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Psalms of lament characteristically include affirmations of trust and sometimes a vow to praise God in the future. This paper questions the motivation behind such vows by looking carefully at whether future praise is conditional on God's... more
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      Laments (Anthropology)Rhetorical CriticismPersuasionBook of Psalms
Testamento e rinuncia ai beni sono due istituti giuridici previsti dal diritto civile che l’ordinamento canonico assume come legge sussidiaria per regolare la posizione patrimoniale dei religiosi. L’esame del can. 668 ci mostra che i... more
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      Canon LawReligious LifeReligious Vows
The treatise Nedarim is published in the Jerusalem Mishnah Series which aims to provide its readers with a reliable text and an accurate translation. As the first complete edition of the Mischnah it passes on the two different versions of... more
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      MishnahReligious Vows
In foro conscientiae Csepregi Zoltán "Az én lelkiismeretem szabad és meg van váltva" Luther és a szerzetesi fogadalom -ben "Szüzességet fogadni nem egyéb-mondta Martinus doktor-, mint elátkozni és kárhoztatni a házasság szent... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesHistory of the ReformationReligious congregations and monastic orders
Local churches in several countries are courting their own problems. There are clamours for reforms from within and without. Specifically referring to some of the latest scandals within the Church in India, the author discusses the thorny... more
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      Religious StudiesCatholic Church HistoryChallenges to Indian ChurchReligious Vows
La critica radicale che Martin Lutero prima, e poi tutti gli altri riformatori mossero ai voti, alla professione, alla vita monastica e più in generale all'idea stessa di una via privilegiata alla perfezione cristianadistinta tanto dallo... more
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      Reformation HistoryMonasticismMartin LutherLorenzo Valla
Religious profession belongs to an interesting list of rites that were for one reason or another ultimately excluded from the list of Seven Sacraments. Although it is not a Sacrament per se, it is very sacramental and emulates almost all... more
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      MonasticismSacramental TheologySacramental Theology and Liturgical StudiesBenedictine Monasticism
Those who are keenly interested in religious life in the Roman Catholic Church may want to understand the exciting experiences behind the religious vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. The vowed life in the Roman Catholic Church is a... more
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      PovertyReligious StudiesPoverty StudiesObedience to authority
After considering different religious communities, two lay women decide to affiliate with a particular religious institute. Over a period of many years, they learn the ways of the institute and actively participate in its life to the... more
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      Canon LawCatholicismCatholic Sisters, Brothers or PriestsReligious Vows
Arguing from within a Thomistic framework, this paper is a defense of the language and concept of state of perfection as an apt way by which to understand religious. The exposition focuses on the interaction between the virtue of religion... more
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      ReligionTheologyVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
Based on the statistics from CARA, there are numerous canonical issues facing institutes and societies in the USA. Similar issues are facing those who live in other countries. This PowerPoint presentation explores those issues by giving... more
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      Canon LawReligious congregations and monastic ordersRoman CatholicismDominicans
The initial presentation to the Michigan Bishops and Religious Superiors focuses on the communal and solitary forms of consecrated life that currently exist in the Code of Canon Law. It also explores an openness to new foundations and... more
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      Canon LawWomen ReligiousRoman CatholicismDominicans
Analysis of the five accounts of the making of a vow in the biblical texts reveals that the essential requirement of returning to the place in which the vow was made finds expression in almost all the cases in the obligations undertaken... more
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      Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern LawAbsalom and AchitophelReligious Vows
This course will examine aspects of gender in the Jewish tradition. Students are expected to develop a sense of the historical evolution of Judaism, and hence an understanding of its plurality. The first half of the course will focus on... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureJewish LawQueer StudiesJewish Studies
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    • Religious Vows
The tale of the generous prince in the versions written, painted, read, told, heard, and viewed among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley is a complicated one, marked both by unique narrative developments and an unexpected convergence... more
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      Gender StudiesRitualNewar BuddhismHimalayan Civilization-Nepal
Biblical Foundationsof Religious Vows. An Article by Rev. Dr. Denis Kulandaisamy, Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Mariology in Rome, Italy.
