologyTransgender StudiesMedieval Studies
Parmi la multitude des nouveaux ordres religieux nés dans le sillage du concile de Trente, les annonciades célestes (dites aussi Monache della Santissima Annunziata ou Monache Turchine) demeurent relativement peu connues, y compris des... more
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      Women's HistoryUrban HistoryReligious congregations and monastic ordersEarly Modern Architecture
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Women
Resumo: Apesar da existência de anteriores estudos, tanto em termos nacionais como regionais, e que demonstram a forte presença de escravos em Évora nos séculos XV e XVI, localizar a população escrava na documentação de instituições... more
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      Monastic StudiesHistory of SlaveryCisterciansPortugal
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
The Český Krumlov Poor Clares Monastery in the Middle Ages and its Visual Culture The Český Krumlov monastic foundation represents a unique case of a double monastery with added third or so called “small cloister” in architectonical and... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval panel paintingPoor ClaresFemale Religious Life
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMonastic Studies
Resumen. En este artículo se ofrece una panorámica general de la expansión de comunidades religiosas femeninas en territorio extremeño desde la Edad Media al inicio del Concilio de Trento, donde se analizan los diferentes modelos de... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryReligious PatronageMendicant Orders
The paper is devoted to the uninstitutional form of the female devotional and religious life widely spread in the diocese of Samogitia (Western Lithuania) in Early Modern Age.
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      Early modern religious historyHistory of DevotionFemale Religious LifeHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.
Nell'ambito di una riflessione sulle origini delle comunità religiose femminili non claustrali, forme femminili di vita religiosa associata quali i beghinaggi nordeuropei o i conservatori posttridentini non sono assimilabili ai collegi di... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryMedieval WomenBeguines
Wobec materialistycznych i hedonistycznych tendencji współczesnej epoki właśnie od osób zakonnych oczekuje się świadectwa całkowitego oddania się Bogu przez wyrzeczenie się spraw doczesnych na znak miłości do Stwórcy i wyboru dóbr... more
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      Christian SpiritualityTheology of religious (consecrated) lifeFemale Religious LifeReligious Life
The essay presents a ‘memorial’ in vernacular, written in the 1440s to be used in the controversy between the monastery of S. Marta in Milan and the domus of S. Marco in Borgovico, near Como. The document, whose transcription is given at... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryVernacularMonasteriesFemale Religious Life
"More honorable than the Cherubim and far more glorious than the Seraphim" is a Byzantine Liturgical description of the Mother of God. Religious strive for holiness. So the best human example of holiness is the Theotokos. This work... more
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      Byzantine LiturgyMarian DevotionsFemale Religious LifeReligious Life
In this article, I examine the specifics of a workspace in one of the Christian Orthodox organizations in Russia. The sisterhood which I analyze represents the interlacement of religious and economic discourses in the workplace. I discuss... more
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      Sociology of ReligionEmotional LabourRussian Orthodox ChurchLabour Studies
L'intention première et l'horizon qui devraient fréquemment émerger en chaque personne, et particulièrement en chaque chrétien, sont ceux du désir de faire la volonté de Dieu. Il ne peut pas y avoir d'aspiration plus profonde et plus... more
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      Dominican HistoryDominican StudiesTheology of religious (consecrated) lifeDominican Order
Since the mid-nineteenth century, Italian female congregations founded in the first decades of the century, in the north of the peninsula arrived in Uruguay. They were: the Figlie di Maria Santissima dell’Orto, the Figlie de Nostra... more
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      Cultural HistoryLatin American StudiesReligious congregations and monastic ordersReligious History
English The twelfth and thirteenth centuries witnessed a remarkable diversification of forms of the vita religiosa, and women were often at the forefront of these developments. Inspired by the gospel, and often open to the participation... more
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      Women's HistoryFemale Religious LifeReligious LifeStoria Delle Donne
Las terciarias franciscanas constituyeron una forma de vida a caballo entre el beaterio y el convento. Estudiamos su implantación en la Andalucía bajomedieval y sus dificultades en los inicios de la Edad Moderna
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryFranciscan StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)
