Consecrated Life
Recent papers in Consecrated Life
Esta nota tiene como objeto presentar y comentar la reciente carta circular de la Congregación para los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica Líneas orientativas para la gestión de los bienes en los Institutos... more
The focus of this paper is an over-arching comparison of CCEO’s and CIC’s canonical provisions regarding the consecrated life which echoes the work of Jobe Abbas, OFM Conv. It may be deemed as a springboard for a more comprehensive... more
The author looks at the history, spirituality, and canonical issues of the Beguines who began to surface in the 13th century. In significant ways they are the forerunners of congregations of simple vows which were not formalized until... more
The Apostolic Constitution on women’s contemplative life "Vultum Dei quaerere," promulgated by Francis on 29 June 2016, not only reinvigorates the academic, as well as the practical, treatment of the cloister of religious institutes, but... more
SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. A. 1917 Code. B. Specifically Eastern Fontes of Religious Law, and of Canon 570 in Particular. C. Magisterial Development from the Second Vatican Council. D. 1990 CCEO c. 570. 1. Drafting of CCEO canon 570. 2.... more
Penulis merasa perlu mensharingkan sebagai salah satu apresiasi terhadap setiap orang yang merindukan Allah, baik sebagai kebutuhan maupun tujuan hidupnya. Penulis menyadur, mengolah dan menuliskan sharing dari seorang formandi dari... more
The general theme of the present volume of our journal is “Governance in Institutes of Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church in Africa”. The theme was chosen before the Covid19 crisis began in most African countries, including... more
Based on the statistics from CARA, there are numerous canonical issues facing institutes and societies in the USA. Similar issues are facing those who live in other countries. This PowerPoint presentation explores those issues by giving... more
El último Sínodo de los obispos ha devuelto a la juventud el protagonismo que no siempre ha tenido en el seno de la Iglesia. Del mismo modo, tampoco se ha prestado demasiada atención a los miembros más jóvenes de los Institutos de Vida... more
This article addresses the physical and psychological issues that pertain to someone who desires to enter a religious institute.
The goal of the article is to present the Christocentric sources of the consecrated life. Jesus Christ is for all the consecrated people their founder and pattern for the chosen by them form of life. The son of God is indeed the model of... more
" Iron sharpeneth iron " (Prov 27:17): so ends Aquinas in his treatise De perfectione spiritualis vitae. By this, he effectively throws down the gauntlet to the secular priests of the University of Paris who, in an unseemly turf-war, have... more
Il primo canone sulgli Istituti di vita consacrata dichiara che la vita consacrata è una "stabilis vivendi forma". Ciò implica che la dimensione di stabilità è un elemento fondamentale per la vita consacrata. Nonostante ciò poco si è... more
Comment les communautés religieuses se sont frayé une voie dans le protestantisme. Nous partirons de l’attitude de Luther sur le monachisme et les vœux, en passant par les efforts de renaissance des communautés avec le mouvement des... more
The quality of striving for excellence is a very desirable attribute that is often recommended by all for all. While this may well be so, when the chief preoccupation of one's desires, acts and thoughts becomes perfection, one easily... more
Biblical Foundationsof Religious Vows. An Article by Rev. Dr. Denis Kulandaisamy, Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Mariology in Rome, Italy.
A Canonical Review of the Apostolic Visitation of Institutes of Apostolic Women Religious in the US which began in 2008 with a stated purpose of looking into the quality of the life of religious women in the US. In December 2014, the... more
Do osób konsekrowanych w Starym Testamencie należeli: kapłani, prorocy, królowie, nazirejczycy, pierworodni, lewici, poświęcony dla Boga był również cały Izrael. Osoby te tworzyły oddzielne grupy społeczne. Konsekracja zawsze wiązała sią... more
Se trata de la misión misericordiosa de los consagrados.