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      Monastic StudiesReligious congregations and monastic ordersMendicant OrdersReligious Studies
In Syria, there are two dominant scholarly opinions on ritual self-flagellation, which rest on different understandings of health and healing, and which form the topic of the first part of this chapter. The second examines miracle stories... more
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      ReligionMedical SociologyHealth PsychologyAnthropology
O opúsculo Contra doctrinam retrahentium a religione 2 (ou simplesmente Contra retrahentes), escrito entre a Quaresma e o Natal de 1271, em Paris, 3 cuja tradução do capítulo III aqui oferecemos, representa um dos marcos na interpretação... more
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      Adolescent Education (Education)Religious OrdersReligious Vows
Prima facie, St. Benedict’s monasticism and John Calvin’s Geneva don’t seem have anything to do with each other. However, I argue that the Benedictine conversatio morum is present in Calvin’s Geneva that adopted the practice of censura... more
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      SpiritualityReligious ConversionJohn CalvinStability
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      Gift ExchangeGift Giving (Economic Anthropology)Votive practiceHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Image It's NOT that you gave your word.. It's [to] whom (or to what) you give it to is the qualifier and caveat for the inherent virtuous value of your "sacred" word or vow.-From 'The Wild Bunch' (1969). Loyalties based on less than... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyCultural TheoryDeconstructionismNational Loyalties and Identifications
"The present volume offers the translation of tractates Nedarim and Nezirut, accompanied by a rich commentary in form of footnotes; the Hebrew text will be published separately. A very succinct general introduction of one page for each... more
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      ToseftaNaziritesReligious Vows
ABSTRACT This article takes a deep look into the heart and soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and sheds light on her mystical communion with God. It discusses the Saint's impressive private vow of 1942, her momentous inspiration or 'call... more
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      ReligionChristian MysticismMysticismSpirituality & Mysticism
This book review begins by looking at what is transpiring today in religious life within the Catholic Church. It then asks the question: Why would young women want to commit themselves to a vowed life? The book answers that critical... more
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      ReligionCanon LawRoman CatholicismReligious Vows
Le rôle spécifique du dialogue dans l'obéissance religieuse selon la Règle de Saint Benoît
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      ReligionBenedictine nunsReligious StudiesTheology of religious (consecrated) life
dans Ariane Boltanski et Marie Lucie Copete (dir.), L’Église des laïcs. Le sacré en partage (XVIe-XXe siècles), Madrid, Casa de Velasquez, 2021
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      Religious HistoryReligious Vows
Today in religious life, we face an uncertain and changing future. It has become commonplace to say that we do not know where religious life is going. Yet many things are becoming clear. We know that we will be smaller groups and that our... more
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      Canon LawFeminist TheoryMonastic StudiesCommunity
A general insight into cultural-anthropological perspective on the processes of sacralisation of pilgrimage sites we shall concretize through the results of research of vow (ex voto) practices, as non-institutional personal religiosity,... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimageDevotional ShrinesSacralisationReligious Vows
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      HistoryPsychologyPhilosophySocial Sciences
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      Ancient Near Eastern TreatiesOathsReligious Vows
HUMBERT Z ROMANS: Dopis o třech základních řeholních slibech [Humbertus de Romanis: De tribus votis substantialibus religionis], předmluva Bruno Cadoré OP, překlad a poznámky Efrem Jindráček OP, Krystal OP: Praha 2021, 76 pp. [ISBN... more
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      Dominican OrderDominican SpiritualityReligious Vows
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaRabbinic Literature
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      Theology of religious (consecrated) lifeCatholic Religious LifePope FrancisThree Vows
In the Modern Era, devotional practices at sanctuaries in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula left an economic trail associated with fulfilment of promesas or vows, which tended to be local in nature. Behind this devotion or curiosity,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryGalician StudiesChurch HistoryAdministration
Yemin, gelecekte yapılacak ya da yapılmayacak bir davranış ile ilgili olarak kişinin kararlılığını güçlendirmek için değer atfettiği bir varlık adına verdiği sözü ifade etmektedir. Manastır literatüründe ise yemin, en temel anlamıyla... more
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      MonasticismBenedictine MonasticismManastırHıristiyanlık
Vows, dedications and promissory oaths were an important category of language for people in the ancient Mediterranean. Using various formulae, people promised the gods (in the case of vows and dedications), or each other (in the case of... more
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      OathsPromisesReligious Vows
This article analyzes a social and linguistic mechanism -the nederdevised by the authors of the Hebrew Bible. Neder (pl. nedarim) can be translated by the English word "vow" or "pledge" in the religious sense of the term -a person who... more
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      Feminist TheoryLanguages and LinguisticsHebrew BibleRabbinic Literature