Sub speciali cura Episcopi diocesani. Comentario en torno a la especial relación de cuidado entre un instituto de derecho diocesano y el Obispo diocesano en la Iglesia latina
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      Canon LawAmerican CatholicismCatholic StudiesRoman Catholicism
Português - Quando pensamos na clausura conventual, de imediato nos vêm à mente as histórias de mulheres que, por diversas razões, foram obrigadas por suas famílias a ingressar em casas monásticas. No caso das famílias nobres, havia a... more
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      Women's StudiesPortuguese HistoryAsceticismGender and religion (Women s Studies)
This book is the first to explore the archaeology of female monasticism in medieval Ireland, primarily from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. Nuns are known from history, but this book considers their archaeology and upstanding... more
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      Irish StudiesGender HistoryIrish ArchaeologyArchaeology of churches
Competition for 12 scholarships for young researchers (graduate, PhD and postdoctoral research students) in order to attend the fifth seminar of doctoral studies on the topic of Religious Landscape in Mediterranean Europe. The Landscape,... more
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      Modern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
Z roku na rok spada ilość powołań do życia konsekrowanego. Młodzi ludzie coraz rzadziej decydują się na wybór drogi rad ewangelicznych. Przyczyny tego zjawiska są przeróżne, a proponowane rozwiązania powyższego problemu nie zawsze... more
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      Christian SpiritualityTheology of religious (consecrated) lifeFemale Religious LifeReligious Life
Biografia della beata Elena Valentinis (o de Cavalcanti) da Udine (+ 23 aprile 1458).
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Women
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      Gender StudiesReligious StudiesFemale Religious LifeSubbotniks
À partir du XVIe siècle, les ordres religieux féminins se multiplient, issus tantôt de réformes tantôt de créations nouvelles. Ces projets sont portés principalement par des femmes qui, à la lueur des recherches actuelles, ont fait preuve... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryMonastic ArchitectureReligious architecture
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      Gender StudiesMonasticismFemale Religious Life
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      Gender StudiesMonastic StudiesFemale Religious Life
La rama femenina del Hospital fue singular en el seno de la institución y logró una autonomía y una entidad diferenciadora que se manifestó y consolidó en la afirmación de ele-mentos identitarios. La identidad de las hospita-larias se... more
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      IdentityIdentidadReligiosidad FemeninaFemale Religious Life
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      Gender HistoryGender HistoryCentral European historyCentral European history
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      Gender HistoryGender HistoryCentral European historyCentral European history
This article studies the Memoriale of the St. Agnes Monastery of the Franciscan Tertiary sisters in Perugia. In the Memoriale is the record of the admission, the clothing, the profession, and the death of members of this seventeenth... more
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of Religious WomenFemale Religious LifeFranciscan History
Religious texts addressed to women during the fifteenth century tend to repeat some common content related to female behavior but also to their devotional practices or spirituality. These are texts of diverse nature and origin that... more
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      Women and Gender StudiesMedieval Women and GenderFemale Religious LifeLiterature and Culture In Medieval Spain
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      Anthropology of the BodyCarmelite nunsEarly modern SpainFemale Religious Life
U arhivu Biskupskoga ordinarijata u Dubrovniku nalazi se fond Regularium et Monialium s dragocjenim podacima o dubrovačkim ženskim samostanima i redovnicama za razdoblje od 1651. do 1808. godine. U ovome radu prikazat će se kada je i... more
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      NunsDominican nunneriesNunns HistoryFemale Religious Life
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      Gender StudiesMonasticismFemale Religious Life
John Tauler’s sermon cycle, Sermons and Conferences, represents an important, fourteenth-century voice about the nature and practice of religion in central Europe. Although he is most commonly associated with mysticism, Tauler’s sermon... more
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      Medieval SermonsPenanceFemale Religious Life
Review of Sarah H. Jacoby, Love and Liberation.
Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist
Visionary Sera Khandro. New York: Columbia
University Press 2014, 422 pp., ISBN 9780231147682
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      Gender StudiesTibetan BuddhismWomen and Gender StudiesFemale Religious Life