Regional newspapers
Recent papers in Regional newspapers
В статье анализируется деятельность информационного бюро, сы- гравшего огромную роль в изменении массового сознания советского народа. Чрезвычайные условия способствовали рождению многих актуальных те- оретических идей.... more
У статті визначаються принципи селекції інформаційних повідомлень інтернет-ЗМІ: майже повна відсутність ексклюзивних джерел, залежність від прес-релізму та гарячих новин, фрагментарність у подачі новин з регіонів. Також укладено рейтинг... more
Purpose: British Capitalism unified India with a centralised administration, network of railways and communication and gave birth to Indian Middle Class which operated amongst the varied linguistic communities at regional, sub-regional... more
In this paper we present all the texts concerning the Katsanochoria villages in Epirus that can be found in the “Φωνή της Ηπείρου” newspaper, which was published weekly in Athens from 1892 till 1915. In the articles one can learn about... more
Growth in the Face of Industry Decline: A Case Study of Le Télégramme, French Regional Newspaper by Philippe Wallez, Université Aix-Marseille, France and JB Lesourd, Professor Emeritus, Aix-Marseille University Abstract The case of Le... more
Due to concentration, in the United States and France, competition is about to be eradicated in the local and metropolitan newspaper industry. The most powerful groups have purchased, and merged outlets, most papers whatever the scale... more
The UK newspaper industry is in a state of flux. Traditional, lucrative, income from print advertising and title sales has declined, in some cases dramatically. The search for alternative revenue from online sources began in earnest a... more
Hypertexts, interactivity and multimedia are the features of the Web. Features like blog, podcast, flash, RSS, hyperlinks and instant messaging has made the designing and delivering news online very innovative. Web features are designed... more
Committee: Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, Professeur à Aix-Marseille Université (Thesis Advisor) - Eli M. Noam, Professor at Columbia University, New-York, USA - Fidélia Ibekwe-Sanjuan, Professor at Aix-Marseille Université - Paulo... more
Збірка містить матеріали про слободу Липці (нині село Харківського р-ну Харківської обл.) та Липецьку волость Харківського повіту (уїзду) Харківської губернії на шпальтах газети «Утро», що видавалась у Харкові впродовж 1906–1916 рр. У... more
Збірка містить матеріали про слободу Липці (нині село Харківського р-ну Харківської обл.) та Липецьку волость Харківського повіту (уїзду) Харківської губернії на шпальтах газети «Южный Край», що видавалась у Харкові впродовж 1880–1919 рр.... more
This paper argues that the local weekly newspaper was the most popular platform for the publishing of history in the 19 th century. This finding, based on quantitative content analysis, has farreaching implications for the history of... more
In writings about the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, most common representations of the press of the wartime period are limited almost exclusively to the Jakarta newspaper Asia Raya and the biweekly illustrated magazine Djawa Baroe. In... more
From the days of the country’s beginnings where resistance to England brought together the founding fathers, to the present day two-party system of Republican versus Democrats, the United States of America was a country founded on... more
The shutdown of two of the oldest Canadian newspapers on the last Friday of January, 2016, was accompanied by mystical coincidences. Not only were the newspapers closed on the same day, but they also illustrated their last front pages in... more
Tesis de la maestría en Ciencias de la comunicación 墨西哥报纸如何报道中国--《劳动报(la jornada)》个案分析(2007全年) Nombre del autor: Jossalberto Briceño Sáenz Número de pasaporte: 06110054608 Número de matrícula: 052013082 Nombre de la Universidad: FUDAN... more
ELTE történelem (Ma)
ELTE történelem (Ma)
Small-market newspapers constitute the majority of newspapers in the United States. What is it like to work at these publications? And what do journalists themselves identify as the fundamental challenges and opportunities for this... more
Too often we tend to hear one single narrative about the state of newspapers in the United States. The newspaper industry is not one sector. While there are considerable variances between the myriad of outlets—whether national titles,... more
Small newspaper article about history of brewing at Ustí nad Labem district.
Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню ролі і місця політичної карикатури у формуванні інформаційного простору на території Чернігівської області в роки Другої світової війни. Аналіз візуальних образів розміщених на сторінках окупаційної преси... more
Too often we tend to hear one single narrative about the state of newspapers in the United States. The newspaper industry is not one sector. While there are considerable variances between the myriad of outlets—whether national titles,... more
This dissertation is a quantitative study with elements of qualitative analysis. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate WHAT was written about Ukraine's independence 1917 in Swedish press 1917–1918. The qualitative part... more
Science communication, once the exclusive preserve of a scientific elite, has not been immune to the growing influence of mass media over society. As mass media becomes the most prominent site of public deliberation over science, multiple... more
Covers February 1982 through March 1992. The Woman's Journal Advocate was published in Lincoln, Nebraska, during this time. The index does not include the final year of the publication.
This article provides a rare account of local media development in post-perestroika Russia by examining Tolon (Ray of Light), an "all-Buriat" newspaper founded in 1989 to serve as an independent media outlet for Buriat readers. Since the... more
Too often we tend to hear one single narrative about the state of newspapers in the United States. The newspaper industry is not one sector. While there are considerable variances between the myriad of outlets — whether national titles,... more
The three New South Wales market towns of Campbelltown, Camden and Picton made up the Macarthur region where several local town-based newspapers emerged in the 1880s. Local newspapers used local history to enable their readers to reflect... more
Britain’s wartime reconstruction plans are considered rightly to be a key milestone in the development of British planning. While some have received a good deal of academic attention others, such as Manchester’s 1945 Plan have been... more
On 20 February 2014, Medway Council in Kent became the first local authority in the UK to formally establish a bloggers’ bench. It offered citizen journalists the fillip of official recognition and equality of access to full council... more
Afin de comprendre les mutations importantes vécues par la presse romande d'aujourd'hui, Alain Clavien, Professeur d'histoire à l'Université de Fribourg, dénoue le fil des changements intervenus dans les processus éditoriaux et... more
One top agenda of union government is to increase India’s share in world tourist arrivals from the present 0.68% to 1% by 2020 and further increase it to 2% by 2025. Therefore, Visa Online (or called e-Tourist Visa) with Electronic Travel... more
In 2016, both Republicans and Democratic Party supporters accused each other of receiving favorable press coverage. We examine stories in a series of newspapers from geographic diverse regions, as well as diversity in endorsements, for... more
Military Camp newspapers from this period are few and far between, reflecting the movement of troops, the availability of soldiers skilled as newspapermen, and the proximity of a usable press. These papers document the continuing flux of... more
Juste avant la publication de Französische Kultur (1930), Curtius écrit à son amie française Catherine Pozzi: «Si j’étais Français, chère Karin, je ne verrais pas la France comme je le fais. Si j’étais Français, je ne serais pas moi.».
Under the title "Wrong Place, Wrong Time", was the story of a woman in Australia, identified by name, whose long hair was "caught in a belt-driven motor" as she was "tramping down wool". "Horrifically, the motor ripped her scalp off from... more
Portale di ricerca sui periodici piemontesi da metà 800 a oggi, realizzato dalla Regione Piemonte e dal Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte, in collaborazione con CSI Piemonte. (on line da aprile 2016) Co-autori del progetto: Domenico... more