Female Monasticism
Recent papers in Female Monasticism
The central Middle Ages saw a wave of foundations of convents for women who desired to live the religious life secluded from the material world. In reality, however, convent life was never entirely secluded. Convents maintained relations... more
Es gelten unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, siehe www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com Women's networks -their relations with other women, men, objects and place -were a source of power in various European and neighbouring regions... more
Mill contracts in the estates of the Cistercian convent in Żarnowiec (Świecino 1406, Wierzchucino 1516) In the research into history of cloisters monastic orders, both male and female ones, a significant part is taken by studies... more
Before the end of the thirteenth century, the two Ligurian female monasteries attested in the extant documentation show, albeit in different ways, the influence that the nuns’ natal families tended to exert on the two monastic... more
This articles offers practical guidelines for religious institutes facing decline in an uncertain and changing world. In this difficult but grace-filled time, a community can live today's challenges with the same courage, fidelity and... more
Early Mediaeval monastic rules did not only provide outlines for organizing communities, behavioural norms and disciplinary measures but also aimed at controlling, repressing, and fostering emotions. They developed distinct strategies of... more
This article suggests to view monasticism as a sequence of 'unisex-experiments' and to reflect on the fact that the medieval world developed monastic ideals that were to a large extent applicable equally to women and men. Furthermore, it... more
What do a rnonastery and an airplane have in cornrnon? Both are closed cornmunities; rhere is no way out (at !east after the plane has started). Both are regulaced by rules different from those followed in the world outside. In both cases... more
In the final decade of her life, Hildegard received a letter seeking her counsel and guidance from the abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Maulbronn. He addresses Hildegard as his 'spiritual mother and venerable sister', emphasizing the... more
One of the topics developed by the Clarissan abbess Isabel de Villena in her work "Vita Christi" was the politics. This text is framed in the cultural and political polemic known as "Querelle des Femmes" that was developed in the Late... more
The authorship of the Life of the twelfth-century English holy woman, Christina of Markyate (c. 1096–after 1155), has inspired considerable scholarly speculation. Though the writer never once positively identifies himself in extant... more
Building upon the efforts made by scholars over the past twenty years to enrich our understanding of the vibrancy and sophistication of literary cultures fostered within English communities of women religious during the central Middle... more
The Late Medieval English nun has been portrayed as playing hard and praying softly, either too worldly to care or too poor to be able to. Her art has been ignored or deplored. Past scholarship has claimed that almost no late medieval... more
Klášter sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě se řadil mezi nejvýznamnější církevní instituce v českých zemích. Je známo mnohé z jeho kulturních, politických i hospodářských dějin, ale samotné dějiny kláštera zůstávají stále prakticky neodhaleny.... more
pp., 79 tavv. Nel ciclo della Basilica Superiore di Assisi, tra gli episodi della vita di Francesco, Giotto affrescò anche il famoso colloquio del santo con il crocifisso di S. Damiano, di cui parla Tommaso da Celano nella Vita seconda.... more
L’antico monastero delle Clarisse di San Lodovico e Santa Chiara a Mirandola, accogliendo nei suoi trecento anni di vita le principesse di Casa Pico e le esponenti della nobiltà dello Stato, costituì un centro di vita non solo religiosa... more
https://www.chbeck.de/breitenstein-benediktiner/product/27671842 Ora et labora – bete und arbeite! Das benediktinische Mönchtum hat mit der Verbindung von Askese und tätigem Leben die Kultur Europas geformt. Mirko Breitenstein schildert... more
“Coming Into Our Own,” the second part of the two-part “Remaking of the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha in Transcultural Contexts,” offers internal perspective on how Dhamma and Vinaya studies are brought into and inform bhikkhunīs’ monastic community... more