Sažetak: U članku se predstavlja i komentira, poglavito iz dogmatsko-teološke perspektive, tumačenje odnosa "hijerarhijskih i karizmatskih darova" u dokumentu Iuvenescit ecclesia - pismu, koje je za biskupe objavila Kongregacija za nauk... more
Use of web-conferencing and teleconferencing has greatly increased over the past decades as organizations, including religious institutes, seek to reduce cost, travel time and environmental impact associated with face-to-face meetings.... more
Este trabalho buscou compreender como a vida religiosa consagrada influencia nos modos pelos quais um grupo de Irmãs católicas percebe e vive a doença de Alzheimer. O objetivo foi acompanhar a ontologia múltipla da doença sendo feita, no... more
ABSTRACT This article takes a deep look into the heart and soul of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and sheds light on her mystical communion with God. It discusses the Saint's impressive private vow of 1942, her momentous inspiration or 'call... more
Le rôle spécifique du dialogue dans l'obéissance religieuse selon la Règle de Saint Benoît
Face aux nombreux cas d'abus spirituels et d'abus sexuels commis par des fondateurs de communautés nouvelles ces dernières décennies, le besoin devient urgent d'avoir un document officiel du Dicastère romain de la vie consacrée précisant... more
“Ida and Mother Joan of the Angels: A God-like Camera and Women in Habits” Paweł Pawlikowski’s "Ida" and Jerzy Kawalerowicz’s "Mother Joan of the Angels" portray young nuns in a beautiful, sparsely populated, and oppressive Polish... more
Mnogo se raspravlja, kako među samim redovnicama i u njihovim zajednicama tako i u širem crkvenom krugu, o poslanju i ulozi redovnica u današnjem svijetu. Veće mogućnosti djelovanja s jedne strane, ali i polagano opadanje zvanja s druge... more
This article deals with what canon law states about a married who desires to enter a religious institute. It provides an understanding of the canon and gives the practical details.
The article discusses the history of reforms of American religious sisters initiated by Pius XII and concluded by a joint agreement between the LCWR and the Commissions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The article shows... more
This experience of accompanying different Congregations of Religious Life in times like this is beautiful for me; a time, in which many people wonder if this way of life has a future, and if religious consecration makes sense. I would... more
In this article, I examine the specifics of a workspace in one of the Christian Orthodox organizations in Russia. The sisterhood which I analyze represents the interlacement of religious and economic discourses in the workplace. I discuss... more
Many religious communities are facing the question of diminishment and demise. I would like to offer these reflections to help people assess the hopes for the future. You might consider these reflections as diagnostic tools. This is the... more
The role of Religious life in the contemporary world.
Planteamiento Testimoniar el Reino de Dios y su trascendencia es tarea que incumbe no sólo a los religiosos individual o colectivamente considerados, sino a la comunidad entera. El concepto de Reino no puede ser interpretado sino en... more
In the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), this article analyzes the challenges which the new digital age presents to human beings and, more specifically, to the consecrated life. The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are... more
Community life, along with the practice of the evangelical counsels in imitation of Jesus Christ, is one of the essential elements of religious life. The article discusses the theological sources of the religious community, showing its... more
Many religious communities are facing the question of diminishment and demise. I would like to offer these reflections to help people assess the hopes for the future. You might consider these reflections as diagnostic tools.
Varying expressions of what is called new monasticism can be found in many parts of the world. What is "new" about these movements and what is "monastic?" Have the new monastics captured the essence of renewal and devotion and applied it... more
We introduce a quantum algorithm to compute the market risk of financial derivatives. Previous work has shown that quantum amplitude estimation can accelerate derivative pricing quadratically in the target error and we extend this to a... more
Signore Gesù, invia il tuo Spirito, perché ci aiuti a leggere la Scrittura con lo stesso sguardo, con il quale l'hai letta Tu per i discepoli sulla strada di Emmaus. Con la luce della Parola, scritta nella Bibbia, Tu li aiutasti a... more