http://www.earlymedievalmonasticism.org/bibliographymonasticism.htm This bibliography of academic literature on late antique and early medieval monasticism will be updated about twice a year. Please contact me ([email protected]) if... more
Available records, when gathered together, could be seen as suggesting that in the past there have been both bhikkhunis and samaneris in the lands now known as Thailand, from the time of the Aśokan missions of arahants Sona and Uttara to... more
This article concerns four liturgical codices copied in the scriptorium of the Monastery of Alcobaça between the mid-fifteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The late textual additions that concern rituals specific to Cistercian nunneries... more
Attraverso un imponente scavo documentario, questo studio ricostruisce un capitolo quasi sconosciuto della storia di Venezia nell’età medievale, il monachesimo femminile. A partire dagli insediamenti del IX secolo, attraverso le... more
Inventario a cura di: S. Manali Profilo storico Il complesso architettonico di Santa Caterina si trova nel cuore del centro storico di Palermo. Il perimetro dell'area di sedime è delimitato a nord dalla via Vittorio Emanuele, a ovest da... more
Italian scholarship has already underscored the similarities between the royal foundation of St. Salvatore of Brescia and St. Sofia of Benevento, founded by Arechis, duke of Benevento, before 774. However, St. Sofia is still considered... more
This study aims to understand the Monastery of S. Salvador of Vairão after the extinction of religious orders, namely the new uses of the complex, and the construction of the public cemetery. The construction of the cemetery begun in... more
"Jusqu’à présent, les abbayes de moniales cisterciennes qui se multiplièrent en Castille à partir des années 1160 ont souvent été assimilées à la plus puissante d’entre elles, Las Huelgas de Burgos, leur modèle et leur porte-parole... more
This study aims at providing an overview of the everyday life of Russian nuns in Palestine after World War II. This research encompassed the following tasks: to analyze the range of ego-documents available today, characterizing the... more
Riassunto: Viene offerta l'edizione critica della Regola che Urbano IV promulgò per le Clarisse il 18 ottobre 1263. Vengono pubblicati anche altri testi giuridici, emanati dal cardinale protettore dell'Ordine e dal ministro generale (san... more
La présente enquête remet en cause un jugement répandu parmi les historiens des cisterciennes, qui consiste à considérer l'apparition subite des moniales dans les décrets du chapitre général de Cîteaux au début du XIIIe siècle comme un... more
In 1218, Saint Dominic founded in Madrid the second female monastery (after Prouilhe) of the Order of Preachers, and the first in the Iberian Peninsula. Coinciding with the 800th anniversary of the founder's death in 1221, this long... more
M o n a c h e s i m i f e m m i n i l i i n F r i u l i n e l D u e c e n t o [A stampa in Il monachesimo benedettino in Friuli in età patriarcale (Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Udine-Rosazzo, 18-20 novembre 1999), a cura di... more
Medioevo Dottorale. Ricerche in corso e pubblicazioni recenti (seminario dottorale, Università degli Studi di Verona, 4 aprile 2022)
Chiara d'Assisi, Agnese di Boemia, Elisabetta d'Ungheria, Margherita Colonna, Umiliana de' Cerchi, Margherita da Cortona
St. Giulia’s Museum in Brescia preserves a capital that is a veritable rarity in the artistic pro- duction linked to the nunnery, founded by the last Lombard kings and dedicated to Christ the Saviour. On the basis of an iconological... more
St Caesarius, Bishop of Arles, has often been recognized as a powerful evangelizer of Arles and the surrounding countryside, through his promotion of the monastic life and calling the faithful laity to an uncompromising moral standard and... more
La bibliothèque médiévale des cisterciennes castillanes de Cañas était réputée perdue. Cette recherche, menée notamment dans le fonds privé de la communauté et dans la documentation d’époque moderne conservée à l’Archivo Histórico... more
L’article analyse les miniatures de saint Jérôme dans le fonds des manuscrits réalisés sous l’abbatiat d’Étienne Harding, afin de saisir la manière dont ce Père de l’Église est appréhendé dans l’abbaye de Cîteaux. Jérôme s’avère être une... more
Quiroga nº 7, enero-junio 2015, 10-22 · ISSN 2254-7037 Resumen El "giro cultural" de los Estudios Atlánticos ha abierto nuevas perspectivas, situando el género y la religión en el centro de las investigaciones sobre el mundo Atlántico. En... more